
It's a conspiracy

I am officially having the worst sales purchasing nightmare in the history of shopping. 

So yesterday I managed to track down the only things I'd really seen in the sale that I'd thought - yup, I can justify them.  I need them, I want to wear them immediately, I can think of 10 outfits they will improve, I will still be wearing them into the Spring - I'm talking about the snakeskin black lace up sneakers from Mango that were in the sale (the faux leather ones which I was slightly meh about the faux bit but more on that in a mo) 

They only had a 6 on the sale rack which felt like someone had my foot trapped in a vice so I asked if they, by any chance, had a 7 and what do you know - ONE pair in the stock room and it was my size.  I was giddy, posting my darling sales purchase all over instagram, whoop whoop, overjoyed. 

Except I didn't try them on.  I am normally a 6, 6.5 or a 7 depending.  So if the 6 was too small then the 7 would be fine. 

Or not. 

(TMI warning) I have a glorious small friend on my second toe in on my left foot, which goes by the name of corn or bunion.  And it clearly didn't like the size 7 as when I tried them on this morning (with the outfit I'd chosen to go with them) it made itself known.  The. Agony.  With them not being leather, they of course won't stretch so back they are going.

I'm bereft.  Not only did I end up with the most foolish things known to man from Zara in the "Mystery of the Drunken Shopping" escapade, the ONE other thing I had really wanted in the sale, that I couldn't get hold of, then could, doesn't fit.  (actually the other things that I do really really want I've now decided are the Stuart Weitzman Lowland boots which are unsurprisingly not in the sale)

And I was due today to go to Bluewater (yes again..) as the 8yr old's Kindle Fire has broken and the 6yr old's Lego watch which Santa got him has never worked - both of which I can replace thanks to the wonder peeps at John Lewis.  So I thought I could do us all a favour and have a last reccy of the sales and see if there any bargains to be had, seeing as I have purchased zilch.  (this is a first by the way - I was incredibly abstemious pre Christmas with all the offers - not even for want of trying and don't think I've never not bought anything in the sales)

Cue phonecall from school this morning, saying the 6yr old has thrown up and could I go and get him.  

Therefore I am now sat with an on and off snoozing poorly chap, watching Spiderman. (to be fair there are much much worse ways to have spent the day, especially as my Wifi appears to have given up the ghost and even my 4G keeps cutting out.  Middle class problems for sure)


Now I'm not entirely sure that not being able to get what you wanted in the sales or sporadic internet connection is *exactly* what this quote alludes to but hey ho, it has inspired me. 

Navy is the new black.  This is my new theory.

One of my best friends wears nothing but navy.  Well she does, but she doesn't wear black.  Ever.  Navy is her black.  She swears that it's more flattering for older skin and she is absolutely right.  

Don't get me wrong, I can't give up the black, oh I really couldn't.  That and wine.  Two things which I can cut back on but there is no way I could go cold turkey permanently with either of them. 

However my new plan which coincides very nicely with my NY Resolution of not buying something when I already have an item in my wardrobe can do the same job, is to Go Navy. 

Ok, so theoretically, if we're going to pick holes in my cunning plan, I could always wear black instead of navy but, if we're going in a navy direction, then this doesn't work.  It also means that, with the purchase of a few key navy things, I can totally change the look of so many outfits. 

Now I appreciate that to some this may sound like a huge bunch of trollop but I think if I am able to divide my wardrobe into black options and navy options - it will (literally) double the amount of outfits I can create.  From the addition of very little.   Of course I can mix and match as well, thereby increasing my options further. 

I clearly have gone slightly loopy (not helped by my truly pathetic attempt at only having three small coffees a day, no alcohol during the week and no processed foods - let's say two out of three ain't bad and I haven't had a glass of wine - *gazes forlornly at empty coffee cup number 5 and the empty plate of leftover pizza that had been there from the kids' tea) but I am really excited about this. 

Let the navy frenzy begin. 

Well obviously the first thing I did was order these. 

Whistles Daria Leather trainers - were £135 now £81  I get so much wear out of my white ones, I'm on the verge of wearing them out.  Which was the reason I wanted the black ones so much... however these are an excellent substitute and the seed for my new plan...

Let's stay with the shoe options and moving onto boots which a) we will still be wearing for at least a couple of months and b) you'll be one step ahead of the game for the Autumn.  Now I struggle with knee high boots as I've mentioned, being too tall and so they're never quite the right fit in the right place but I do know that they're hugely popular.   And unusual to find a leather pair in navy for such a great price. 

ALDO Nonela Flat Knee High Riding Boots in navy were £150 now £57

I had planned on doing a separate post on ankle boots in the next couple of days but whilst we're here, there are some amazing navy pairs at Dorothy Perkins.  They really are excelling in their shoe ranges at the moment. 

Navy pointed ankle boots £39 from DP's

Navy leather ponyhair boots from DP's £79

These are stunning in the flesh but yes, they are on the high side. 

