It's the random one.

That'll be the beauty blog. 

I do them so rarely as I am not a beauty expert at all.  I also think it's a very subjective topic.  What will work for one person's skin or hair, won't be as effective on someone else.  Or it will be amazing on your and just meh on your mate. 

However all I can is bring you what I find has worked for me.  All these things I have bought, none of them are gifts and all of which I would (and do!) purchase again.  Bizarrely I do get a lot sent to me but nothing has impressed me enough to make me want to buy it again.  

The reason for bringing this today is that Feel Unique have some discounts on which end at midnight today Monday (although there is always usually an offer on if you google Feel Unique discount codes plus I think if you sign up to their newsletter again they send you a discount code).

I've already made my purchase - this.  Starting with what is still my favourite cleanser ever.  And now on offer and in the extra size 200ml pot.  A must buy.  

Emma Hardie Amazing Face Moringa Balm 200ml was £55 now £44

If you're there then you may as well stock up on your mascara.  Over the years I have tried loads and loads but always come back to the Lancome ones.  Any of them are brilliant (well, I've not tried all of them but I seem to always try a different one as I forget which one I bought last time.  Yes I am that stupid and no I'm not that into make up.  They've always all been great).

And it just so happens that I think the best eyeliner is the Lancome pencil.  Unlike other pencils, it doesn't need sharpening after every second day (I am heavy handed with my liner, think Cleopatra Home Counties on the school run) but at the same time, it's not a harsh pencil you need to drag - it does go on super easily.  It also lasts all day, doesn't smudge but is easy to remove.  You do need a pencil sharpener and don't do what I've done on more than one occasion (I'm sure I am the only make up slut here - I will fess up that before I got my most recent Lancome pencil which was free in a GWP, I had been using the Cat Whisker pencil that we got from Claire's Accessories at Halloween.  Like I say, make up really isn't that high on my spending agenda...For future reference though, the Cat Whisker pencil is highly effective and I've used a lot worse.) and try and use a kid's pencil sharpener.  They don't work.  I got my current one from Primark for about £1.

And you handily get a free one (eye liner not sharpener) in this kit which will last you for months, even though it's only a really diddy one (I am liberal - think Claudia Winkleman on speed - with my eyeliner and mine has lasted eons).  Not to mention the lippie and nail varnish too.  Winner.  Plus you should get 5% off if you use the code FEEL5VC. 

Lancome Hypnose Doll Eyes Set £21

The other Lancome gem which is a mainstay of my arsenal is the eye make up remover.  This is an amazing deal (even better if you get your 5% off.  Often, if you sign up for their newsletter they give you a discount code too).  Obviously I have tried cheaper (duh) and for me - who is prone to eczema round her eyes - this is the only one that truly works.

Lancome Limited Edition Bi Facil Eye Make Up Remover £25 for 200 ml (this is usually £21.50 for 125ml..)

My other favourite face cream is from La Roche-Posay which currently has 34% off at Feel Unique.  They do often have discounts at Boots but there's nothing on at the moment.  The one face cream I have bought again and again and again.

La Roche-Posay Redermic Anti Wrinkle Treatment was £29.50 now £19.65

So I recently bought the Pixi Woo Glow tonic and some pad thingies which.. I sort of feel have done not a right lot.  I genuinely can't see any difference at all and have been using them for a week.  They did have mixed reviews on my last (ages ago) beauty post so I thought I'd give them a go as two of my friends also rave about them.  Pah.

However I got this for my birthday (from a friend who works in the beauty industry and tries a lot - she also recommended the Emma Hardie which I am completely addicted to) and used it for the first time last night.  Tingly is not the word.  I would go so far as to say slightly uncomfortable and my face looked rather disturbingly red when I took it off last night after my allotted twenty minutes.  But this morning, the texture of my skin is genuinely improved.  Smooth, clear, bright - I can actually see a difference.  I didn't realise it was quite this costly but... you only need to use it twice a week and you really don't need that much.  I will definitely be buying again.

