
Finally the beginnings of a Wish List

As my tan is fading on a daily basis, so it seems appropriate to bring up the subject of all that is new for A/W13.  Beyond exciting. 

I would like to start with a disclaimer of sounding like a cretin with any fashionista terminology that I may use.  Apologies now.  I overthink these things hugely - at the moment, it's preferable to discussing with The Husband how the 20 different limestone samples we have are differing shades of "grey". 

Clearly we all have lots of A/W clothes that we will (have to) drag out again this year.  But personally I'd like to perhaps branch out in a slightly different direction.  Whether this is me reaching the heady heights of 40 and a sensible air creeping in (god forbid obviously), whether fashion is just moving in analternative direction this season or whether I'm just bored of having worn the same look for the last couple of years - who knows. 

I think I'm going to be more adventurous at combining what I perceive as smart with the more casual.  Along the lines of using a sweatshirt as a dressier top, as opposed to just keeping it for the gym (or jamas).  Hi tops with a smart coat.  Skirts with ankle boots.  Etc.  Like I say, hardly groundbreaking in the fashion stakes but slightly out of my (admittedly safe) comfort zone.   

There are certain things that will definitely be staying.  You shan't be shoehorning me out of my skinny jeans, ankle boots or scarves any time soon.  And my wedge trainers will still be a staple on my trotters (for no other reason than that are ridiculously comfortable). 

But I shall be adding some other things in that will hopefully give the older items I have a newer lease of life.  Don't get me wrong - there is going to be nothing ground breaking about this - I'm 40 and there isn't the hugest amount of scope to break any fashion boundaries here.  

Just a subtle addition of a couple of gems (some of which I've bought and am dying to wear - will go through these next time) which will make getting dressed that little bit more exciting again. 

Starting with a coat.  Yes - you read that right, a coat.  Ok so I do already have a trench coat that is older than one of my kids (and I can't pretend to have very little rugrats anymore) and owes me nothing so a new one can definitely be justified.  Whether that new mac is a Burberry or not - well that depends on what Bicester throws up.  A new one a la full price below ain't going to be on the cards.  Even though it's so so bootiful. 

Burberry Brit Honey Cotton KensingtonTrench Coat - £1095  For the record, I am going to stick my neck on the line and say that I shan't be saving any pennies for leather harems/peg leg trousers.  I may well be eating my words come next season, but for the moment, I'm sticking with closer fitting trousers.  (as much as I do stil love my boyfriend jeans, boyfriend leathers are a step too far for me) 

Again, I have wanted one of these for a couple of seasons now and have made full use of my chocolate brown one from All Saints.  I've never found exactly the right one (well, a Rick Owens one would have worked perfectly had it had a nought less on the price tag of £1500). They've always seemed a bit too hmmm Harley Davidson (they look great on other people but I seem to look like an extra from ZZ Top in them) 

However this I tried on the other day and with the addition of the rose gold hardware - be still my beating heart.  Utterly stunning. 

Black Biker Zip leather jacket - Mint Velvet  £259

Black Polo Neck - this one is a cotton and modal mix from Autograph.  I know people rave about cashmere but honestly I've never ever found any cashmere or really good quality wool that didn't bobble.  Randomly it seems to be the more expensive the item, the more it bobbles.  I've even taken to the dry cleaners and had them debobble stuff but within two wears we're back to bobble hell.  So I'm keen to have a look at something that isn't wool based. 

Dune Trish over the knee boot  £145  Again, yawn, yawn, I've been banging on about these for years.  Never bought any.  I am determined to get some this season.  Lots of research to be done.  A fine line between cool boot and Dandini. 

After my success with getting my legs out this Summer (no I shan't be doing winter shorts), I am determined to get in on the skirt action.  A leather skirt definitely seems like a good idea and with circle skirts being all the rage, I can't wait to try this one on from M&S. (yup - good old Marks).  I fear it may be a random length on me but we'll see.   Also need some thought about what jackets/coats to wear it with, ditto tops (apart from a polo neck) but I think it could work.  

Alternatively a pencil one may be easier to wear.  Not entirely sure how much wear I'm going to get out of this - from me starting my wishlist on holiday, this has slowly descended down into the realms of "nice idea, probably not going to happen...."

M&S Autograph skirt - £149

A wish list wouldn't be a wish list without a bag.  And as all things prim seem to be on the cards this A/W and I"m quite keen to mix the smart with the casual for a more rounded look, I could easily fit this into my wardrobe.  

The new Mulberry Primrose in Deer Brown.  Cost - offensive.  Mulberry - an inflation rate all of their very own. 

