
If you have insomnia... is not a good idea to spend an hour googling mirrored kitchen cabinets as you will lose interest within about 20 seconds and find yourself on the Matches website.   Suddenly, it will no longer be a case of insomnia but a case of magpie-itus. 

I have done with Feb - three items all purchased, the third and final selection being the Whistles stripe top that I wore the other day and am already completely in love with.  Expect to see it a lot in a number of different guises (well - clearly as a top but with different outfits). 

To that end, it was rude not to start to think about March (even though MARCH?  really?  How on earth can it be March already?)

And whilst I am all about the blouse, the jeans and the blazer (teamed with my beloved new trainers) for the Spring, when I came across the following top, a whole new set of opportunities clicked. 

MARMITE KLAXON (You have been warned, these aren't going to be for everyone)

The Logo top.  Maybe it's my inner 80's love of all things Wham that has been reignited with a sense of nostalgia but I can't stop thinking about this.  We have clearly moved from Wham to Inxs which was pretty much the story of my musical upbringing so it makes perfect sense to me. (gotta love the justification - couldn't make that up, could you?!)

Never Tear Us Apart tee by Zoe Karssen £72 at Matches

They also do it in a pink version at My Wardrobe for £70 (go figure - maybe charcoal cotton is more expensive than pink...)   The bum of it is that I have vouchers for My Wardrobe to use.  Soddus Lawus.

Now as I said, there are going to be lots of people who absolutely hate these.  I am in the completely fickle camp of disliking some and loving others.   For me, there does seem to be a very fine line between "cool Zoe Karssen/Etre Cecile/Markus Lupfer" and "the 80's are calling, they do in fact want their t-shirts back".  (I don't have a 14 year old daughter but I think a good rule of thumb would be, if she and her friends have one, then you perhaps might not want to partake)

Do I know however, were this fine line lies?  No, course I don't.  But I know what I like and I know what I don't and to be honest, a lot of it is to do with the style of the t-shirt, the fabric, the colour and the text.   Not sure how else you'd be discerning to be honest.  (brand... dare I say it...??)

I did however, find on perusal of the High Street earlier, that there are a lot out there that don't cut the mustard for me.  The confusion of what is cool and what isn't, nearly made me run for the comforting hills of all things Matches and My Wardrobe (don't let that brand malarkey get to you...) but I persevered and did indeed find a couple of cheaper options in case you want to dip your toe into the slogan t-shirt waters.  I did in fact find a couple of total wonders. (ciao Zoe)

So, staying with all things Aussie (see what I did there...) this Melbourne one is from Pull & Bear £17.99  This has absolutely no relevance to my life whatsoever but I like the colourway and the fabric looks like a lovely soft jersey. Shallow, much?

Mango Outfit No 7 Distressed Tee £17.99  There is a huge selection at Mango, the majority of which don't float my boat, I'll be honest.  However there are a couple which I do definitely like the look of.  Love the faded, vintage edge to this one. 

Or a pale blue version for £17.99 as well - You make the world beautiful.   Love this shade of steel blue.

French Connection Let's Go to Paradise tee in Citronella £25   I love the way they've styled this in the pic below but I also think it would work really well for a paired down day look with skinny white jeans turned up, black ballet pumps (or skate shoes... am trying desperately to get those black and white ponyskin ones in at every opportunity.) and a black blazer.   I am WILLING this sun to come out.

ASOS Boyfriend T-shirt with Berlin print £14  Not entirely sure why this appeals but I spent so long looking at so many awful ones, this one didn't seem quite so bad.  Plus Berlin is a darn fabulous place. 

However I've saved the best for last.  This is the marmite one of them all (actually what am I saying - these are all totally marmite, aren't they?).  I trotted into New Look and wanted to cry.  It's all so much of a muchness - not helped by the fact it was half term and it was full of 12 to 15 year olds picking up hugely inappropriate items of clothing whilst their poor mothers looked as if they wanted to sob. 

But on getting a grip and trying to see the wood for the trees (you really do need to go into these shops with special eyes), I spied this gem. 

Dear 80's.  You CANNOT have your t-shirt back.  I love this.  You can't tell from their tiny pic, hopefully you can from my photo but this is the most beautiful jersey.  It actually has that lovely flannelly washed x1000 feel to it (in a good way...).  I may have to sneak this one under "nightwear".

Grey Run DMC boyfriend tee £14.99


Oh and if Run DMC aren't your thing, then I did find a Rolling Stones one at Mango. £17.99  I've decided it might be a toss up between these two. 

Finishing with my best example of how they can be cool or naff or a third example - the opportunity to be completely self deprecating.  For me, I'll stick with the Zoe Karssen (maybe Run DMC or The Stones).  But this is deliciously tongue in cheek and is perfect for pyjamas. 