Codage Micro Peeling Mask £60

Shampoo now and I have a find that I love.  I've been using SLS free shampoos and I've definitely seen a difference in the texture of my hair.  In particular, I've been impressed with a set of products I bought at The Cosmetics Store in Bicester. 

But you needn't traipse all the way there, you can get 15% off at Look Fantastic with the code EUROPE. 

The brand is Ojon and the range that I bought was Damage Reverse.  I bought a trial pack and still have to try the heavy duty conditioning treatment (you got a tiny pot) but I was super impressed with the shampoo and the regular conditioner. 

Ojon Damage Reverse Restorative Shampoo £21 pre discount

This is the regular use conditioner that I was impressed with but do think my hair could do with the "for hair on its last legs" big tub.

Ojon Damage Reverse Restorative Conditioner £23

And the oil which is hands down the best oil I have ever used - much better than any Moroccan oil is the Ojon Rare Blent Oil Total Hair Therapy £12   This is a scarily tiny bottle but you only need the tiniest of amounts.

Onto my Summer fragrances.  I love perfume.  I would love to be that person who just has one signature fragrance but I find if I use the same one day in day out, I can't smell it myself.  Olfactory boredom sets in (even my nose is fickle).

So I vary between a couple at a time.  This year, I've gone back to three favourites which over the years I have had many times and always come back to.  I do try new fragrances occasionally but in my head I have my very own Hall of Fragrance Fame and it takes a real contender to make it in. (yes I need to get out more). 

These are three that my children recognise, the husband likes (he is very fussy and hates anything that smells like "old ladies") and I adore.  They're not what I would call Modern fragrances.  They're not breaking any scent mould, they are classic but to me, all are fresh with a hint of masculinity/woodiness to them.  

Starting with one which I go back to again and again.  It's quite random and very few people recognise it but it's the fragrance that is commented on most often.

Liz Earle Botanical Essence No.1 £49.50  A little goes a long way as it is an Eau de Parfum.  Even though I have no concept of a little.  Think tart's boudoir.

The next two I have been wearing for 10 years.  And pretty much buy a new bottle every year of both of them. 

Diptyque Philosykos Eau de Parfum £95 The ultimate fig fragrance now in an Eau de Parfum which works perfectly for my penchant of being never knowingly under scented.  If you can't smell me from 100 yards away, then something is wrong.

And my ultimate classic - Jo Malone's Lime Basil and Mandarine £85

And my final latest beauty find is a rather random one which is rarely mentioned.  But used far far more widely than I certainly realised.  I'm talking good old Botox.   Yes the dreaded B word.  I was so super nervous at having it (I had it at the end of Jan), but having seen so many friends suddenly look "fresh" as if they'd had a month's holiday and finding out their little secret, I caved.  

I had mine done at home by the amazing (and locally very popular) Dr Ellie Holman Aesthetics.  Either click on the link for details, email or for more details, you can email me on  

How do I find it worked?  It takes fives years off you.  It looks like you've had a week of amazing sleep.  People say you look really well but can't quite put their finger on why.  Until you tell them.  I am breaking all the rules and coming out and saying I've had it and I love it.  And you would be surprised at how many people (I now learn having been honest about it) do have it. 

Why did I try it?  Well after our rather harrowing Christmas break, no amount of water, sleep or Pixi Glow Tonic and peel pads would make any difference.  I needed an instant pick me up and this worked wonders.  I felt and still do feel, so so much better.  Even the husband who rolled his eyes so much when I said I was caving, he looked like a permanent cast member of The Exorcist, admits that it does look good.  I don't know why so many people are so cagey about admitting they have it. 

Will I have it done again?  Yes definitely.  Will I carry on and go too far?  Well, I'd like to think not.   I was so impressed (as I know others have been) with Dr Ellie's honesty (and she herself looks beyond amazing) that I'm confident in not turning into Cat Woman any time soon.  Anyone with any questions, do just email me.

Anyone else a Big B fan?

