
Come on Eileen

Brace yourselves.  

It was only a matter of time and I was planning on studiously ignoring them for the majority of the season but they have become the elephant in the room.  I fear I can't be rude about them if I haven't even tried them and so I put myself out there and have been the 42 year old guinea pig. 

We are talking dungarees.  Opinions on these is going to be divided to say the least.  Feedback on Instagram already has contrasted from yes they can work (not necessarily the way I was sporting them on the pic, to be fair...) to, they should be consigned purely to those under the age of 3. 

And I will admit, I was in the latter category.  Unless you are a toddler, at the very least work on children's tv or you are Demi Moore in Ghost, then no. Just no no no no.  

Along with looking like a mechanic in our boiler suit, we can channel Decorating Chic in our dungarees.  I was not remotely optimistic about these. 

So let's start with the pictorial evidence of how I got on.  Classic Dungarees in blue denim.  Firstly I had to suffer the look of pity/mirth from the 14 yr old sales assistants in numerous shops where I asked "do you have any dungarees?".  The answer was (with a slight snigger) no, in Dorothy Perkins, River Island, Oasis and M&S (although I'm not sure she even knew what I was talking about and wanted rid of me as soon as possible.  I may have had a deranged look in my eye at this point, the poor woman).

Mango and Topshop did come up trumps (although hilariously, the delightful young girl, once she'd got over her incredulation at someone the same age as her mum asking for dungarees, did ask me if I wanted long or short ones.  "GOOD GOD, long ones" was my very swift retort.... ). 

When I say they came up trumps, I meant that they had some in stock. 

So here is what the Mango dark denim Dungarees should look like £49.99

And here we are on me.  Clearly the fact I'm not wearing sunglasses is what is letting me down....


I assumed that it would be better to size up to have them on the baggy side.  I assumed wrong.  I think it would take another person approximately 40 years younger to make these work.   They didn't look cool and baggy on me, they just made me look wide.  Plus they were very short in the body which is unusual for Mango who are normally good at making things fit tallies.  So I also have the most amazing camel toe.  If you adjusted the straps (oh I am ahead of you wise fashionistas), then the bib bit sat fetchingly under my insignificant boobage.  The list of reasons why these were minging was long. 

Ok to be totally fair, the black top underneath it maybe doesn't do it any favours. 

On the upside, the denim was lovely.  Soft and lived in and I did think hmmm maybe.... Before I tried them on.  On someone a different shape, maybe these will work.

And styling is the main thing that makes these work.  There is more of that coming later but suffice to say I wasn't going to be beaten and had hoped for more success at Topshop.

That'll be a no.

And alas, they seem to have sold out of these ones online.  There were one pair left in the shop and they were a 10 so yes, these are probably tighter than you would want.  Do I think they'd be better in a larger size?  I think my face says it all...... 

image image 

But... but but but..... a strange thing happened.  I tried them on a black pair. 


And I liked them.  And the more I looked at them, the more I liked them. 

Needless to say, on any analysis, I would not plan on wearing these with a cropped top.  Just in case anyone was vaguely worried at my mental health (and I know there are friends who are slightly concerned even at my suggestion that the Home Counties is ready for dungarees....) 

Did I run like a gazelle to the cash point?  Ok so no, not exactly, but I did think that these might work.  My bestie later on (through her tears of laughter) did point out why?  Why would you wear these and not wear jeans?

Well I've been thinking and I have an answer.  A muffin hider.  I have hoards of tees that I've bought over the years - lovely (expensive) thin summery, drapey numbers.  That are too sheer to wear without something underneath and too drapey in that they manage to hug a roll of fat when I sit down (or even when I stand up, depending on the jeans.  Not all of my jeans are high waisted enough and I do depend on loose jumpers, shirts and sweats to wear many of them.)

But dungarees could be the answer to my prayers.   The perfect foil to all those tees that sit forlornly in a drawer and never get worn.  But what do you wear on your feet and on your top, jacket wise? 

So I thought I'd have a quick trip over to Pinterest for some inspiration.   The fact that all the pics are of much younger lasses (pointed out by the bessie who may be getting ditched v soon) I'm not going to let bother me.  There were some looks that just didn't appeal at all so obviously I've not included them.