Navy pointed ankle boots from DP's £45

I will say though my favourite are these which are now a bargain price of £19.50. 

Navy satin shoe boots were £39 now £19.50  These are honestly stunning.  I have tried them on numerous times and am going to try them on again on Friday (sick children permitting).  They would look fantastic with jeans, white tee and a little navy boucle jacket (all of which I have, ding ding) for a casual night out in the Spring.  Put a little cream blouse with above set instead of the tee and you have a perfect outfit for right now.  I am loving the idea of these with my black midi leather skirt and a tight fitting navy sweater.... They'd also look great, I've just realised, with my navy Sandro dress, which does work with my black M&S shoe boots but I would like to be able to keep them and black opaques for the black dresses I have.  So these with nude tights - BINGO.  They look so so more expensive, trust me.

Some serious serious sales bargains at Hush - these don't have the biggest discount (there are some fabulous 70% off beauties to be had online) but they're great. 

Chelsea Boots from Hush were £150 now £120

Bags are notoriously hard to master in navy.  

This one would be great for so so many occasions at less than £20 now. 

Pebbled Shopper Bag from Mango was £29.99 now £19.99

Similar version with an even bigger reduction. 

Pebbled Shopper bag was £34.99 now £19.99

The obvious navy choice, is of course a dark indigo denim and to complete your navy ensemble (let's go for gold here - well, navy at the very least), we need jeans.

So I thought I should see what I could sweep up in the almost final rounds (we're not in dregsland just yet...) of the Matches sale.

And I am loving these - very Audrey Hepburn in Paris (which I have as much chance of emulating as I do of flying to the moon and back but still.... if you don't try...) 

Le High Straight Leg Denim Jeans from Frame at Matches were £235 now £70

Ok so I'm stretching the navy bit of the idea here but these are such a bargain that I couldn't not include them. 

Frayed-hem high rise straight leg jeans by Maison Martin Margiela MM6 were £238 now £71

The other option is an actual pair of navy trousers.  These are ideal for work purposes but I love them worn with sneakers and a breton like featured here (throw on a trench for true Gallic charm).  I also love them with a skinny polo neck and a pea coat.  Ballet flats, loafers or any flats for that matter.  (I am also on the flats charm attack, you may have noticed)

Suit Trousers in navy were £29.99 now £14.99 These have a lovely side vent at the ankle which make for the perfect peg leg cropped trouser for Spring.

Moving onto jackets - oh I love a navy jacket.  I'll be honest.  I have a few.... 

One of my favourite coats though which isn't navy (the leopard print coat - great buy last year in the sale) is from Fenn Wright Manson and this navy tweed jacket is a fab bargain.  

Keisha jacket in navy was £225 now £65

I have a navy peacoat from Zara last year that I have just received back from being in storage and another reason I need to go shopping tomorrow is to get some bone/tortoiseshell coloured buttons to put on (I want to change them from the plain navy).  

Like I said, I do have one although it's not in the league of quality that this one would be.  An investment piece for sure and a good discount at almost 50% off. 

Jaeger Wool Pea coat was £350 now £199

But there may be an ulterior motive in my sudden love for all things navy.  I came across this last night when I had been watching my children do sport for three and a half hours and I am officially in love.  Alas, it's so similar to two others from Zara that I have, there is no way I can justify this.  Not even me. 

Venice Jacket from Sandro (new season) £369

And there we have it - it's all about the navy love...  So, do we think it will ever take over my obsession with black?   Has anyone else totally eschewed the darkest of all for a life of navy?  Would love to hear your experiences.  And is anyone else going to join me on my navy journey? 

Outfit from today - starting with how I mean to go on with my navy jumper.  And whilst this looks perfect (to me anyway) with the white sneakers, it would also have looked as great with the navy Whistles one (she says ambitiously....) and I could keep the white ones for all my black outfits (of which there are a fair few).  I did have to fly out to pick up my poorly little man from school and threw on my check Zara coat (which again would look so so marvellous with the navy sneakers.  Fingers crossed) 


White jersey layering shirt - Me+Em
Navy merino jumper - Uniqlo
Straight leg jeans turned up - Rock & Republic
White leather sneakers - Zara

So depending on how poorly the 6yr old is tomorrow, I should be able to report back on the Whistles sneakers that are due to arrive.  Otherwise it may be another "PLOT TWIST"!


29 comentarios:

  1. I love navy Kat - I'm very pale and black just washes me out so navy is definitely my black! Some gorgeous boots there and those trainers are fabulous.