Finishing with a couple of products I'd love to get your opinion on.  Firstly, the Philip Kingsley Elasticizer.  I have heard people rave about it but I'd love to know if anyone who has truly wild hair has given it a go?

Philip Kingsley Elasticizer £17

I did have an Olaplex treatment which I was impressed with - am just waiting for my colourist to drop off the conditioner which you can use afterwards.  I've only washed my hair twice since I had it done (skank alert) but it's definitely less frizzy.  I'm wondering if you can use the Elasticizer alongside it?

And then I need your recommendations for tinted moisturisers.  I have never worn foundation in my life and every time I have attempted to try one - even a BB cream, it has brought me out in spots.  So I now have the smoothness (thank to the Big B) and the texture (thanks to the Codage micropeel mask) of a 16 yr old's (ish) skin but of course I now want it to be completely blemish free...  I am verging on see through so any sort of blemish is instantly visible. 

I've been looking through the selection at Space NK where they handily have a whole section dedicate to them and just wondered if anyone had any specific recommendations?

The other option is for me to just stick with my old favourite, the Chanel Soleil Identite in Bronze.  Which is nearly always out of stock everywhere.  Managed to locate at House of Fraser for £30 and again at Feel Unique for £30

So there we have my run down of things at the minute that are working for me. 

Let me know of any must haves you're loving at the minute or any you're thinking of trying as I'm sure someone will have some feedback on them.

Outfit from today which is all the relaxed.  It was one of those days where things have gone wrong from the off.  Forgot to put the dishwasher on last night, 11yr old didn't get up in time, left her lunch at home, drove to drop the car off at garage only to find they haven't got the right light fitting (for when I reversed into a wheelie bin and smashed it.  Excellent), friend had offered to drop lunch off for 11yr old at school but bless her, then locked her car keys and the lunch in her car meaning I had to make another lunch and drop it at school (only as she's a coeliac and can't eat normal school lunch otherwise I'd have made her have that.  But it's not fair on the Catering manager if she hasn't had any warning).  And breathe...  Then set off to walk to school to pick the boys up and it started chucking it down.   Is it bedtime yet?


Cream linen jumper - hush
Blush (they say stone, I really think it's blush) cashmere hoodie - Me+Em
Grey Lola joggers - Whistles
Jetstream wedge trainers - Elena Iachi at Russell & Bromley
Onyx leather jacket - hush
Black hands free Harker bag - Anya Hindmarch

So I am still waiting for the DHL man to drop off my sandal order from yesterday.  Not entirely sure why I'm so keen for him to arrive seeing as it snowed here last night... 

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69 comentarios:

  1. I'd love Botox (friend is a dentist and does it privately) but husband (doctor) says 'NO' because he's an expert in all things body innit? :-( I just want a little to stop me scowling at the computer all day (I have a creasy-forehead resting face). Did it hurt? I wonder if I could sneak a little bit in and claim it's the power of make-up...

    I'm with you on the Bi-Facil. Excellent value and goes a long way. My recent love is the L'Occitane foot cream. Softens and soothes, but not so much that I get blisters when running. Smells lush too (not mint!),

    1. It hurt a little bit at the time but no more than injection.. it's more uncomfortable than anything. But after that, absolutely nothing. It's not noticeable enough to know you've had something drastic done... it's just "ooh you're looking good" as opposed to "you're looking tired/knackered etc etc", which is what I was looking like and nothing I did make any difference. To be honest, I'm not sure the husband would have noticed. He still thinks I'm a dick for doing it.

      Bi Facil - there's nothing to beat it, is there? And foot cream. Shit, I need an industrial sander first, then I can start thinking about cream.... That's for when it stays above 10 degrees for more than a week. And I don't wake up with snow on the car...

    2. You've had a horrid year, and if this is the pick-me-up you need to feel like 'you', then it's worth it regardless. Sod the husband ;-) (My eyes roll at mine so much that he likens me to a fruit machine...)

