
Throwing it in there early.

I think I might hate trainers.  I know, I know, I did the big about turn earlier this year and shuffled after the good and great of the fashion world, squandering my money (to be fair, they weren't that much) on my New Balance. 

And guess what?  I feel like a dick in them.  To be fair, I think I can see them working with essentially more clothes.  A smart coat is the key I think, or even a blazer.  But in the Summer?  Well, I've tried them on and honestly, I look like a tourist in Rome (or any other European city where there is extensive walking involved).  There's nothing wrong with that, well actually there is, as I'm talking about the sort of tourist who is wearing comfy shoes as she's planning on tramping round a gazillion sites of cultural importance.  They look like they're for practical purposes as opposed to one taking a fashionable stance. 

I give up.  I may come back to them in the A/W (they're navy and I think they would actually work quite well with the navy coat/jacket arsenal I have been merrily building) but my head has been turned by the traditional old school sneaker of choice. 

My inspiration is thanks to Red Magazine this month.  In my mature (a nice way of saying knackered) opinion, this is how I think I want to be doing casual trainers.  No, this is is how I know (I think...... that fence is getting painful) I want to be doing trainers. 

To be fair, they did sort of help with my thinking slightly, by labelling them "Essential Trainers"....

image image image 

Now I know diddly squat about trainers and to be honest, I've been given up even attempting to get with the gig.  Deep down, there is a person with stilettos screaming to get out on a daily basis and so this flat shoe person is doing a pretty good (bad?) job of pretending they know what on earth they're talking about. 

So I'll come clean.  I don't.  I didn't even know these were called Stan Smiths.  I'll be frank, I had a pair of Dunlop green flash trainers like this a gazillion years ago for playing tennis in and, god forgive my blasphemy against trainers, these look really darn similar (with a little less green flash on them).  Clearly they're not Dunlop tennis shoes and are something infinitely more trendy.  I am assuming that the green flash died a death a million years ago and this is more than a tad insulting (if not true to the untrainereducated)

It does make me think though - a classic tennis shoe is something that I'm after.  And actually, I do have a very similar pair (this is to my non trainer expert eye as opposed to the branded experts of this world who are curling up and dying in trainer hell now) in my stone pair of lace up leather sneakers from Gap.  Which are doing me just fine at the moment. 

However will I keep with the New Balance navy ones or will I branch out into a pair of whiter than white Stan Smiths et al.  I say et al, as I have a sneaking suspicion that I may be able to think of an alternative that I like even more. 

Leave it with me, but in the meantime, if you do like something a bit less "I went to the gym and forgot my normal shoes/I've got streets to pound so I've put my sensible shoes on" then these for me are an easier to wear option. 

And in the green £67  (I swear to god, squint and the Dunlop shoe will come back to you.....minus a little flash) 

So I am off to have a hunt down for my other thing I have in mind, whilst the other half of my mind is chockablock with bar stools.  Which is what I have spent all day doing - trying to track down decent bar stools.  If anyone wants to know where to buy a plethora of god awful ugly bar stools, feel free to email me and I can give you the low down.  I'm scarred I tell you, scarred.  

This is what I wore for my bar stool hunt (I did come back with teatowels so at least it wasn't an entirely wasted trip.  Yup)


Navy and white linen top - Massimo Dutti
White skinny jeans - Next 
Champagne espadrilles - Penelope Chilvers (god I love these) 
Tan bag - Prada
Straw hat - Sainsburys 

See you tomorrow peeps, I'm off to drink wine and lament my non take away which didn't materialise as The Husband came home work from work early and then spent two hours on the phone working.  This may account for the slightly random post..... 


39 comentarios:

  1. little brown birdTuesday, 15 July, 2014

    I want some Stan Smith trainers though I'm still in shock you never knew they were called that *faints*

  2. Oh you make me laugh ... I barely had to squint at all!!! They are exactly the same (with a little less flash) I think it's time that you gave up on the sneakers - let's face it! you're a wedge trainer kinda' gal x

    1. High five sista! Although you agreeing with me on trainer expertise means squit all... let's face it... (loving the solidarity though!) xx

  3. I've ventured (back) into trainers this year. However I've gone the other way with Nike air max. I spotted a teen in them at the weekend, so may be a bit mutton. However, this has never stopped me before....