Ignoring the fact I'm not Olivia Palermo... she's an amazing inspiration.

Do you think she has drunk eyes here...? I could be in love with her just a tiny bit more... I'm thinking about these with a black blazer, white shirt and leopard print stilettos?  Have I lost my tiny aged mind?  (I think I'd go with a fitted shirt as opposed to a voluminous one....) 

I think I have shoes like this still from Clarks a couple of years ago (did I throw them out... yes probably.... note to self, check attic) 

Dare I say it, what do we think about the ecru?

Now this is where I've had a slight reality check.  I am neither young, blond, tanned nor toned so the chances of me looking like a geriatric painter as opposed to cute ditsy thing in ecru dungarees are high.  Very very high.

And whilst I've written off blue dungarees, I have to say, I could (I won't, but I could..) have my head turned by this ensemble.  However, swap blue for black and I still think this outfit could work.  My trench is slightly longer but all in all, it's a good starting point.

So, I think there are ones that could work....  I'm thinking with a little blazer, one of the aforementioned plethora of tees and I'm going for ballet flats.  I think the juxtaposition of the casual (maybe.... maybe.... slightly mutton) look with the classic shoes and blazer... well in my head that will look ok. 

I'm ridiculously tempted by the black ones.  I might go with what I've tried and get the Topshop ones but on Instagram, there was much love for the black ones from Next. 

If you wanted to invest then they do have them at Whistles.... (I have to say this doesn't make my top 10, nay 20, list of things to invest in....) 

If you did fancy ecru then there are some at Topshop which I'm not trying to get excited about... (think paintbrush, think paintbrush.....) 

Now I've definitely decided blue isn't for me (famous last words... I am going to make note....), but I can see how they would still appeal.

Dark Blue at Topshop - same shape as the ecru ones.

Mid Blue Denim Dungarees from Next £35 (if mid blue takes your fancy.... these are a no for me.  I can get my head around the black.  But I'm at a loss when it comes to these.)

And to be honest, there aren't that many others out there.  I do think there will be more filtering through into the Summer but at the moment, they haven't made the mainstream High Street.  They may be are veering towards the dodgy end of the muttonometer but hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained.  I'm going in. 

Big lunch in London with some blogger friends tomorrow which I am ridiculously looking forward to.  Dare I see if The Husband will swerve by a Topshop on the way home and pick me up a pair of these so I can wear them tomorrow...  I'd say I've got two hopes and one of them's Bob. 

So yesterday, both my hair and my hems were nailed by the rain.  First outing with sneakers and I have been reminded why I have been in love with skinnies for all these years.  These jeans though owe me nothing.  They're probably 8 years old and whilst seemingly fit everywhere, the sight above the waistband isn't a pretty one....  However am toying up whether to actually keep the M&S kick flare ones I bought as these do the same job.  Would be fine with a peasant top or loose blouse over the top.... And I have other high waisted (super high waisted - thing Popeye) Tibi ones I found at the back of the cupboard.  I'm thinking I'm going for the dungarees instead.


White scallop collar - Zoe Karssen
Lilac jumper - ASOS men
Mid blue flared jeans - Zara
Navy blazer - Zara
Cracked leather Stan Smiths - adidas
Camel bag - Prada

So it's confession time.  Who else will be joining my decorating crew?  Come on... and style tips - how are you planning on wearing yours?   Or are you in the camp of "she's finally lost it"...?....  Answer on a postcard please.  


62 comentarios:

  1. Seriously, Kat!!! The plot has been lost, have you been drinking?!! ;-) To me, they don't even look that great on the 20 something models so I won't join you with this one ;-). Good luck though!!! Xx

    1. Of COURSE I've been drinking! It's 7.15pm on a Friday night and I've been sat by a swimming pool for two and a half hours! I shall brave them on my own x

    2. PS. Just seen the news that Fearne Cotton is pregnant! Funny, you kind of predicted it when you blogged about her dress - spooky!

  2. Well done for braving them. But no. Absolutely not. I am the same age as you but my daughter is 16 and that is all I need to tell me dungarees are a 'never even think about it' once past 20. She looks cute in them....