    3. I was slightly more concerned at his TOLD YOU SO had anything gone wrong than the state of my face!! But of course, nothing went wrong. And thank you xxxx

  2. Hi Kat. Love your blog and read it religiously... I'm always in Bluewater and hiding my purchases from the Hubbie! Anyhow, I have to recommend Laura Mercier Illuminating tinted moisturiser.... it's really lightweight and has a great glow to it.... most of my friends & relatives now use it and everyone loves it..... do try it out, with that glow and the B, you will look 30!! x

    1. That's fab as I have some Space NK vouchers so I'd like to be able to get it from there. Is it really really light? I may give that one a go, thank you xxxx

    2. Definitely can vouch for the Laura Mercier and yes it's light. Use over a (light) primer and it's even better. Your blog made me laugh today at 6.30am after a fairly grot day myself yesterday. Let's hope today is better - and that the sandal order arrives for you! (Am after a pair of totally white Stan Smiths this week - hope they will make me look cool and on-trend and not like a granny who has resorted to comfy shoes....we can dream).

    3. Stans are magic shoes. They make everyone look amazing. You will love them I promise!!

  3. Hi Kat.... How refreshing that someone is honest about Botox. I applaud you and you look fab.... Though you looked pretty darn fab before it too. On the tinted moisturiser front, I have tried them all only to find I get home and both husband and teenage son enquire what have I done to my face... Not on the positive side either. However.... I really do rate erborian cc cream from space nk... One colour suits all and not one member of my family have picked up on it! Just looks like a healthy glow. Also just tried dr zelens mascara... Bloody brilliant!

    1. Right, I will try this as well when I'm in Space NK. Thank you xxxxx

  4. Thank you thank you thank you for telling us about the "b" I turn 40 this yr and am desperate for some since growing out a fringe and seeing my number 11 lines for the first time! The lines that I got when my darling mummy was diagnosed with the horrid "c". My hair recently gave up the ghost after years of being hi lighted and I've had to go brunette to give it a break. I've tried the Phillip Kingsley and opalex after treatment and think the PK has made a difference - enough to get some caramel (read bleach!) put in tomorrow!

    1. Go for it. And if you're anywhere in the South East, do get in touch with my Dr who does travel.

      That's interesting - so you think the PK treatment is better? Gotta love the bleach.... The greys are taking over my hair. They're like freaking gremlins.

  5. I swear by morrocan oil, split ends are a thing of the past (I have highlights in shoulder length hair). Not that I always buy the expensive stuff from the hairdressers, it all seems to work equally well on my hair.
    My highlights are getting more ash blond, so the grey isn't quite as noticeable as it's growing out. I am toying more and more with the idea that the grey natural highlights should stay natural!
    Not sure about botox though, but that's just me. Is the 'uncomfortable' like having your eyebrows plucked, or worse?

    1. Problem with my greys is that unless they're coloured they look like pubes. All the gorgeousness right there.

      Ok so the pain - it's slightly more than getting your eyebrows plucked but not on a par with threading your top lip which I maintain is as bad as childbirth. It's like an injection. It hurts but as soon as it's done, the pain stops!

  6. I have just started using Bobbi Brown skin foundation in their lightest shade and love it! Very subtle. I would also put in a vote for Dior Glow maximiser light boosting primer - one of the few products I have bought on repeat (I'm a makeup tart) it can be worn on its own or over a foundation and gives a very flattering glow. Thanks for talking honestly about B, I'm OK with forehead but lines on side of mouth as everything has dropped giving me grief - does it work on those or would I need fillers?

    1. Aha.. I haven't heard of the primer. That sounds interesting. I will have a look.

      Now I am absolutely NO expert but I do think that from what little I do know, lines round the mouth means fillers....

