
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.

I need to think about lovely pretty things as I have had an ugly day.  An afternoon spent at the Genius Bar (ok so "only" two hours but when you have school pick up at 3.15, that is a whole afternoon) which I had anticipated would take about 10 mins (clearly I could see the error of my ways when they kept me waiting for 40 mins to start with.)  I then had the dubious pleasure of being pontificated to by the most patronising Apple bod ever.  I appreciate I am not the most technical of individuals but to be spoken to like I was a total moron did actually reduce me to tears.  And still I have no phone.  But apparently downloading IOS7 has had no impact at all on my now totally knackered phone.  Despite it working prior to downloading and dying on its arse once it was installed.  However I digress (but I did feel better getting it off my chest - thanking you kindly.  Even though I have a phone which doesn't actually work now.  Details schmetails) 

Now I had planned on focussing on my mission of finding a stylish waterproof jacket.  Without wanting to depress anyone further after my ridiculous Apple rant (apologies again) I shall move swiftly on and save this gem for another day (don't hold your breath though - there is no easy solution to this perennial problem) 

I had about 10 mins of whistle stop window shopping and of course did manage to find a couple of gems which definitely make it to my Favourite Things list.  Items that brought a smile to my face and cheered me up.  Were I in the market for a new bag (clearly I may be subliminally as I can't stop looking at them and lovely ones keep jumping in front of my face) these would be making the short list.  

I know we're possibly on bag overload at the moment but, like I said, it's Christmas coming up and there are lists to be made. 

And anything to take my mind of my blasted, non functioning piece of tut phone. 

Starting with a little gem from Mint Velvet.  The most gorgeous buttery leather in a fabulous pale tan/nude shade.  Mint Velvet bags really don't photograph that well and the detailing is so much more evident in the flesh.  Great bags for the money.

Mint Velvet zip Detail bag in Nude £119  This would definitely work as a cross body bag.  They also do it apparently in a mink and a grey but it was the Nude that caught my eye as I raced to (seemingly late for my appt.  ha ha ha. not.)

Now it did actually take my friend to point out I didn't need a black bag but oh my lord, these are gorgeous.  More than a nod to the Chanel about them - but different enough not to be seen as being complete copies.  A Tribute in the truest sense of the word.  I may not *need* another black bag but these are definitely going on my sales list to watch. 

Black Brockwell Bag from Hobbs £399

Or a Saddle bag shape.  The Harley bag - £329  

With a matching ankle boot.  Just gorgeous.  Pia Ankle Boot  £239

And finishing at the other end of the spectrum following a quick trip to Tesco clothes store after school to find school socks for RR1 seeing as my trip to M&S was scuppered this afternoon (big fat fail on the Tesco sock front even though I'm sure absolutely no-one is remotely interested) 

However I did come across this absolute beauty which I criminally didn't have time to buy as we were running late to pick RR2 up from Beavers.  And RR3 was having a supreme full prone body on the floor shit fit as I wouldn't buy him either a) glow in the dark Toy Story pyjamas or b) Ninja Turtle slippers.  Tomorrow morning first thing I shall be going back to pick the blouse up.  And perhaps the slippers which are marginally the lesser of two hideous evils.  

Forewarning.  To say the pic does not do it justice is a huge understatement.  

F&F Lace Yoke Blouse £16.00

Yes this is polyester but it really isn't that a bad a poly I promise.  Ok it's not silk but I bet it washes like a complete dream with zero ironing needed.  Here are the pics of me in it.  I sized up - so this is a size 12.  Great length and really good sleeve length for those of us more generous of limb.  However, I think if you have normal arms this would slouch beautifully and look so much more expensive than it actually is.  Definitely reminds me of a Somerset by Temperley blouse. 

Untitled Untitled

And finishing off this brief post with my outfits from the last couple of days.  Still feeling the navy love. 


Navy zip back jumper - Zara
Navy, black and camel leopard print jeans - Whistles 
Navy coat - H&M
Navy Newbury boots - Rag & Bone
Stone maxi zip satchel - Anya Hindmarch

Now this is one of the reasons why I Need a new waterproof coat.  Yesterday on RR3's school trip, in the rain, no umbrella allowed as I had a child holding each hand.  As you can see from my boots, we got soaked.  To be fair, I wasn't actually wet as the coat did do the job.  But it really has seen better days and after 6 years, owes me nothing.  I shall be reporting back very shortly with mind (meagre) findings.


