
What I wore today and tonight

Happy Saturday everyone!  Hope you've all had a good one.  Ours started with plenty of promise (no hangover, big thumbs up) and a plan to take the 3 rugrats to bowling and then tea at Frankie & Bennie's.  After lunch, headed off in the pouring rain, neglecting to consider that pretty much everyone else with an offspring of an irritating age would have the same cunning plan. 

So bowling first.  Big fail.  Two hour wait.  
Next cinema.  Big fail x2.  Only thing that we could have seen (Journey somewhere allegedly mysterious) sold out.

Seeing as we'd just had lunch, F&B's wasn't going to happen as it would involve carnage, the majority of food on the floor/strewn over the table (bar the ice-creams which clearly they would have made room for) and a horrific bill for the pleasure.

So to prove what a classy family we are, I ended up dragging rugrat 1 and rugrat 2 into Asda whilst the husband played I Spy with rugrat 3 in the car (always interesting when a) he can't spell and b) doesn't really know his colours.   Small one, not the husband, that is)  And came out £70odd later with a Skylanders starter pack and a Mario Olympic game for the Wii.

And finished off with icecream in McDonalds next door.  (Big Mac made large for me though - pure class)

To top it all got soaked.  In

Tobacco Elgar cowl neck dress - All Saints
Distressed biker jean - By Malene Birger
Tan boots - La Redoute (these were bought 5 years ago and I drag them out every year at least a couple of times.  Would love to be able to replace them like for like - on a mission for new ones next year.  Absolutely adore them)
Tan and black snakeskin print scarf - By Malene Birger
Cream sleeveless long cardigan - Joseph
Tan leather cuff - Mulberry
Gold bee necklace - Alex Monroe
Cognac Lily bag - D&G

And out tonight at a 40th Birthday Party!  (Happy Birthday S!)  

Black sequin backless dress - All Saints (I had so many dilemmas over whether or not this was mutton.  But thanks to a lovely friend - thank you C! - we came to the conclusion that I would be seriously pissed off if I looked back in 10 years and hadn't worn it!  I feel very comfortable in it which, I've come to the conclusion, is a big tell as to whether something is mutton.  And the advice of a good friend always helps!)
Black 120 denier opaques - Topshop
Black suede ankle boots - Zara
Black beaded bullet bag - Coast

A close up of the boots which have just done their second year.  A Zara classic - true faithful, will be on the hunt for new ones next year as these ones owe me nothing now.  And yes, clearly I need them that high at 5ft 10 in bare feet........

And gratuitous close ups of the bag as this was a last min purchase this year and absolutely love love it.   And 20% off as well.  

RIght, now off to boogie!!!!!


4 comentarios:

  1. I love that dress, you look amazing in it. Also love the La Redoute boots, shame there five years old they would be perfect for what I'm looking for.

    1. Thank you so much Lauren. Those La Redoute boots are indeed bloody amazing (well they were, they're completely on their last legs. Although a friend did ask a month or so ago if they were vintage. I guess I need to be more imaginative in my descriptions. I shall definitely be after a similar pair for next Autumn so do let me know if you see something that catches your fancy.

      Thanks for posting, looking forward to hopefully chatting again!


  2. The dress looks fabulous, you've made me think I might wear my sequined dress to a party we're going to soon.

    1. Thanks love, and definitely do it. I didn't feel remotely overdressed. I shall definitely be cracking out the sequins all year round and not just at Christmas. Only problem the dress is so distinctive I can't wear it that often. Which sequin dress did you get in the end?

      And lovely to see you here!