  7. BTW thanks for the link and the codes - just got the Roche Posey and the Lancome - real bargain and extra code worked. My latest mascara is a Nars one and by the end of the day it has flaked all over my moosh so not very impressed

    1. I don't think Nars make up lasts at all.

    2. Their powder blushes are AMAZING and stay put from 8am - 6pm, unbelievable I find.

    3. hmm that's interesting as i've always had the Nars Multiple and didn't find it lasted that long. Maybe I should try the powder blush! Thank you xx

  8. Hi Kat
    Love your blog followed for years. I like you have gone from dark brown to caramel shade (orange if done wrong) due to greys. I have unruly long curly hair and swear by Elasticiser I just put it on then shampoo after, don't bother with an after conditioner. Works wonders. I also bought my first tinted moisturiser last year Bare Minerals Complexion rescue it's wonderful and I notice it's won lots of awards recently! Worth a trial at the beauty counter and they do great starter kits in small sizes too.

    1. In that case I will try it, thank you so so much. Bare Minerals that sounds interesting.. which store did you get it from?

  9. Much like yourself I am useless with any sort of skincare and make-up☺️. i have hideous skin with break outs regularly (unfair at this age!) and find it Impossible to get products for aging and oily skin 😂 My secret Arsenal includes Chantecaille rice cleanser which I have been buying for years (too scared to try anything new!). Moisturiser I am not hooked on anything....about to try the Aurelia as a sample pot was amazing. Hmmmm. As far as make -up I use Laura Mercier oil free tinted moisturiser. I have tried all the others and this is the only one light enough to wear with moisturiser and not give me more spots. I swear by it - lasts for ages too! If anyone has advice I have so,e awful reaction to shampoos and hair products make end scal and neck break out! I have tried so many, and the mild products which are great for my scalp, mean my highlighted hair turns to frizzy breaking straw. Any ideas???? Xxx

    1. I swear I answered this last night.. that's too weird! Firstly I found the Aurelia cream brought me out in spots, so be careful! But I am definitely going to try the Laura Mercier as that has had the most votes!!

      Right - hair wise, have you tried SLS free shampoos? If not, get yourself to Aveda and see what they say - I know they're great for things like this xxx

  10. I have Botox a couple of times a year - but not nec. every year, But if I'm going on holiday and know will be frowning in the sun or a special birthday/party. Doesn't hurt a bit. I'm in my mid-50s and it makes a big difference as it lifts my eyes a little. I have a great Harley Street guy who is honest (about what can be achieved) and gives me a little top up.

    1. Nail on the head. " A little lift". I won't say I'll do it forever but I'm happy with the results I've had this time round.

  11. Hi-jack post! Do you get rubber soles put on your your leather soled shoes? That soft almost suede like sole on expensive shoes stains and marks so quickly.Any thoughts?

    1. Love it! No, I don't. I think it would ruin the look? I just wear them.!!

  12. I admire your honesty about Botox, but it's not for me. Best BB is Chantecaille 'Just Skin' from space NK. It's expensive but lasts all day with beautiful light coverage. The tube lasts me about 6 months. Love your blog and your dog! x

    1. Lots to look at at Space NK thank you so much xxx

  13. I'd get Botox done if I could afford it, 40 this year and gave up the cigs 6 months ago and feel they have taken their toll, no7 eye makeover remover is as gentle as the Lancôme. And cheaper as I've tried both xx

    1. Oh that's interesting - can't remember if i've tried that one, I'll have a look. Thank you xx

  14. Like previous comments, I would recommend Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer too. It comes in a few different formula (oil free, regular, etc.) and is amazingly natural looking but still gives a healthy more even skin tone. Add a bit of blush, and you're good to go. And as always, thanks for your honesty. That's what makes you so refreshing in the blogosphere!