    Emma x

  2. I've loved navy for ages now, it suits EVERYONE, and is so much more flattering than black, especially if you are as pale as I am. I also think it usually looks more expensive than black. I hadn't ever considered navy footwear though, and I might now *need* those pony skin boots! x

    1. And I am super super pale. Think Casper on a good day. Those boots are gorgeous, aren't they? x

  3. DP have upped their footwear game haven't they. Seriously gorgeous boots. As a navy addict, I'd love to own the fringed jacket but it ain't going to happen at that price. But if I can't have it, I'd love to see someone buy and style it. Come on Kat, can't you justify the purchase x

    1. Hmm I really can't love. I have two navy ones from Zara, both of which are so similar. Maybe I'll hawk this one in the sale...!

  4. Hmm, not entirely sure about navy leather, it's a bit cold looking or summat?! Love love the satin shoe boots though - you should definitely invest!

    1. Have done! I have a pair of navy leather boots actually and they look really rich and soft and supple I think. The satin ones are also perfect though aren't they?!

  5. You have totally inspired me to revisit a navy jacket in my wardrobe which I rarely wear. You look stunning lady as always. Hope your son is on the mend and sale shopping can commerce x

    1. Thank you xxx (and no, 48 hrs at home, school rules!) x

  6. Love the DP satin boots! Just ordered kine, only £10 at House of Fraser. Thanks for another great blog!!

  7. I've barely worn black in the last couple of decades, I have 1 black dress in my wardrobe and apart from black knicks, that's it. My school uniform was navy so I was always a little put off by that, but realised that black just didn't work on me. Navy is classier, mixes with 'colour' better... think navy and red rather than navy and black, black makes colour look tacky. But also looks better with neutrals and animal prints too. But then, there is navy and there is navy... the midnight shades are my favourite, there is a very blue navy which is just a bit too bank clerk / school blazer....

    1. It's definitely a case of getting the right shade of navy. I"m also not a fan of the purply hued navy. But yes, midnight is just perfect. I feel a whole new trend coming on..!

  8. Boom! Thanks to one of your commenters just got the DP satin boots for a tenner!! Thanks!

    1. Great spot for sure. You won't be disappointed (especially not for a tenner!) x

  9. Funnily enough, i was just sitting here thinking I need to get more navy into my wardrobe while there's so much of it around. It's weird that it's so much more flattering than black, but it's usually reserved for work suits and comfy slacks. I've got my eye on these navy snake-effect trainers from Next:

    At £28, I think I could justify them more than the Whistles pair!

    Becky x

    1. That's so spooky as I ordered a navy leather pair from there just after I'd finished posting this blog! I thought I'd wait and see how they are and compare them with the Whistles ones. But they look identical.. maybe I'll also get the snakeskin ones as well although I really did want leather.. (would be rude not to *See*!)

  10. It took me a while to start going down the navy path, mainly due to it being my high school uniform but as i am fast approaching 51 i have started to move slowly into navy. i brought a navy coat from hobbs last year and must admit i have dragged it out on a lot of occasions. there will always be black in my wardrobe but navy and camel now seem to be invading my wardrobe. Hope you Child feels better soon.

    1. Navy and camel are gorgeous together (although I still have such a soft spot for black and camel...) But navy and grey go together perfectly and ooze class I think x

  11. I m definitely with you on the navy route. Much more flattering. I hit the button off the navy knee high boots I nearly broke my ipad but to no avail. 8 s weren't available. Then double checked and the eight is a 41 . Will these companies please make their bloody minds up!

    1. And even then - there's no saying that an 8 in one shoe will be the same size as an 8 from another company. I always have to order two sizes as it can be so different. So so irritating. x

  12. I'm starting to introduce more navy Into my wardrobe but as a die-hard fan of black, it's a slow thing! I was wearing a new navy v-neck sweater yesterday though & even my friend looked & said the colour looked good - apparently it completely 'lifted' my face!! 😉 Loving the DP boots x

    1. Aha, it only takes a couple of compliments to change your mind, doesn't it?!

  13. I know. Can you believe it? I won't tell you what movies we've been subjected to today. It's not even as if he's faking it. He's just not allowed back to school for 48 hrs! (which is tomorrow morning I've checked!) What do you think of the sneakers above? I think they're more along the lines of tennis shoes and far less threatening than a full on trainer. I'm *personally* not a fan of the Gazelles. I think they look great on other people but they're still too utilitarian for me. I am OVER THE TRAINER! x

  14. Hello Kat, nothing to do with this post but I've been drooling over your Toga Pulla boots reading through your blog. As there's been quite a mess about shoe sizes in Europe (my pet peeve), I just wanted to know if the Toga Pullas are true to size. Thanks for your help!

    1. RIght. People say they come up small but honestly I've found them true to size. I got the 40 - I can be either a 39, 39.5 or a 40 but the 40 is absolutely fine. The 41 would have been massive. HTH!

  15. I don't do Navy very well as it was the colour of my school uniform & 25 years later I'm still scarred! I have a navy blazer which you are responsible for my buying & I do love it come Spring but that's about it! Love the first Dotty P boots! Ax

    1. I'm the same with bottle green! Can't wait it At All.
