
A wardrobe classic

Ok so it's very easy for me to get whipped up about all the new fashions that are out there.  One of the main reasons I started this blog was as a woman careering towards a time of her life where historically, we've been expected to avoid all things cutting edge and been consigned to the shelf of slippers with pompoms on. 

But one of the great ways of being able to explore more on trend items, it by pairing them with wardrobe classics.

So I was over the moon to be approached by Lands' End and ask if I would participate in a joint effort with some other fantastic bloggers, showcasing some of their wardrobe classics.  


And I was beyond pleased to be sent and asked to review the Milano knit blazer.  I love a blazer.  One can definitely never have too many.  In my opinion, completely iconic.  A must have for every wardrobe.  An item that transcends seasons - fabulous over a light t-shirt in the Spring/Summer and fantastic for layering in the Autumn/Winter.  As well as being an all year round staple, it's the perfect item to dress up or down.  The gorgeous preppy style would look great over a fitted shirt with kick flares and heels for a smarter occasion.  Or for a laid back daytime look, over slouchy jeans, casual linen tee and huge scarf.  Personally my favourite look is pairing the classic blazer with skinnies, knitted top and heeled boots. Or even wedged trainers as I was wearing yesterday. 

I love the fact that the blazer from Lands' End is a knit so immediately much easier to wear than a more traditional blazer fabric.  Perfect for every day casual but with a slightly smarter edge.  

I chose the chestnut colour edged in navy which will work with a myriad of different colours in my wardrobe.  Love it teamed with stripes - I also plan to wear with khaki stripes as well, as well as the new navy and wine coloured jumpers I've recently bought (not too recently... spending ban intact!).  It was a close call though - definitely a toss up between the chestnut or the heather (which is grey edged in navy).  Or the navy itself - a clothing essential which I couldn't live without in my wardrobe and my navy blazer has seen better days.  The Garnet is a dark red as opposed to a wine colour and would be a perfect addition to any Christmas casual outfit.

One of the really useful things about the blazer is that it's not a super fitted style which can only be worn with a very figure hugging top underneath - those sorts of blazers are all well and good in the Spring when you're not needing layers, but in the Winter with more on underneath, if a blazer is too close cut, I end up looking like a sausage bursting out of it's skin.  No thank you - something looser but still fitted is just what you need. 

Here's my take on it yesterday - very much back in my comfort zone 



So here I am with 

Milano Knit blazer in Chestnut - Lands' End 
Navy and white breton top - H&M
Leopard print scarf - Louis Vuitton 
Distressed biker jeans - By Malene Birger
Bea suede wedge trainers - Ash
Sunglasses - Tom Ford

I was actually very surprised to see such a range of items on sale at Lands' End.  It goes to show that it's worth spending time perusing online retailers that you previously had thought weren't your bag.  I had wrongly assumed that they were very much for the more practical amongst us (my kids had their snowsuits when they were babies and they were amazing.  If you are looking for a more weatherproof jacket or coat though, they do have a wide selection)  Error! 

I definitely have my eye on the following:-

The Piped Jacket 

The Tweed Jacket 

Also as another cover up over looser square knit jumpers - the Reversible Tweed Cape looks like it would be super useful. 

Something else which has my name on it and just ideal for layering is the Plain Cashmere Long Sleeved Tee  Fantastic selection of colours.  One for Santa's list.....

The other bloggers who have taken part with me and are in the fantastic illustration above by Natalie Lines are, from left to right 

Ellie from
Amanda from
(me in the middle)
Jen from
and Rachel from

V much looking forward to see what items they had (I think Ellie has the cape and Amanda the tweed jacket, utilising my rusty detective skills) - the reviews should be on their blogs today. 

Finishing with a thank you to Lands' End for introducing me to a site that has some really great wardrobe classics and for sending me the lovely blazer which I will get full use from.  The blazer was set as to me as an item to review & I was commissioned to contribute to the Lands' End outerwear guide.