Blog Slogan T-shirt from Next £16

So exactly how hideous do you think these are?  I am definitely going to be getting one of them - I love the idea of turned up skinnies, brogues and a little blazer.  Another outfit for the Spring nailed.  Thoughts?

Finally my outfits from yesterday and today.  I actually love this outfit from yesterday but it's photographed really badly.  To be fair I was having a totally naff hair day, the angle is funny etc etc.  But hopefully you get the drift.  (like my photos are all that anyway. Pah!)


Black and white jumper - Joseph
Off white swing cardigan - Goat Library
Black coated skinnies - Cos
Leopard print ponyskin wedges - M&S
Black Diego bag - Alexander Wang

And today for lots and lots of sunshine, all day long.  One would actually be forgiven for thinking that Spring is round the corner.  


Navy and white blouse - Olive & Oak
Dark indigo Baxters - Topshop
Navy boucle jacket - Zara
New Balance trainers 
Whisky Medium Marcie - Chloe

I'm off out tonight, properly out out, up to London for a friend's 40th.  Tis dress worthy.  And tomorrow we're off to Ikea.  There has to be some advantage to the Six Nations being on.  (The Husband gets a pass out tomorrow afternoon/evening whilst I have a movie night with the kids on the sofa - what's not to love?)

Hope everyone has survived half term.  I have had one glass of wine so far.  Yes, you heard that right, ONE glass of wine.  This may have something to do with the fact that the boys have been at football camp from 10 till 3 every day.   Just perhaps.  Ridiculously proud of myself and polishing my halo as we speak.  I shall be making up for it tonight.  Back tomorrow x


40 comentarios:

  1. you look great in navy blue.
    i'm not sure about these t shirts, i was once given one from the eden rock in st barths which read 'Yes I do ROCK...eden rock st barths' but of course back in blighty noone gets it and just thinks you're an awful show off, so I never wore it. That's the thing with slogans, what one person thinks is cute/ funny, someone else find annoying, life it complicated enough so I tend to avoid them!

    1. ha ha ha. That is very true! I have to say I love INXS (saddo alert...) so much I'm not sure I'd care what other people would think! But yes, I'd probably try avoid anything trying to be funny or clever (also don't think the Run DMC or Stones ones would -actually the more I think about it, the more I think the Run DMC one is so random it works... I also may be too hungover to be thinking about this clearly....)

  2. You do realise that if you get the run Dmc shirt, you will need some adidas trainers !.......Mel

    1. oh god really? Wouldn't the New Balance ones work? This yoof thing is a bloody minefield...! Actually I like the idea of wearing it with brogues to lessen the yoof aspect.

    2. Oh bless you. She's referring to "my Adidas" by run dmc!

    3. oh dear god I am such a bloody loser!

  3. I had that Rolling Stones t-shirt when I was at university, happy days! I think I bought it at Camden Market in 1978. As for your pic, it seems as if you're getting thinner and thinner.....take care x

    1. Do you still have the tee?!! Thank you for you concernxxx But honestly I'm not - that's what i meant about it looking like a funny angle - I look like an anorexic beanpole! I'm clearly not large but that is a super odd angle. Second photo is more realistic. But thank you xxxx

    2. I still have it,, and similar ones from a shop in Baker st called Che Guevara! Isn't it funny how things come round again. Lucky you being tall and slim, glad you're healthy with it xx

  4. Love the rolling stones one - been looking for something like this for ages.
    Isn't the 'never tear us apart' joy division though? (OH loved them)

    1. No, it's definitely INXS! I think Joy Division was Love Will Tear us apart? it's ace, isn't it?

  5. i find this so funny - as I too was wandering around new look yesterday and picked up endless slogan tops and thought 'could i wear these for yoga/workout' and then decided against them.

  6. Hi, spooky of what, after years of avoiding slogan tees, feeling I was too old, I am really into them, have a Zoe karssen, have you looked at Donna Ida..... Really enjoy your posts.

    1. No I haven't actually - I've had drooling enough over Matches and MW!!! WIll go and check them out. I think maybe if you're going to do it, you've got to do it properly ie a Zoe Karssen. I think the rock band ones are a different sort of classic though? (am I giving this too much thought...?!)

  7. OK, I absolutely HAVE to get the blog one from Next ... which I will then pretend to wear out when with my daughter :) (In reality clearly, it will be used as pjs, but it will be fun to see her reaction!!) Love that first outfit and kicking myself that I didn't get those leopard print boots when they were on sale x

    1. ha ha ha! Yes, i'm not sure H would see the funny side of it either! Thanks love and yes, the boots were a steal. You FOOL!