Would be rude to only mention one pair of shoes/boots on a wish list so....a new pair of ankle boots/shoots for the evening.  This is a MUST.  I really wanted these last year but didn't get them - they've bought them back this year, at an inflated priced of £40. (clearly working to the same rates of inflation as Mulberry)  Am almost tempted to ignore them on principle. 

Kendrix boots from Sam Edelman 

I'd also like a Mongolian fur collar/scarf. Ideally in a grey/black I think.  But this one would possibly work.  Again something I've been eyeing up for years but have never got round to buying.  Always the way isn't it.  On the other hand this is part of a long list, the majority of which would be complete one hit wonders. 

Mongolian dip dye lapel collar - ASOS £55  Actually this one for real leather is a steal. 

Now obviously that isn't it.  Ha ha ha - don't be daft.  Oodles more to come - most of which I've already managed to snag.  These include shoes (times maybe more than one pair), a skirt (yes a skirt - which I clearly haven't worn yet.  It may still be in the bag) and a coat (ok I "say" coat.  A smidge of artistic licence there).  Oh and trousers.  (not jeans, trousers).  I'm sure there is more - there must be more.  That list seems positively abstemious.  Can't be right.......

So how are you and your comfort zone doing this year?  Happy to still swim there or are you planning on trying anything new?

Finishing with what I've been wearing, whilst I go and do some more A/W research.


Sweatshirt - Zara
Denim cut offs - Ralph Lauren Denim & Supply
Rockafella boots - Russell & Bromley

Out for dinner with the girls 


Scattered petals shirt dress - Whistles
Washed black suede jacket - All Saints
Lace up peep toe ankle boots - LK Bennett
Silver cuff - Banana Republic
Tan De Manta Clutch - Alexander McQueen

Getting a bit chillier...... Refusing to give up on the sandals just yet.


Khaki leopard print jumpsuit - By Malene Birger
Denim jacket - Red Herring at Debenhams
Tan stud sandals - Tesco
Cognac bag - Campomaggi by Plumo
Leather cuff - Hultquist
Leather studded cuff - Warehouse

And almost giving in yesterday - resorted to jeans (as I did on Thursday with my pear drop ones) but still clinging on with a very very old pair of glads from Aldo.


Silky paisley tunic - Zara
Faded straight legs rolled up - Earl
Tan gladiator sandals - Aldo
Cognac bag - Campomaggi from Plumo
Tan belt - Primark

Today I gave up and resorted to my new purchase from Russell & Bromley.  More of that to follow next time, when I'll be going through my essentials for this A/W, that I've already managed to snaffle in the sales.  With hindsight I've done pretty well and have made a really good dent on my A/W wardrobe.  Which is handy considering my not cheap wishlist..!  (it may be not particularly long but I seem to have gone top end heavy)

So - over to you guys.  What are the main items on your agenda for A/W?


30 comentarios:

  1. Long time, good to see you are well.
    Firstly I hate to be an enabler but that leather jacket is fucking fabulous. You need.
    Second, I reckon you could pull off shorts/tights winter look. I love it but don't have the confidence (but am working on that)

    Erm I'm still firmly in summer mode so no thinking about A/W clothes apart from the fact I bought a navy leather bag in the White Stuff sale down from £65 to £29, it has a hint of Mulberry. Well it's the nearest I'm getting to Mulberry anyway! :)

    1. Love a bargain! Hmmm will have a think about the shorts and tights. Not too sure it's me but I'm always more than happy to eat my words. And yes, that jacket is just gorgeous, isn't it. xx

  2. Great list, I can recommend the Burberry my 4Oth present lusted after one for years, I found a 30% discount code for my wardrobe that worked, I was beyond excited and told hubby that was my gift! As for the over knee boots they again are a great investment I ve got the Stuart Weizmann ones yes expensive but will now be entering into their 3rd winter. That was funny when I tried to hide that rather large shopping bag from the other half ......

    1. I'm slightly dreading any 30% offer from my wardrobe at the mo...! Bicester have oodles of them at really gd prices so I think I shall take a chance on that!

  3. P.s I am loving that Mongolian fur collar..... That is going on my list.

  4. Hi Kat, i have a Kate Moss for Topshop long mongolian lamb scarf in black fading to grey that has never been quite right for me! are you sure you don't want to swap your By Malene Birger navy and black wool scarf for this??!!

    1. Ooooh tempting but so sorry , black & navy are going to be my big colours this yr. xx

  5. Bloody hell the Kendrix seem a steal at £40!! They're $200 here and Sam Edelman are American too!!! I thought these reviews on Zappos might help inform you:)

    1. Noooo!!! It's my absolutely appalling English clearly, but I meant that they've been inflated by £40 so are now £220 instead if £180!! God I SO wish they were only $200. Sob sob sob

  6. I've been really eyeing up a/w fash too. I too have started and have acquired 3 coats already. Shoes, skirts and the odd top. Next is jumpers and bags!