53 comentarios:

  1. Love the cashmere L/S tee .....but £120 ??? still is is reduced from £140. x

    1. I know - hence it's on a Santa list and I haven't purchased...... Cashmere generally is very expensive no? (one of the reasons I don't have a lot of it in my wardrobe - I am also way too lazy to look after it properly.....)

  2. Interesting! I too had Lands' End pegged for older ladies who like elasticated waistbands etc so good to see a fresh slant on it. Really like the navy blazer - an item of clothing that I do actually need. How did you find sizing? Looking good as always!

    1. They clearly know their traditional market but there are definitely some great bits on there which would fit into a more on trend wardrobe. Sizing I would say, especially in the Milano blazer is big so size down. (and thank you!)

    2. Just following on from the neg comments - I wonder if you'd just worn this as part of an everyday outfit (given that you wear blazers regularly) if it would have drawn so much criticism, I doubt it. I know a lot of people don't like (trust?) sponsored posts and perhaps Lands End too is just too far outside most of your blog readers' comfort zone re fashion/shopping.

  3. Hideous ...obviously paid to write this ! Come on Kat you are better than that !

    1. Hm, I'm sorry I have to agree. That blazer really *is* the look of a middle aged lady with a fun lined fur gillet in her wardrobe. Very ageing and a little bit twee. And I do actually like blazers!

    2. I did mention that I was sent the blazer to review but had I not liked it, I would have said no! I very rarely take commissions and I am offered a fair few - I only accept things that I feel comfortable in wearing - and the blazer is one of them.

      Horses for courses and all that, but I really like it. Love a bit of twee - my inner home counties rearing it's ugly head! I definitely agree that it would depend what you style it with but I personally am happy with the way it looks.

      As I say ad nauseum, wouldn't it be a dull world if we all liked the same thing.

    3. I'm from Marlborough, as middle class as it comes (though not me! lol) and I have to agree, it certainly hits the twee middle classes, but I see that look ad nauseum on the 50 something well turned out ladies wot lunch. Certainly your Lands End brigade. The younger 30s and 40s.... not so much, preferring to keep it sexy and sassy. Far too middle aged frump for me. Sorry!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you - I think the colours are perfect with it.

  5. This really suits you. I think I'd have gone for the cape!


    1. Thank you xxx and yes the cape does look great doesn't it?!

  6. Really horrible ... All of it .. Sorry normally love your blog

    1. Not a problem! Can't please all of the people all of the time xxx

  7. Think you are amazing. Have to say that I agree with others on here, I really don't like the blazer. Like you in your longer coatigans and tops. Keep up your good work.

    1. That's a really lovely thing to say, thank you! Funny as I know some people can't stand the coatigans. Doh!

  8. Wow, some harsh comments above!! I think the problem with Lands End, is that they need you to model for them! I was looking at their pics with one eyebrow slightly raised ... then saw how you had styled it and thought 'oooh, yes!' I love blazers!

    1. Thanks love - yes, it is difficult to get an idea of what it's going to look like in a more on trend wardrobe from the pics online. But I love it in the flesh!!! xxx

  9. Hi Kat

    I follow you blog regularly and have to agree with the above. Dont change your style because a desperate fashion company approaches you !

    Id like to see you in some different styles (not skinny trousers) from the stores you usually go to encourage us to do the same !

    1. Thank you for your comments (and thank you for following the blog!) It's difficult as I actually like the blazer - I think it works really well in my wardrobe and I am to get a lot of wear out of it. Like I said in another comment, I am approached a lot by companies asking me to review products for them - and I turn down nearly all. I don't think it's a change of my style at all - I wear a lot of blazers and think this works well.

      I also love finding new companies that have things to offer. It's a fine line between loving brands but then finding that absolutely everyone is wearing the same things from them - Zara being a case in point. I have worn Zara for years but now everyone seems to be wearing them - I can spot a Zara outfit from a mile off - normally as I've got part of it!

      So getting something that's a bit different is a big plus to me - clearly not everyone feels the same way.