    1. Aha, my daughter is only 10. (but even she was like - errrrr mum...??? She's TEN though...... and knows nothing.. or does she?......!!)

  3. I must admit I have ordered a black pair from H & M after seeing Fran on Schoolrunstyle rocking a pair . Definitely think a white blouse underneath is the way forward .

    1. I also think with a blazer over the top.. and footwear is crucial. Tis a veritable minefield... but then to be fair, I think the same with culottes so..... Oh and midi skirts on me are bloody hard work. These look a lot easier than them (she says with the optimism of two glasses of wine coursing through my veins.....)

  4. I think I'm erring on the nope side with these.....but then OP looks amazing & I love the ecru with the Birkies. But yes, they do remind me of a decorator so it'd still be a no!! I dare say you'd look awesome though if you get them :) x

  5. I wore them all the time at university (1978 to 1982). I thought they were really practical and durable garments on a small grant, wore with kickers boots.. Stops men staring at your boobs as well! Too old now, but I can see the attraction.

    1. And now I can only dream of men staring at my boobs. Actually to be fair, men have never stared at my boobs. For the main reason there have never been any. Even when I was pregnant I went up to a B cup. Would you believe me if I said I felt like Pamela Anderson?

    2. Ha ha! Try being 5' 2" with E cup boobs. For a while there they got more conversation than me. Thank you dungarees!! Xx

  6. Hilarious post thank u i laughed out loud. I love the idea of looking like the chicks on pinterest but would probably loom like an extra from Rainbow!

    1. I fear I may lose something in translation as well....!

  7. Well done you for trying and posting the pictures, braver than me! I am still swooning over the picture of Miss OP in the black ones and the white frilly blouse, perfect styling in my eyes, boyish and girly pretty teamed together. I not going down the dungarees route, but the ones I have liked are the black ones, like on you above, Fran from Schoolrunstyle and Alex Stedman. Also, on her little spree instagram feed Sarah Clark has posted a picture of herself wearing what looks like black ones in the new Red mag, styled with a pretty frilly white blouse, looks rather nice. The only person who is doing this trend in our house is my 21/2 daughter and she is rocking a pair from H&M, good luck Kat. Xx

    1. I think I'm definitely going to give it a go. Although my 10 yr old has rolled her eyes and said errr no mum! But to be fair, she says that about a lot of things x

  8. I say go for it! I'm 45, and I got a pair of dark blue distressed ones from H&M last summer, similar to the Mango ones you found. I wear them with a stripey tshirt underneath and a thin boyfriend cardi on top. Turn-ups, Converse on my feet and I'm sorted! The black ones look fab, will definitely investigate those...

    1. Oh fab, a fan!! We need to stick together...... x

  9. step away from the dungarees!

    1. I fear it may be an itch I have to scratch... This could go one of two ways....

  10. I Agree with the above...but you were right about Fearne Cotton though Kat ..she's just announced her pregnancy

    1. Would be a dull world if we all wore the same things! And yes, I know, how psychic am I?!

  11. I absolutely love them! I have the black H&M ones. They are tapered, which look better I think. But...I might have to try the next ones.

    1. I think the H&M ones are much slimmer cut than the Topshop ones. and the Next ones looked even baggier. I think I might go with the ones I tried and looked ok!

  12. No way!! They do not look good on anyone over 3 years!!!

    1. Oh I think they look FAB in the photos above! (not the ones of me, can I please point out..!!)

  13. Kat, in a word NO.
    Oh and another word MINIONS. Minions wear dungarees. Case closed, step away from the Despicable Dungarees!
    Lu xx

    1. I agree.who wants to look like a minion?

    2. Agree again - I think we've now reached the line between confidently stylish and fashion victim. Please do not cross!

    3. I promise not to wear goggles if that helps...??!

  14. Kat, have you seen EJ Style blog - Denim on Denim? Emma's wearing some cropped, wide leg dungarees - worth a ganders! I think it's a very cool look but I'm not sure my daily school run permits! X

    1. Liberty dungarees!! That explains it - Alexa Chung for AG - and rather expensive!

    2. That puts pay to those ones then!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I'm in the yes camp. It all comes down to styling doesn't it. I think the black ones would look fantastic with a blazer. I mean you're unlikely yo wear them with Crocs and character socks are you. Think I'll swerve this trend though. Not so good on top heavy frames x

    1. I disagree - I'm broad of shoulder and a size smaller on the bottom half, and boyfriend-legged dungarees balance me out!