  8. The longsleeve Zoe Karssen T is available on ASOS, is the 20% code still active?


    1. sshhh already tried that and I can only use the code once. DARN it. But thank you love xxx

    2. Use the husbands email addy instead! That's what I did last time! Doesnt appear to matter that it is the same address Xx

  9. Yes I think I will be partaking, I've been tempted a couple of times but think I'll wait until it warms up a little. Lol to Helen's comments x

    1. hilarious no?! Which one are you thinking about?!

  10. Ok so I should be able to wear that Run DMC t shirt as I saw them live nearly 25 years ago!!!! I think for me it would be the Zoe Karssen one. Love your outfits I have a navy jacket very similar to your navy one (mint velvet) have worn it to death. Any plans to do wedding outfit post need one for a May wedding and totally stuck.

    1. You should deffo get it then. Yes I think it's almost got to be the ZK one or nothing. I was actually thinking yesterday how much I love the jacket and am on the search for a black similar one. I'm sure MV did one last year, you're right. I will definitely be doing a dress thread soon. xxx

  11. love the rolling stones ones that are around but yes 15 year old daughter has several so i will just admire them on her. did buy her a top the other day which reads " More issues than Vogue" which having just been half term and lots of studying for mocks along with huge amount of hormones i felt it pretty much summed her up. She loved it so i must be doing something right. really like the 2 mango ones, think i could possibly get away with those.
    your hair looks fabulous in the 2nd photo and love your outfits in both photos. .

    1. ooh where did you get the More Issues than Vogue one? I'm sure The Husband would love to get me that for Mother's day. Ha ha. Yes, the Mango ones do definitely look lovely. Thank you - finally got round to properly blow drying my hair - it also does make a difference when the sun comes out!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. got it on a one off shop in local city but they are on line, daughter has since come across a white "celfie" t shirt on in love with fashion. the inner 20 something in me likes it, think its down to the french style of it, the accent over the "e" makes all the difference! but will cave and let her have it.

  12. Oh boo hoo went to order the Run DMC one and they're sold out in my size. Will have to try town on Monday. Really hope it will be there. Otherwise co-incidentally I was looking at Fields of the Nephilim t-shirt recently and reminiscing. Perhaps that could work??

    1. Oh what a shame. There were loads in my local New Look so fingers crossed!

  13. Thanks for doing the research for that brilliant slogan ZK top. I think I'm going to have to get one. I love my comme ci comme ca sweatshirt. I thought it was too try hard but I have had nothing but compliments. Would also love to know where the vogue issues t shirt is from. My 14 year old would love that and me for getting it for her as I might have just acquired her wildfox t shirt which may have been put into my wardrobe for a month or so. Served her right for going skiing

    1. I got the More issues than vogue top in a small one off shop in the city but daughter has informed me that they are also available on-line. have just seen some on etsy and ebay, not sure of quality of those ones but they look ok to me and cheaper than I paid.

  14. So funny you should say that about the daughter as I have a 15yr old and a 13 year old and it does shut down a lot of fashion/shopping choices. I read blogs enthusing about things (another example from this week is bomber jackets) and think oh woe, sob etc I can't possibly wear that with two giant teenagers flanking me both wearing similar. Annoyingly the 13-yr-old has NB trainers so we already look a bit matchy matchy (or like I bought a job lot on the cheap for the whole family.) I also get slightly nervous when they absolutely love and want something that I've bought...makes me worry that perhaps it is a trifle (horrible word alert) mutton-esque.

  15. I have a very similar Rolling Stones one that I love, but the run DMC one really does it for me too! Really like the 'outfit number 7' one as that's usually what it is for me! Ps. My cousin is the lead singer for INXS at the mo, I love them too even though I'm too young to remember them first time around!

  16. I love the Ts like that I see and have basically just decided, at 41, that I will stick to my blank Ts. I am not running around in pencil skirts and silk blouses just because I have hit 40 and generally reject the idea of "dressing my age", but I guess I feel the need to be careful with the boots/jeans/tops I choose! My eyes always dart to what my inner teen wants to wear. Having said that just bought a pair of Nike dunks and really want the NW sneakers you have on there.

    1. Oops I mean "NB" sneakers- new balance. But I guess I do not find the retro sneakers too young at all, especially when they are paired with a grown up outfit. ;)

  17. Have become totally addicted to your blog and I've the last few weeks have stalked from the start. Love seeing how you rework items. Has given me so much inspiration not only for my wardrobe but also for the blog I hope to pluck up th courage to start!

  18. Going straight to New Look when I get off the plane!! I NEED that RUN DMC t-shirt! xx

  19. Not fashion related but HOW do you get your hair to look so lovely!!