      RE the different style things - this is something that I do mention a lot. Yes I like skinny trousers - they suit me. Other trousers don't. Other dress lengths/styles I find are not suitable for me on a day to day basis. If I were to have an unlimited budget to purchase things (and unlimited space - my wardrobe is Full!!) then clearly I would be able to branch out more. Also if I had a different lifestyle - I do the same things day in day out - school run/work/going out at night - all of which I can wear similar things to.

      I could go on and on but I hope that answers your comments a bit?

      Thank you xxxx

    2. Kats outfit posts often feature a blazer. Not sure what you think is different to her usual style?

  10. Wow. You need really thick skin to be a blogger. I dont think there is anything wrong in taking sponsored posts as long as you say so and as Kat says if she didnt like what was offered, she wouldnt do it.
    Kat must put a lot of effort into writing her posts and it gives us all something to read and chuckle at. I check back regularly waiting for the next post and so I dont see why she shouldnt receive some benefits from this.
    Blazer isnt for me but i think it suits you and is completely in line with your usual style so isnt jarring at all.
    keep up the good work x

  11. Hi Kat
    Love your blog - I cannot "do" skinny jeans as I am a pear shape and they give me carrot legs. However I do like the way you put things together. I have no problem with you doing the odd sponsored link - it's your blog after all. If you started getting all "corporate" then we could always vote with our feet anyway. But I'm not doing to slate for you for accepting the occasional freebie especially if you like it (and you do look good in the blazer)
    I'm not so sure about Lands End as always thought it was where my Mum shopped - but your article has had me perusing the site so mission accomplished - you earnt your blazer.

    BTW - your pic in the sketch is not so good - surely you should be much taller?

  12. Love the blazer and like you, I was surprised at how on-trend some of the Lands' End pieces are. Of course, some I wouldn't personally wear but I could say the same about Zara too! Like the commenter above, I agree that you've made this blazer look 100 times better than the LE website does so a good investment by them! Blogging is time-consuming and unpaid so if you can't get a freebie now and again, why on earth would you bother your backside. Enjoy your new blazer - I know we'll see it on you again as it blends in so well with your wardrobe. Avril x

  13. Looking good - and I love the length of the blazer on you. LE is a bit like Boden - wearers get stereotyped - but I love mixing up my classic Boden with edgier pieces - looking forward to seeing you style it again.

  14. I love the blazer on you - can't see how different it is from your usual jackets (the whistles knitted one for example) so can't understand the negative comments.

  15. Well I think it's a great post....everything looks good on you Kat. I read a lot of fashion blogs because they encourage me to get out of my comfort zone, try new looks and different brands. I can't stand "shoppist " people.....I recently bought a tweed shift from Lands End for work (recommended on Avrils blog) and it has been so fantastic, comfortable, versatile and much nicer on than on the website.

  16. P.s I still haven't recovered from how fabulous you looked at that Italian wedding ( and how small your suitcase was!!!!!!)

  17. Totally agree with the above comment Kat and how could you go wrong wearing a fabulous Louis Vuitton scarf!!Gorgeous styling:)

  18. What's not to love?!! You look amazing, as ever. Love the colour of the blazer on you and teamed with the jeans, wedge trainers, scarf and sunnies it's a great look.From the comments I expected to find you in a Nora Batty outfit - but I have no doubt that you could rock that too! Can I please have your legs?

  19. How big are the sizes? I know it says to size down (not sure about the material, but have been after a contrast piped blazer for ages) but they don't go smaller than a 10! Next time you see them, please tell them to get some smaller sizes on the go... I swear I look bigger than you, Kat -though 3 inches shorter, which may explain it - so would love to know how you got a good fit, given their advice. Thanks in advance

  20. I actually quite like the blazer but the top pocket ruins it a bit. I like the way you have styled it.
    Agree re Zara btw!

  21. Lands end, where style goes to die. Not for me sorry.

  22. If this had not been a sponsored post and you had included the blazer as part of your regular outfit post - I don't think anyone would have said anything apart from "really? from Lands End?" and left it at that. I think you look like yourself in that outfit - it's true to your style and have styled it impeccably.

