
It would be rude to ignore 25% off no?

So it seems that Dorothy Perkins are having a bumper 25% off week.  Even though I don't have my A/W clothes buying head on (clearly I'm sickening for something, I really should get it looked at) it would be utterly remiss of me not to just check that there's nothing there I can't I live without.  Plus I figure if I do have a look, they may know by the power of all things technical and stop sending me 10 emails a day.   Code is DPFW25

Ok Dotty P's.  I cave.  I looked.  I haven't ordered anything yet (I'm hoping if I type that fast they may not notice and punish me with yet more emails.  It's pretty obvious I have no idea how this technical marketing malarkey works, isn't it?) but I do have till Sunday.  And despite it being 30 degrees today (I'll even venture so far - wash my mouth out - as to say too hot.  The kids and I have been hiding inside since school pickup, they didn't even want to go swimming!) tomorrow it's due to drop 10 degrees in temperature and pour with rain.  Is this Autumn on the horizon?

So there is a high possibility that I will get my clothing mojo back and be bashing the computer keys and the credit card over the weekend.  We have until Sunday night. 

Whilst Dorothy Perkins isn't my usual port of call (although I do still love my coated jeggings from last year - excellent buy and also in their 25% off week I seem to recall - and my wine jumper which was very useful last season but has since relegated itself to the charity bag.  I may have worn it quite a lot.) it's always worth a cheeky look. 

Here are my picks:-

*disclaimer* I haven't seen any of these in the flesh so will be not be held responsible for anything that is crud.  I will of course take full credit if everything is marvellous.  Obviously. 

Firstly a top which I think is perfect for over jeans with a blazer, black biker jacket or (thinking of myself here) jersey one.  Great for work and an easy top to wear out in the evenings as well.  For the end of the summer, would look lovely over white jeans.  Love the pattern and the colours.  

Luxe Blue Print tee -  £24 before discount.

These I have stolen from a wedge boot thread I'm working on as they are too good a bargain now not to throw in here.  Navy and black together - lush.  Would be more lush if they were leather but for £39 before discount, what's not to love?

Navy/Black wedge ankle boots 

Continuing my obsession with all things sweatshirt, if I didn't have a billion jackets burning a hole in my wardrobe, I'd buy this in a heartbeat.  Utter bargain with 25% off. 

Grey Quilted Zip Jacket £35 before discount

I also wonder whether this is worth a look - certainly if the arms are as long as they look.  Probably worth a shot for 25% off £15!  I've been drawn to it every time I've flicked through the site. 

Grey Rib Crew Jumper 

I like it even more in the navy   I'm thinking with straight leg jeans turned up, pumps (I didn't buy those Ash Virgos in the end but they'd look fab with it - however my Virgins will do just as well) and a trench coat (which I still don't have - details schmetails) - Autumn Chic.  Ooh would also work as well with a pea coat.  Lovely (no I don't have one of those either.  Bum) 

Thinking forward to (sorry, I'm going to say it...) Christmas when all things go bling, this is a great little clutch bag.  Personally I'd use it all year round - great to add a bit of edge (sorry - pants expression) to a dressier night out outfit. 

Black Oval Bag - £28 before discount 

With my magpie head still on, there are some fab looking (again don't blame me if these feel like they're from a cracker, although in my experience, these things are normally pretty darn ok.  I shall be ordering to check.....) jewellery pieces. 

Supersize my bling.  All prices pre 25% off.

Jewel Stone necklace  £20

Jewel Stone Bracelet £16.50

Sparkle Pearl Collar Necklace 

Jewel Stone Earrings (these may be my favourite - to go with above bracelet.  Perfect for transforming a plain old tee and jeans) £14.  I lived in mine from Forever 21 last year and these would just add that that bit of colour.  Could do with them for tonight actually. 

For a fiver.  Five Pounds.  Yes, really!  I would wear these during the day.  Thinking forward to polo necks and a pony tail (I will put trousers or a skirt on as well just to add) - these would work a treat.  In the basket. 