    1. It's fab isn't it. Sound like you've made an amazing dent! Definitely jumpers/sweatshirts for me as well xx

  7. I love your list Kat. Need to start work on mine. I need office wear though which isn't inspiring me at the moment :( Marie S

    1. Hmmm office wear - but at least this year, the look is a preppier smarter look which is easy to translate from work into your casual wardrobe. Although I do know lots of people do like to keep them separate. x

  8. I've already bought a jacket, 2 tops, 2 pairs of ankle boots and just ordered 2 bags. Whoops! My list is never ending though and there'll be lots more to come, I'm sure!

    1. Blimey well done you! And yes, it's obviously always a work in progress....

  9. Ps love your shorts and boots look - I so couldn't get away with that! x

    1. Yes I was quite pleased with that! Does involve v regular leg shaving tho...

  10. My A/W wishlist consisted of a grey boatneck slouchy jumper. I bought this one

    It arrived and I thought it looked rubbish until I realised I was wearing the damn thing backwards.

    I need a nice slouchy handbag in some shade of brown and it's probably time to treat myself to a new winter coat unless I can find somewhere to get mine refilled/refluffed.

    1. ooh lovely jumper. Reminds me of the All Saints Elgar ones. And yes, the coat purchase - a love/hate relationship!

  11. Love the jumpsuit, the gladiators and the boots. I've got a similar jumpsuit that I've been itching to wear. I'm inspired now to wear it, seeing yours. It's a great casual look for meeting a friend for lunch or for running errands.

    1. oh excellent! Yes that jumpsuit has been so so useful. Have worn it out in the evenings but it's just as useful for the beach. In its 3rd year now.

  12. Mint velvet jacket with Alexander wang studded bag. Amaze. Can't wait for A/W!! I'm teaming rockafela2 from R&B with long jersey maxi skirts and tough jackets and oversize light knits, plus bright blue skinnies and statement jewellery and a load of new earthy scarves! That's my A/W plan and I've been out and purchases the lot! My other half doesn't need to know I've spent nearly a grand in 3 weeks... "We need a new tumble dryer Carrie" oh..... Are u talking to me?!? :) x

    1. Sounds gorgeous! And yes DEFINITELY a girl after my own heart! xx

  13. Very excited to see the M&S leather circle skirt you posted is identical to a wine-coloured one I bought easily 3 or 4 years ago. Oh and Duo do a good boot that is right up to the knee but not over the knee, could be worth investigating.

    1. Thanks for that - am really looking for one as over the knee as I can get! (which is hard when you've got stupidly out of proportion legs) And your skirt sounds STUNNING. God definitely get that out! x

  14. Ooh I love this time of year. Your choices are gorgeous although not sure about a trench coat - see it as more of a spring than an autumn item. Loving the boots (both pairs), collar and pencil skirt. Not sure about the fuller skirt - think it may swamp you?
    The new season stuff does seem very ladylike which is great for work but not sure how I'll translate it into "home mummy" days. Would love you to do an entry on jumpers - find it really hard to keep warm and look a bit different - beyond bored with classic styles.
    Love the new Zara sweatshirt with jeans and boots but please don't show us the McQueen clutch again - totally gutted that I don't own it too!

    1. ooh no I love a trench coat in the Autumn. And actually if you get a liner for one (and sell a kidney at the same time) they can work quite far into the winter as well - especially if you're in and out as opposed to being outdoors all the time) Love them with a huge scarf (natch..)

      Fuller skirt - I think if I get the right proportions it could work but I fear I may just be too tall.

      Jumpers - yes definitely going to be looking at those but am definitely looking at the modern twist on them. I'm SO over buying good quality wool that looks buggered in 2 years.

      And ahem - apologies about the McQueen clutch. I fear I would probably give up a child before giving that up...! xxxx

  15. Love the jacket, just stunning.
    Just thinking about spring/summer clothes here now, purchased one casual dress for our upcoming US trip, aside from that trying to hold off til we go away. Except for my 11 year old son who suddenly needs a style injection, he is oblivious to fashion and while that is lovely and endearing I fear he may be crossing the line into embarassing!

    1. oh god my kids are SO into their clothes! (The Husband says it's no fricking wonder) We often have a mexican stand off as the now 5 yr old wants to wear this skinny jeans in 30 degree heat. GAH!!!! Trip sounds fabulous. Do you have a wishlist to buy in the US?! xx