    1. I honestly think they look amazing on other people and I'm sure i'll be converted again come the Autumn, Fickle IS my middle name! xx

  4. I bought some Nike Air Pegasus 83s in the spring - I've barely taken them off since! So comfortable, and in black with grey laces they go with pretty much everything I wear. You have to get the socks right though! Got my eye on some pale grey Nike Blazers or cream Converse at the moment, bit more summery...

    1. You see I love blazers but I was told by a number of people they are the domain of the teenager.. oh hang on a minute - do I care? That'll be no! xx

  5. Hello - I stumbled across your blog recently and I love it! I have gone back thru all your posts for a year I think and you have really inspired me - I have similar tastes to you so everything you post I love (apart from dresses, which i only wear when I have to), This is my first comment because this post is something I feel passionately about. I spent my 20s in trainers but I have struggled in the last 10 years (I am 43) on 2 fronts: 1) bootcut trousers suit a lot of trainers better and 2) I am starting to feel that I appear like I am trying too hard. My sister (40) has a slightly edgier style that me so she pulls off Blazers, NB etc. I have bought both over and over again (colours, slightly different styles) and ended up taking them all back. I tried another pair of navy NB after reading your post but again they just didn't work. My white CT converse work, as do my white Superga and thanks to you I now have 2 x skaters (which i love) so I have kinda resigned myself to sticking to these. However (and this is the point of my ramble) I recently tried on the stan smiths hoping i could look as good as those models above BUT they are horrible I think, quite ugly when on the foot. It maybe just me but see what you think when you try them on and let me know.

    On a brighter note I have just got me some new pale grey skinnies from 7 for all mankind jeans, the best gold stilettos from Office and I have given up to hunt for white skinny jeans (I look awful in them) xxx

  6. Kat, I saw that New Balance flip-flop coming a mile away. Now I'm just waiting for your flip-flop on the fugly sandals too. The best (nay, ONLY) way to do casual or smart-casual trainers, in my opinion, is with Converse. I have many, many pairs of these, in all different styles and colours, and you can pair them with pretty much anything - dresses, skirts, trousers, jeans, shorts... Money saved and problem solved. De nada. :-)

    1. Ha ha ha! I have two pairs of cons - one navy and one yellow. Hmmm again, I think I've done them, although I could get them out again.... I do like something slightly more substantial though. Actually I prefer my Gap leather £12 ones!! x

  7. Yep I'm in total agreement Kat. They only look good on me with skinnies and a blazer. I even went for a pale colour (grey Gazelles) with summer in mind but they're just not doing it for me with skirts and dresses and my feet get VERY hot and sweaty - urgh!!

    1. I won't wear grime gray...
      Only sayin'...


    2. LOVE the look with blazers and skinnies - for sure. You have to wear what works for you and bugger everyone else. That look is SO you (and me!!) Great minds eh! x

  8. What about Converse? Granted their soles are thin so they're not great for tons of walking and they're too flimsy for cold weather but they do have the cool Parisian girl about them.

    1. This is v true - I have two pairs of Cons but actually, dear god they are not comfy! I also do like the look of white pair (I have navy and yellow) Should get them out again though, good point! Although I do think I'm after a chunkier sole...x

  9. Everyone in NYC was wearing trainers to pound the streets when we were there in April. I'm sticking to mine for the time being as they're really comfy and I like them with my skinny jeans. I can't wear skater shoes - hip/knee problem - plus my teenage daughter looked at me with pity/horror when I tried a pair on! Shoes are the bane of my life...

    1. AHa I fear the same may happen when I have a teenage daughter. At the moment she's only 9 so I'm living on the edge! x

  10. Just reading this have had a flash back to last Saturday night - in London for weekend and very excited so may have completely overdone the marguaritas - then on way home literally stumbled on Ash store in Covent Garden? at 1am and proceeded to scream at my non fashion friends ooooh Thelmas and Genials on sale how can I get in!!!! Friends had to drag me away with me swearing I would return next day. Killer hangover so it was all I could do to make it to train on time so never got to Ash - gutted!