    1. LM is definitely top of the pile with reviews. (although now I'm SO confused about which sort to get... I'm sure they'll be helpful in Space NK though, thank youxxX)

  15. EMMA Hardie is just fabulous, M&S stock it which is a great buy on the 20% promotions!

    1. It is isn't it? But I find it more than slightly irritating when suddenly the 200g pot isn't available during the offer time... hmmmmmm

  16. Hi Kat
    I've followed you for years, really enjoy your blog. I bought the Hush nessa cardi in the sale as I'd seen you wear it often and think it will fit in with my wardrobe really well (it was 60% off too!) Although we don't have the same body shape (I have too much boobage!) I love your clothes and bag reviews, don't always agree and have had a few laughs but if we all looked the same it would be a boring world!
    I love all Lancome mascaras, been using them for years and like you can never remember which one I bought last time so have probably tried them all. I use Bourjois CC cream on my face most days, it gives a light coverage and evens out my skin tone well. It's relatively cheap and you get it in the high street chemist here in Oz. It hasn't given me any breakouts. Worth a look. I'm using the Jo Malone Lime, Basil and Mandarine perfume at the moment too, great in the summer. I mix it up with L'eau d'Issey and Coco. Different mood, different perfume.
    Ive just ordered the Lancome gift set as a little treat for my sister in the UK. Thanks for pointing it out.
    Interesting to hear about your botox experience, I turned 50 last year so it may be in my future, never say never.

  17. Another one for Lancome mascaras, no I can't always remember which one I've used either. I do always get a waterproof one too. Bi-facil is great, but I do sometimes use just vaseline. I know they say it's not great but I'm 45 and have pretty wrinkle free eyes, so I just ignore it!

    I'm due an olaplex soon, when I go lighter. I also have thick, curly, dry hair. My hairdresser sells a fab conditioner by Kevin Murphy called born again that's great for wild, dry hair.

    1. Gosh I can't imagine vaseline to take make up. I'm so feckless I'd worry I wouldn't be able to see for a week as no doubt I'd just get it in my eyes. Moron that I am.....

  18. Instead of a tinted moisturiser give Perricone MD no foundation foundation a go - a good friend recommended it and (it only needs a little) but it gives lovely cover whilst being super light (and has SPF30)

    1. Haven't heard of that - I'll look into it, thank you xxx

  19. I'll have a look, thank you xxx

  20. I have just stocked up on Ojon via Boots as it was on offer, love the difference it has made to my hair especially as past the 50 line it has changed and not for the better. I would have loved Botox but now feel that it is too late, Am looking into the thread facelift though as this seems to be a better option than the full on lift which scares the s**t out of me, it is the dropy jowls and deep set lines from nose to mouth which annoy me. xx

    1. Yes the jowls get me too! I look like a spaniel if I have my resting B face on and catch sight of myself in a mirror......

    2. The Ojon's good isn't it? I'm not *too* droopy yet... might as well keep at bay what I can for the time being!

  21. I am obsessed with Ren... I have their day cream which I adore, but also their dry mist body oil. Smells like Turkish Delight and so lovely on skin post shower. I *also* use it on the ends of my hair if they are looking super dry (I have been off bleach for three years as it wrecked my hair. I just have high lift tint on my dark blonde and white hairs... can thoroughly recommend someone in Bromley - she is the only hairdressed I have known to be HONEST about what style you can/can't have, and sort out my locks when they are so dry that you want to cry/have a crop...). She told me to stop the bleach, and lo and behold hair is back down WAY past my shoulders (it was previosly breaking off at the long bob phase).

    1. Now that's interesting as I've never been that impressed with Ren products. I love the idea and I agree - I ADORE the smell (the Rose Otto Shower wash which I love the smell of but I don't think it's any better than the ones you get free in the Travel Lodge. All the class me....). However I LOVE A dry mist body oil (it's the lazy bastard in me I fear...)

      I've recently found hairdressers who comes to my house - a cutter and a colourist who are Amazing. Although my colour I fear is slightly too light at the moment.. actually it's not, I'm just not used to having to have it done so often and the greys are taking over.. ARGGGGHHHHHHH

    2. Yes those greys *whites in my case*... I remember the exact time I spotted the first one. Approx two weeks after the birth of number 1. Since then it's been rapidly down hill.... And yes, the trendy root look is a thing of the past for me now...