    2. I think Donna might have meant if you've top heavy boob wise...? I can see that this might be harder but luckily I have fried eggs where some people have melons. x

  17. Not for me but then I am short legged and big busted and would look like I was the wrong end of a wombyns music camp! You go for it! I quite like the boiler suit type ones in the new ASOS mag. BTW you were completely right about the Finery blue loafers , will be sending them back, frump shoes from frump town, why didn't I listen !

    1. Oh gosh I'm sorry about the shoes love. But yes, I think you would have to be Alexa Chung to wear them. you make me laugh with your description! I actually prefer these to the boiler suit look I think.. Not sure I can do every trend as well..!

  18. Love them, especially the ecru, somewhere warm with a suntan over a bikini drinking cocktails and chilling, perfect (I might have done that in the 90s whilst listening to Manchunian beats) dungarees will be a lovely walk down memory lane, I say 'go for it'. But (in that quick radio voice) terms and conditions apply; only black or ecru, ill-fitting dungarees may go up as well as down...

    1. You are so right - although maybe with a white tee and glads, a pair of faded soft blue denim ones might work... in the summer??

  19. I think you look great in the black ones. Definitely go for it. Would look cute with tods type shoes.

  20. This is one trend I will not be signing up for. I did have a fabulous pair back in the mid 90s but I was about 19, skinny and tanned-I wore with little fitted cropped tees. Now I'm 39 next month, I will let the gorgeous young things wear their dungas but I'll stick to regular old jeans

    1. Oh you are a baby!! Age is just a number! (although I'm not sure the cellulite on my thighs would agree with me on that one.....)

  21. I love my dungarees! Have to wear them rolled up slightly though so that they're cropped. Somehow don't look right full length. I'm finding them hard to wear in the cold weather, as they look best with flat pumps/sandals I think. Love the black pair you found x

    1. How about wearing them with heeled ankle boots? I think that could work? x

  22. It's a yes from me to dungarees - I have black H&M ones and a distressed pair from Primark that cost me all of £7 last year! Also have a boiler suit from Top Shop. And 45 this year....

    1. WOOHOOOOOO I'll shove up on the dungarees bench xx

  23. I actually like them in ecru and black, can't believe I'm saying this!
    The blue has more than a whiff of Dexy's Midnight Runners about them, so I can quite see why you swerved them, lol.

    1. You see??! They're fab styled properly and worn with a bit of attitude (ok maybe a lot of conviction needed.....!)

  24. Like you, a couple of years back I would never have worn dungarees but I quite like them now, even in blue although perhaps the black and ecru are more suitable for more mature women. Hard to say which of the above I prefer. Your face in the selfies is classic!
    Lorna Mai Blog

  25. I loved mine back in my early 90s raving in a field days & I love them now. Here I am in my M&S pair I've also styled them with a loose fitting shirt & a trench. I love them. Life's short. Have fun.

    1. FAB! and yes, life is short. Wear the dungarees xx

  26. I think I'm going to let this trend pass me by too, my teenage kids would think I'd finally lost the plot. Love your crackle leather Stans though x

    1. I need to wear these sorts of things before my kids turn into teenagers... The crackle stans are amazing is you can find them!

  27. Oh I love the look with a coat or blazer actually, but yes definitely spring not winter I think. My daughter is young enough not to be entirely bothered x

  28. I think the black ones really work on you! At the end of day you really know what suits you Kat & rarely, if ever, get it wrong! I think these will take a bit of getting used to all round but most of us will be bleating & following on! They definitely need trying on & finding the right pair is key! x

    1. oh you are lovely! I also think it's a question of finding an outfit that works for you and you feel comfortable in for you lifestyle. I am very wedded to the idea of a blazer and ballet flats - I do think that could work for me x
