
Eagle Eye Cherry

I am honestly like a woman possessed.  Not Exorcist stylee but when it comes to clothes, shoes or bags (I won't even mention scarves and now actually, I'm as much as a fiend when it comes to lamps, cushions, sofas, mirrors and pictures.)

When I am out and about, I simply cannot help but just "have a quick look" at what there is.  You never know where you might come across a bargain.  Clearly me being on a shopping ban means that there will be no purchases this month even though yesterday the Gods of Temptation were trying to have their wicked way with me - Zoe Karssen sweatshirts in TK Maxx??.... However I followed my rules (forgetting the shopping ban fleetingly in the interests of research) and would I have bought it from H&M for the same price?  Hmmm, well at the time the answer was NO.  And I may have wavered on the drive to holiday but no. No, no no.  It would still have been a no.  It was a very bright almost peacock blue and whilst it would have gone with things I already own, I have other sweatshirts that do the same job adequately.  And it was still £30.  I am feeling ridiculously proud of myself (The Husband didn't seem to share these same feelings of pride....look of incredulity would be more accurate. Pah) 

Anyhoo, I digress.  Tis a boring story of why I was there, but yesterday I ended up in Asda Living in Thurrock (as you do) and in between the rather fantastic kids' jamas and bargain school uniform (both are amazing - do not bother looking anywhere else and they do excellent online delivery) I spied with my little eye.....


These little beauties cost the rather fantastic sum of £8 from George and you can even get them online. 

They also had them in a navy which is lovely and normally I would prefer the navy but I have to say there is something rather special about the black.  To be fair, for £8 it would perhaps be rude not to get both. 

Bow Ballet Shoes £8 (actually they look gorgeous here - maybe we'll have to stop on the way back...) 

Now over the years I have had various pairs from French Sole & Pretty Ballerinas and paid upwards of £100 for them (when I had more money than sense....)  And honestly these are as lovely a fit and look, I would say, more than slightly similar (I can't obviously say identical but if the shoe fits?....) 

Rosario black patent with thin lace from Pretty Ballerinas 129euro  (absolutely no idea a) why they're in euro and b) where the euro symbol on my macbook is. I know, I know, I should and I do somewhere in the dim and distant recesses of my brain.  Or I could just google it.... I do know how to do the hash tag though. *punches air*)

I've also noticed on looking online that they have them in a red (although my fabulous Italian Welsh friend Christine from Uni always used to say "Red shoes no pants"....) 

Red Bow Ballet Shoes £8 from George at Asda

Or in a Wheat £8 - love this slightly blush shade.

And whilst we're here, I couldn't not point out these leopard print numbers.  These aren't a Steal/Spree to be honest but they do look rather fab and if you're doing a small order....

Leopard Print Pointed Ballet Pumps from George at Asda £8

So a quick one for this morning but like I said, I can't resist a bargain.  And as I'm not allowed to buy even a bargain this month, I hope it's helpful to someone else. 

Finishing with outfits from the other day.


Dress - Dorothy Perkins
Rose Gold Havaianas 

And for Thursday night drinks with friends. 


Tie dye top - All Saints
Patched Jeans - Zara
Black gladiator sandals - Burberry
Tan De Manta Clutch - Alexander McQueen

And now we are on hols!  Sunny (today, yay) Aldeburgh and we even managed to make it onto the beach late yesterday afternoon.  We've had fresh croissants and pain au chocolate on the balcony in the sunshine and are now off to the beach for the day.  Happy days.  Honestly the kids couldn't be more excited if we were at Disneyland (that may be because they've never been to Disneyland..... Details schmetails).  


18 comentarios:

  1. LOVE Asda school uniforms, they outlasted M&S last year. And, and.....their leather school shoes outperformed Clarks too, bargain! However, I love their ballerinas but the 5s are always too pinchy & the 6s flop off my feet, boo! So I stick to Clarks for them. Have a great holiday! �� x

    1. They are honestly amazing and don't TALK to me about M&S. I took back a pair of trousers that the hem had fallen down on and they refused to give me any new ones "it might be not be a fault". I have never had a pair of trews from M&S that the hem didn't come down and I shall never ever ever buy a piece of school uniform from there again. John Lewis for the money is also rubbish. Sainsburys pretty good ditto Asda. Asda MUCH cheaper!! I am however a Clarks school shoe freak. The shame. x

  2. love these flats - but sometimes the pvc ones have a strong smell to them which puts me off buying! Kat - a cheeky request: would you be able to respond to a personal clothes dilemma /request for outfit help? ......

    1. I know what you mean but these didn't seem to whiff that much but I wasn't paying huge amounts of attention to it, to be fair... Email me if you'd like on xx

  3. I paid twice as much for some Topshop ballerinas last year. They were fine until it rained and that was it really. Bin job. I think they were made of cardboard and not much else to be honest. They make a nice indoor shoe/slipper though. You are doing well with the spendys. Gap is my major temptation at the moment.

    1. You don't mind so much if you pay £8. I had Primark ones which were amazing - honestly you could virtually wear thm in the snow so I don't think it's all about money for sure! Haven't look at Gap recently, will have a squizz xx

  4. Oh these are very tempting for the price, but I am on the August shopping ban also. Must bear these in mind! x

    1. How's it going? I'm holding strong... I need NOTHING (but want everything) x

  5. Not that I'm enabling or anything, but I came across this gem in Topshop. I know you like the AllSaints vibe. Apologies if you've already spotted it!$ja=tsid:31427|cid:7688.366620&cmpid=dis_r_strq_100x72

    1. I haven't but that's lovely - very flattering, I'll remember that, thank you xxx

  6. Oh thank you darling - that top is actually ancient but it's so so easy to wear. Pouring with rain today!! But looks like it will be great for the rest of the week. xxx

  7. The maxi is stunning on you Kat

    1. Thanks love - it's an old reliable xxx

  8. Love the asda shoes. Deff. have to have a look at them!

    1. They are amazing in real life, I promise! x

  9. Damn, now you've made me buy the navy ballet shoes!

  10. I have the whole uniform nightmare shop on Friday! May the force be with me! They are cute & bargainous ballerinas & I'd love a nude looks like I'll be making Asda my first port of call! Ax