    3. Ooh I'd love the Bromley hairdresser details. I'm local and in between hairdressers... Ta!

    4. Caroline at Jigsaw! It is bromley north, opposite the cinema, Def not swanky, but Caroline is fab and really knows her stuff (only does 3 days), she will also consult if you haven't seen her before, she is honest about what can be achieved, never pushes me to buy products and has saved my hair!

    5. Thanks Harriet! And apologies Kat for briefly hijacking your comments.

    6. Thanks Harriet! And apologies Kat for briefly hijacking your comments.

  22. (Oh, and I don't use the B, but I DO have twice a year gentle microderm... the emphasis being on the gentle. I had it non gentle on the second time and looked sunburnt for four days... that said, once it subsided, the skin looked AWESOME! Just for the few days of odd face-only-red-with-white-patches-round-the-eyes that was the low point...)

    1. An excuse to not be able to leave the house for a couple of days? Now you're talking.....!!

  23. Liz Earle tinted moisturiser was lovely! I use something with a little more coverage in winter but will certainly buy again soon! Came across it as I use their hot cloth cleanser (gorgeous and super reasonable!) and have been equally impressed with the super skin moisturiser! Agenda Damage remedy leave in conditioner is also a must if you have dry or sensitised hair X

    1. I will have a look at that, thank you. I love the fragrance (truly truly love) but I have to say the cleanser didn't agree with me after a while.. it's great for a couple of weeks and then I break out. SOB.

  24. Sorry auto correct.....Aveda damage remedy!!

  25. After a major reaction to eyelash dye I was unable to wear any makeup anywhere on my face for about 6 months . I looked like a Baboushka old granny ! Anyway just wanted to mention that someone mentioned the brand KIKO Milano which has been brilliant . I ve introduced new items very slowly and I haven t reacted to any of its products and it's really reasonably priced . At first I waited weeks for if to arrive from Italy only to be told that there was a new store in Meadowhall . I now feel more human when I leave the house with my new 'face'

    1. Aha - now there's one of them in Bluewater and I've never been in. Well there's an excuse if ever I heard one!

  26. I've just discovered your blog and love it! The only eye make-up remover that I use is Lancome's Bi-Facil too as it's the only thing that really shifts a thick mascara (I tried tinting them but was really underwhelmed by the results). I use a Chanel tinted moisturiser too but it's the Les Beiges and that gives a really nice coverage.

    1. Oh thank you! And great to find another addict who loves full on false lash mascara. "This is a really natural looking one"... well you can put that one back, thank you! I love Chanel make up so I'll have a look at that, thank you x Lots to try! xx

  27. hHi Kat great post, I love Liz Earle perfume too, since my second child I have developed a very annoying allergy to most fragrances, not sure what it is but I go blotchy and itchy, very glam!! My hair is progressively getting wilder too, lets just say my nearly ten year old asked me why I look like Hermione Granger so I think I will try the Ojon products. I'm thinking about going grey after 20 years of colouring but I am wondering if what may be cool sophistication in my mind will in reality look like mad social worker! As I am an SW I really don't want to look like one! Good luck today would have loved to come. Lucy xx

    1. Ha ha ha! Thank you - the evening was lovely. Do also think about the PK Elasticiser, I think I'm going to give that a go too. x

  28. Kat if you're getting LM tinted moisturiser don't get the standard one as it has NO coverage. Try the oil free which I think has most, or Radiance if you just want a glow - you'll see when you try the testers anyway. I just got Bare Minerals Complexion Rescue which is very nice and agree with the Erborian rec above. Nars tinted moisturiser (original, not the new matte one) is always raved about too and has a bit more coverage than most, though I'm yet to try it. x

    1. And this is why it's so confusing! I just wish they did one... that's maybe why the Erborian one appeals (is that just one shade?!)

      Thanks darling - and whilst we're here.. what do you think of the Pk Elasticiser??

  29. Hello Kat, for in between colours try the L'Oreal magic retouch spray. This has been fab on my dark hair for keeping the pesky greys at bay. Donna x

    1. That sounds interesting. thank you! (although how does it work on highlighted hair.... bloody bloody grey pubes!
