
So we're starting with a Wish List

And the plan is to put together things that I can both wear now and into the Spring as well.  With the proviso, of course, of them being things that I don't have already in my wardrobe.

I haven't fully looked into what's on offer for the new season just yet, it seems wrong when I've still got Christmas decorations up. 

However they're down today, the house feels bare although I've got some gorgeous flowers and new plants courtesy of my recent dinner guests which definitely brighten the place up and I can now get my New Season head on. 

With the start of my Spring/Summer 15 (eek) Wish List.  And the first item to make its way onto the hallowed page is..... the lightweight jumper.  In... in in in in..... a pale colour. 

Now (already starting with the protestations here, lordy I'm pathetic), I do have one of these - a lilac one.  BUT but but but it's got a big hole in it (I ambitiously wore it to Chessington last year and was rather more active on one of the rides than I clearly am in my usual sedentary everyday style.)   So whilst I have been wearing this until it actually falls apart (all the class here), there is definitely room for a new one. 

And I could also change the brief and say a "neutral jumper" as opposed to pale.   But is that cheating already?  

There are also occasions where I wouldn't wear the lilac one and would wear another colour that goes with everything else in my wardrobe.  Colours that I'm thinking of that will take me into the summer yet still go with things I have now are, I would say, yellow, white/cream or pale grey.  All go with black, grey and navy.  So we're talking pretty neutral (apart from the yellow... details schmetails... ooh maybe I could have two things on my Wish List.  This isn't going well, is it?) 

In an ideal world I would be looking for ones that don't need anything to layer under them.  Of course you could but I am thinking of a more fitted top (yes I've done these before and I'll no doubt do them again as they are so so useful)  We're verging on a basic here.  It used to be a tee would only fit this purpose but I do think that now a thin knit can do the job equally as well. 

The classic is of course the JCrew Tippi.  Classic if you don't have arms like a baboon like I do.  I have tried these (but I was exceptionally hungover and not in the best frame of mind so I should probably give them another go) 

And this sort of thing never happens but the two colours I would have at the top of my Wish List are the two in the sale.

Merino Tippi Sweater from JCrew was £79 now £40 in the heather sandstone

And in the ivory also £40 down from £79

A lovely V neck version in beige in the sale at Matches. 

'S Max Mara Palmeti Jumper was £168 now £84  

Another top contender at Toast - love this pale grey one. 

Toast Mabel Knit Grey was £115 now £80.50

Another gorgeous grey one at Phase Eight. 

Phase Eight Naomi Zip Detail Jumper was £55 now £39

I think a yellow would work perfectly for me - fabulous with leopard ideal, gorgeous with navy, stunning with black, oh I could go on and on and on......

My top choice would be the v neck Hush one which has 20% off till midnight tonight but the sale starts tomorrow (I think... it's supposed to be Tuesday but I wonder if that means it's going to start early...)  I've had the sales catalogue through and this isn't in it.   But whether or not they do include everything... oh decisions decisions. 

Hush Classic V Jumper was £65 now £52

One that I will really have to work hard to justify is a pale blue one.   I think I might be able to find something more versatile.... Having said that, I love it with black, with navy and with all shades of grey.  Also fabulous with camel.  Hmmmmmmm

Extra Fine Merino Jumper was £19.99 now £14.99 from Uniqlo 

Another pastel option which I've toyed with again and again is pale pink.  Again, this looks great with navy, black and greys.  I also love with camel and it would look great with my Nessa cardigan from Hush.  But, as I'm typing I've just remembered I have a pale pink silk top with knit sleeves that is about three years old from Zara.  And no, I don't wear it as I'm worried about wrecking it.  So I don't need a pale pink one at all and shall be hauling this out to wear tomorrow.  Perfect!

Barbara Sweater from Weekend MaxMara at Matches was £180 now £90

Now finishing with a number of randoms which aren't to be dismissed.  I've mentioned numerous times that I love buying men's jumpers.  I'm tall and I'm grateful for the extra length in the arms.  But I take a S and most of them make an XS which doesn't fit me.  So even if you're not a giant like me - it's worth considering them, I know lots of people do.  And generally they do tend to be, if not cheaper, definitely very reasonably priced. 

For example this pale grey one from Cheap Monday.  Really, for a man?  Okaaaay. 

Cheap Monday Jumper in grey was £50 now £18 (judging by the reduction, it didn't go down well in the men's department.  Funny that... even for an achingly trendy 20something, I'm not sure Homer SImpson vest chic on show is a goer.)

Ditto this one - a scoop neck jumper for a bloke?  I'm going with no.... I'm also thinking, judging by the model's stance here, he felt like a total tool in it.  However all the more for us.

ASOS Scoop Neck Jumper in cotton was £18 now £10

"You want me... to wear THIS?"  Clearly what this model below is thinking.   A longline jumper for a bloke?

ASOS Longline Jumper in laundered slub yarn was £24 now £12. In light grey  This would be perfect over skinnies with over the knee boots... just saying....

This is a fab fab option for the Spring and Summer.  Wear it over a shirt now and on its own later on.  They do this isn XXS which I bet would fit all shorter people.

ASOS Merino Knitted T-shirt in pale grey was £30 now £10

This one has contrast armbands.  With a pair of black cropped cigarette pants and black ballet flats, this is my Parisian look nailed.  For a tenner.....

ASOS Knitted t-shirt with contrast armbands was £20 now £10

Or a navy/ecru version again now only £10

Now it's getting silly - there is NO excuse for saying this wouldn't fit - XXXS! (I think this would fit my 8yr old boy).

ASOS Merino V Neck Jumper in Mink was £30 now £12.  See?  How cheap?! 