Pretty Cut Out Drop Earrings - £5

So have you managed to find anything at Dorothy Perkins you can't live without?  I shall be placing a cheeky order on Saturday and we'll see what it's like in the flesh.

Finishing with the final week of the school holidays and what a fabulous result with the weather.   I am however, so over my summer clothes, it's beyond ridiculous.  Which is pretty evident in these photographs as I'm looking slightly on the beyond it side.  That and the summer holidays which have clearly ruined me!  I have been nowhere this week more exciting than hanging out with the kids at a nearby pool, enjoying the sunshine and doing absolutely diddly squat.  Limping towards the end of the week.  I may have given up......


Snake print top - All Saints
Chalk shorts - All Saints
Tan suede stud sandals - Primark


Khaki and black leopard print jumpsuit - By Malene Birger
Tan gladiator sandals - Aldo
Tan studded cuff - Warehouse 


Black and white paint effect jumpsuit - M&S
Black Diego bag - Alexander Wang
Hat - TK Maxx
Black flip flops - Primark

Tomorrow, I'm off to Victoria.  A date with the passport office.  I may be going to Italy next weekend and I may have neglected to remember that something runs out on Thursday.... Nothing like leaving it till the last minute. 


16 comentarios:

  1. Looks like a quick look at Dotty P's is on the cards in the next few days?!! Got the 25% off card from this months Elle magazine, and about to have a little splurge there too! These stores are so worth investigating for some great purchases, to add to your wardrobe! Wore a black RI dress yesterday, with Malene Birger jacket, and it was the River Island £14.99 dress that everybody commented on and wanted to know where it was from, the jacket didn't get a look in!! xx

    1. Completely and utterly agree! They may not last forever but for a one season wonder, they're just great. x

  2. You look so pretty in the pic with the leopard print jumpsuit, really perfect.

  3. I agree that blue print t-shirt would be super useful- it would work great with pencil skirts as well.I have a similar one (NZ designer) in blue and black which has been a great addition but the white in it just adds even more versatility.

    1. Yup yup and yup! I have a khaki black and navy one which I love. x

  4. I love that jacket.....want one!!!! xx

    1. Lovely isn't it. I am on a complete jacket buying ban so can I live vicariously through you?! x

  5. I've the blue print tee in my basket and would you believe I also had the navy of that Rib Crew Jumper until I went to look at it earlier and it's sold out in a ten... grrrr!! Just thought it would be really handy with, as you say, straight leg jeans and my cons. Haven't ventured into the Ash field yet. I'll keep an eye on it. I bought boots off DP this week so have already paid the €6 postage to Ireland... I've emailed them to see if they'll give me a code for free postage to Ireland for the rest of my bag.

    what are my chances?!

  6. The jacket is fab, I love it in the nude/peach option too and almost got it today with 30% but then restrained myself with the fact I have zero cash for clothes. I do, however have a BHS voucher...and they now have a DP concession so I might go back...

  7. I caved and ordered the navy boots, had them on my last post and couldn't stop thinking about them, and when I seen there was 25% off I was in like a shot!! DP have some great little pieces, have a few gems from there in my wardrobe! Ps. V jealous of your 30 degree heat, I'm currently nursing a cold after getting a foundering this wk! Xx

    1. Well love, it's been pissing down here and I know have the heating on. That'll serve me right eh?!! Jackets, scarves and boots from here on in x

  8. I've also been victim to the countless emails but I'm so skint its not funny! International relocation is so bad for your bank balance! Have promised Hubs no spending until as least one of us is employed! I hope its him so I can spend all day shopping! ;) I love the printed T-Shirt & the jumper is fab! Your leopard print jumpsuit is gorgeous! Ax

    1. Thank you - I've had it for 3 years, was such a great buy. Will be dragging it out next year as well! x