Grey sweatshirt (just seen) - TK Maxx
Faded straight legs jeans rolled up - Earl
Rockafella boots - Russell & Bromley
Khaki Parka - South at Littlewoods
Chestnut cross body bag - Campomaggi from Plumo 

And today, still smiling (thinking about my wine clearly) after a day which was nothing but a catalogue of errors.  Although I did find the blouse of the season (they're so going to be sold out when I go back in after drop off, aren't they?).  On another upside, after a shaky damp start, it didn't rain any more and was positively scorchio.


Cream silk top  - Zara
Black and white cardigan - By Malene Birger
Coated jeans - M&S 
Leopard Print scarf - Louis Vuitton 
Suede Ohio Boots - Pied a Terre
Diego bag - Alexander Wang 

Ok so I know I sound like a stuck record but I am definitely working on the dresses and I shall be back with news of all things waterproof. x


19 comentarios:

  1. I was in Tescos this afternoon and I have to say I was a little surprised at what they had in store. Didn't see your cream blouse but they had a lot of the mock wrap blouses like the Zara ones for a song. And very well made given that they were only around £14. Do like the one you've found though - can never beat a pretty white blouse.

    1. They definitely didn't have those in ours. Only decent thing was the above blouse. Which I still need to go back and get. Can't believe I haven't had time yet to pick it up. GAH.

    2. Crap! I'm only catching up on blog reading now so will be heading to Tesco first thing tomorrow. Me and my everlasting search for a white top with sleeves ... and love the slouchiness of this one!

  2. Don't get upset about Apple - the first rule of their firm is that it's never their fault, always the customer's. I bet it was iOS7 really... Sairx

    1. Thank you xxx And that is so so true. They were so hideously defensive. and yes it was definitely ios7. I've been sent a few articles which say that hundreds of people have had the exact same problem. Coincidence?!

  3. I absolutely NEED that Tesco blouse in my life.

  4. This post had made me laugh and very concerned at the same time. I haven't done the download thingy, on my v. old iPhone, so I will have the same problems no doubt. I love your' faithful parka to bits so do not get rid as you will have a nightmare trying to find another one as good. Love blouses on you, superb value. H xx

    1. Don't do it!! If you don't have an iphone 5, apparently there is a high likelihood as somethign will go wrong as they can't support the new software. Absolutely pile of SHIT. And yes, I honestly can't find a parka I like as much as my old one. The quest continues. x

  5. Boring news but one of my best buys last year was some Ilsa Jacobson wellies (like these but brown I wear them for soggy school dropp offs and don't actually hate them.

    1. They're cute. We have a danish shop here which sells them but luckily I don't have boot issues. Just jacket ones!

  6. Ha ha just bought that blouse! (Hate that word!) x

    1. It's a hideous word but it is a great top !

  7. On the subject of waterproof coats - part of having great style is knowing when to dress appropriately for the situation, you'll look a right tool standing by the football pitch in the depths of winter if you try and emulate your usual (lovely) urban look. Bite the bullet and invest in something practical but looks better for the ££s spent; Timberland currently have a great looking fully waterproof parka with a fur trimmed hood, and a fully waterproof trenchcoat if you want something thinner to layer under (they come up small, size up). Or have you looked at Woolrich on Matches or MyTheresa..expensive full price but I got two waterproof lightweight parka style coats in the summer both half price. Good luck you are correct on one thing, there is not much out there to choose from!

    1. This is exactly the conclusion that I came to when shopping yesterday. It's definitely the approach I've always taken during snow! With regards to wet weather there definitely isn't an option that covers all the bases so you have to divide them into different occasions. Your words, my thoughts!

  8. Love love love those Hobbs handbags but over £300 for a handbag from Hobbs? Really??? Bit spendy for high street even high end high street!

    1. I know it's bonkers isn't it. I'm assuming they'll make it into the sale. They do seem to be so much more than their normal handbags which are all sub £300 I seem to recall. HAving said that, prices of leather bags has gone bananas in the last couple of seasons - Mulberry, LK Bennett and Radley (!) have all hiked their prices hugely. £1k plus for a Mulberry and £300plus for a Radley? Bonkers.

  9. I'm feeling your pain, but that's a funny post! I love the Mint Velvet bag (sucker for pockets) and the Hobbs one (sucker for pretty with an edge)! And that Tesco blouse, you can't beat supermarket shopping!

  10. Totally adore both Hobbs bags! They are just lush! My local Tescos has a pants selection in as everyone else gets some real gems from their local stores! Blouse is lovely & a total snip! Ax