  23. Forget the blazer, I'm just jealous of you being a townie urbanite and still getting to wear 'proper' dressy up clothes against my uniform of late, wellies!! By the time the lab is walked and hosed down, done steaming herself dry, it's time to hit the village mud (sorry, roads!) once again. Sigh! But as I am here... another none fan.

  24. Oh dear I have to agree with the others this blazer is very frumpy and ageing. U have such amazing style and I absolutely love your blog but this blazer doesn't suit you. I much prefer your edgy cool style that I am always inspired by x

  25. A huge fan of your blog, its my favourite in fact but this blazer is just horrid. Does not look like something you would buy.

  26. I think you have styled the jacket really well and made it look very 'you'. I'm sure as somebody else has mentioned no one would have batted an eye if you had just listed it as a 'Lands End' jacket instead of telling us the story of how you came by it. It made me look at their website as I've never come across this brand before and I guess for Lands End that's what it's all about!! Luckily my 'self imposed shopping ban' will remain in tact as to be fair I'm not so keen on this style of jacket so for once I shan't be charging around the shops stealing your style!Husband is beyond chuffed with you for saving him some money for once!!

  27. I think the jacket just looks wrong on you, too short and it doesn't seem to fit properly in the chest and arm area! You normally wear fantastic jackets but this doesn't look right on you. One of the previous comments says that we are only commenting negatively because we know its a sponsored link, and i think they are bang on! There is no way we would want to offend you! Even the models on the website look strange in this jacket! The cape , however, is lovely! Keep blogging!

  28. Actually I am not really that keen on the jacket compared to your normal ones (just looked back over a few pics) have to say it is not your usual fits like a glove look - the reviews of it on the landsend website aren't great either. You do still look great Kat but not your normal well put together self. I like the jacket style - just think the cut is bad. Would love to see you try boden - have always bought there but recently find it has lost its way.

    1. Noooooo! I love that this is a Boden-free zone!

  29. oh no. no . no no. just wrong, really really wrong.

  30. So, you receive offers like this all the time, turn all of them down, then choose (and as your first sponsored post at that) Lands End...genuinely Kat, why???? Seriously, you normally have such great taste, and the ability to pick great items across a range of price points, but not even you could make this jacket look good. Sorry!

    1. Because I happen to like the blazer. I'm the first to admit as I have done, that the majority of their products I wouldn't wear and it's not an online retailer that I usually frequent. But I happen to think that a couple of their products are pretty good actually. Apologies if it's not your bag!

  31. I think it looks fine, ignore the negative Kat, can't please all the bitches all the time...

  32. honestly i'd say that this posting is not your best look but you still do look good, for me the problem is that the jacket is just a bit meh... neither fitted or not, bit bland in it's look and not totally blending with the wedge boots, i think your top half works but maybe would be better with tan knee high or ankle boots? what i'd love to know if you rated the la redoute channel style jacket you said you'd ordered some time back. haven't noticed it, but how was it? and did you keep it?

  33. If someone comes online with a blog as a styler/personal shopper/wardrobe consultant, then opinions will come. Does not agreeing with a style make them bitches, or does it say more about the poster that decided to call them as such.

  34. Ah come off it, it's just a saying! Opinions are always good, but the way they are expressed sometimes is just rude, and in necessary.

  35. Some very harsh comments about this poor little jacket but I like it also and the way you have styled it is fab, as always and i think you have a similar whistles knitted/jersey blazer already in your wardrobe, that i have seen on your blog.

  36. Pretty much every blog with decent traffic that I read gets free stuff that they write about, ok some might not do it as obvious as this, sometimes a tiny little mention. But hey... If people are offering you free stuff, take it, don't let people make you feel Guilty, it's a perk of blogging. Everyone else is doing it. Willow.

  37. My main issue with the blazer is it doesn't fit you. It's too big, especially on the arms, and you can see the model has the same issue (I would not, sob). If Land's End want to market to younger, slimmer women, good for them, but they really need to sort out the cut. My ex MiL, who's in her late 50s/early 60s, won't be seen dead in Lands End, partly because she is a slim size 10 and stuff simply doesn't fit.

    You've styled it brilliantly, and fair play for monetising the blog.