    1. Nooooooooooooo! Have you had a look at their site? They do sometimes have bargains on there. Can't wait to get mine out again in the winter x

  11. Just had to throw in my two penneth....chuck!

    Trainers? Yuck, no. They belong in the sports arena, with a hoodie or hoodlum....possibly the same thing? I don't care what colours they do them in and how they style them, to me trainers are trainers....are trainers!

    I've been wearing a grey suede pair of Low Tops from Next and a pair of Victoria canvas slip on plimsolls in beige when I need a slightly 'chunkier foot' to balance out what I'm wearing and I have to say they fit the bill nicely.

    With respect to your bar stool pilgrimage, I sympathise. I also have that box to tick. I've done a post on the very subject on my blog and will also be revisiting the subject very soon as I've not bought any myself yet. Looking forward to seeing what you choose. Loving your personal sense of style so it figures I'll (probably, hopefully) share your interiors aesthetic.

    This is me:

    1. Oh what a lovely comment thank you and omg you have hit the nail on the head with your blog and the story of the stools. I DID actually find the most amazing stools in Ikea - black wooden adjustable swivel stools - just perfect (like you have pictured but in black) OOS until at least October. Dear. God. I can't wait that long as clearly I've left this till the last min (after looking for months and months and finding nothing and SOD'S law - I can't get them) I'm looking at a site called Steel Magnolias and also the industrial swivel stools from Cult Furniture. I need 5 of the bastards.

    2. oh and yes you'r absolutely right - bar stools are much higher than kitchen stools. GAH

  12. I wear trainers all the time! I feel weird in anything else. I have the Stan Smiths in the darker green snakeskin, which IMO are much nicer than the two above. Worth a look for anyone contemplating buying them.

    1. I will check them out thank you! I definitely think you're either a trainer girl or not. If I had the choice I would be buried in ankle boots! x

  13. I hardly had them off my feet for months when I first got my New Balance and love the look of them with a mac and jeans. I think they are spring and autumn footwear, I can't imagine wearing them in the summer unless it was a really dull and chilly day and I bought the jeans out again!

  14. This made me chuckle. Oh and try cult
    Good luck!

    1. SPOOKY!! Am literally pondering over their industrial swivel stools or some others I've found.... Hmmm Thank you though! (great minds xx)

  15. I love the look of the NB trainers on you. Myself, I'm a Converse girl which just go with *everything* IMO! However, I've just bought a pair of not too pretty but insanely comfortable Skechers Go Walk in preparation for 4 days of serious walking round NYC next year ;) x

    1. oh thank you - v kind. Yup, definitely see your point about the cons though I'm looking for something different. Am already seriously envious about your trip to NYC! x

  16. Ha ha, I tend to agree, think they work much better with an autumnal look - jeans and a nice reefer coat x

    1. Absolutely! I am sort of looking forward to getting them out again, I guess.......!

  17. Must admit, I love my Stan Smiths they are really comfy and look good with skinny jeans but as you know I am trainer fan, makes my schoolrun so much quicker! Good luck with bar stool hunt! Xxx

    1. My school run is actually in a car (the shame). I do seem to have found my holy grail in skate shoes and I guess you can't do everything! (especially when I also have a serious ankle boot addiction as well.....!) Bar stool hunt *may* have made progress....! Thank you love xxxx

  18. I like Stan Smiths very much but have recently succumbed to a pair of white Golden Goose sneakers that I had been craving for ages. They are so comfortable and have a slight lift inside, so much more support than other trainers and gives me a tiny bit more height, very important at 5' 4"!
    I'm intrigued by your Industrial bar stools problem, good luck searching.

  19. I see someone else mentioned them too...but I would highly recommend Superga. I loved them in the '80's and still love them now. Very comfy and stylish. Not quite a trainer, but a great alternative.

  20. Bar-stool tip from the netherlands: look at , they have a range of slightly industrial looking stools in beautiful colours. I' m going to replace the black ikea- stools you mentioned. Love your blog, keep up the good work!