Pale grey again - this one is clearly made for women as it comes in slim fit.  The perfect alternative to a tee shirt.  And 100% cotton. 

Blend Crew Knit Jumper slim fit was £27.99 now £19

And we've got to ogle some blokes for a change.  All is good with the world. 

Finishing with outfit from last night.  Dinner party at ours for friends - wasn't a late one so thank goodness today hasn't been a total write off.  Lovely big family roast on our last day of holiday.  I could truly say I would be happy with another week off with them - so much we didn't do (ie leave the house much...) and we still have a stack of puzzles to do.  This holiday has been one of the most relaxing ever.  This also includes my stomach muscles which have relaxed to obscene proportions and need death by Kettle bells later in the week.  (she says ambitiously.....) 


Blouse and skirt - Isabel Marant for H&M
Black shoe boots - M&S 

How on earth I'm going to get my children up tomorrow, I have no idea.  I fear that painful isn't going to begin to describe it.  The Husband is doing battle with the 8yr old at the moment trying to persuade him to go to bed (this is going to end in tears, I can hear.  Those of The Husband I'm sure).  He (small child) didn't wake up this morning till nearly 10am.  I obviously should have woken him earlier but I'd be lying if I was saying we weren't enjoying the peace.  I shall pay for this in the morning...... Hope everyone else who is back at school tomorrow has an easy run. 


23 comentarios:

  1. Thank goodness my lot have another day of the holidays, I'm dreading it too.
    And - I need M&S to bring back those shoe boots!! Trying to decide if the Dune ones are close enough or if they'd be too baggy on my ankles...

    1. oh I wonder if they will... have you checked local stores for sales stock? You never know...

  2. PS very enjoyable guy-candy, thank you

  3. I've tried the yellow one from Hush, the colour is glorious, really rich egg yolk yellow (nicer than it sounds, lol) but it felt a bit scratchy next to my skin so it had to go back, would work well with layering though.

    1. oooh no that's a pain - I've never had a problem with their knitwear! Great to hear that the colour is gorgeous - I'm definitely after a yellow as opposed to a pale lemon...

  4. Funnily enough, I was trying on men's v-neck sweaters today & have found that the 'v' is much higher, therefore much less cleavage on show, perfect!!

    Our kids don't go back until Wednesday so I'm going to enjoy a couple more lie-ins! X

    1. What an excellent point. I have to say I am over the moon now that mine have actually gone and I've got some peace!!!

  5. I feel your pain with the back to school thing. My daughter has not got up before 9 for the entire two weeks she's been off. She's categorically not a morning person. Can't wait for tomorrow. Not.

    I absolutely don't need any knitwear, having bought nine jumpers in December (don't ask, they just kind of crept up on me) but I am totally going to try the t-shirt over shirt thing that the bloke's doing in your pics. I think it'd be great with the shirt sleeves rolled up and a pair of wide leg jeans. Or would I look like I was on the way to a 70's fancy dress party? The jury's out...

    Best of luck tomorrow!

    Becky x

    1. WOW NINE! That's more than I own! No you certainly don't need any more jumpers! (and this morning wasn't that bad at all - I think they might have had enough of me as they were as good as gold this morn)

  6. Hmm. On a short size 8, my husband's 'deliberately' shrunk knitwear seems to make me look less Betty blue, more Jimmy Cranky...shorties beware, especially if you are also of the no boob variety.

    1. Oh that's too too funny. Yes, you need to be careful of the dimenions and what you wear it with!

  7. Crikey, some seriously cheap knitwear available in the men's section. I've managed to shrink hubby's brand new merino wool Hugo Boss jumper after just one wear. I'm waiting for the fireworks....

    1. But does it conveniently now fit you.. ? Every cloud and all that...

  8. I always go to the men's department at Uniqlo - the heattechs especially are all kinds of wrong on me in women's sizes (I'm a 12-14, and the XL still makes me look like a sausage!), yet the men's version in a size S is perfect! I do have swimmer's shoulders though and no arse to speak of, so maybe I'm more of a manly shape...?!

    1. No I'm with you on the manly shape - swimmer's shoulders here for sure. And you are a GENIUS! everyone raves about the heattechs but I look like I"ve been vacuum packed into the women's ones like you say. Off to check them out now, you star - they are the perfect basics for everyone except us of taller stature! x

  9. It was hell here this morning with my two gentleman refusing to come out of bed at 0700. Managed to drag them to school in time but the youngest had bags under his eyes, poor thing. Bad & film this afternoon and an early night! Jumperwise I'm sussed for now but I must say I like the see-trough effect of the Cheap Monday jumper..not a a man though!

    1. It looks fab doesn't it? And actually mine were all angels this morning. Clearly tomorrow will be car crash..

  10. oh no that's awful - do you think there's one thing that you're missing that could pull it all together? My advice would be - how about thinkign about what outfits you could wear that you would love to wear (even with something missing) and try and work out what the missing key is..... And yes, I'm thinking maybe on the culottes.. i saw some amazing denim ones in a magazine but I think they're going to be a hard thing to get right. A fine line between Ali McGraw and an M&S model....

  11. Brown v-neck man..... Lord have mercy!
    This is all.

  12. Lol at the above comment! You've just made me order both Tippi sweaters from JCrew. What are you doing to me?? I've looked at these end dithered for ages but now they're reduced, I have to. Lynne xx

  13. I would go for the Tippis if funds allowed as I have heard nothing but praise for them & that is a great sale buy! I have plenty of thick knits but hardly any thin! Ooh yes....all hail brown v neck man! What a honey! Ax

  14. More fit men please! Yummy. Sorry what were you saying... Got distracted ;-)
