
All about the accessories

"Why is there a Boden box on your kitchen island?"

"Because I got a pair of boots from them"

"YOU? Got a pair of boots from Boden?  Really?!"

"Yes, these ones on my feet....."

Cue speechless, goldfish mouth from one of my best friends yesterday afternoon.

Yes folks, I am obsessed with a pair of boots from Boden.  Having been the biggest advocate ever of the Off Duty Jumper which I think I may have lived in for most of the Winter (they gave it to me in the navy and then I got it myself in the sale in the champagne) they asked me if I'd like to try something from their accessories range for the Spring. 

And yes, I was totally spoilt for choice.  Now I know that sounds like a classic bloggers pile of bog but I think you'll find if you have a little scroll down, I'm not making it up.  

There will be some people out there - like my friend - who haven't caught up with what Boden are doing these days and how they've changed.  This has been an ongoing process over the past couple of years but there are some people who haven't got with the new, wearable and very on trend Boden programme.  I defy anyone to struggle to choose just one accessory.  I could honestly have had pretty much most of them.  

So what did I go for?  With the Gucci ad that I've been admiring at the forefront of my mind and all things suede being top of my S/S wishlist, these were a no brainer. 

I absolutely love them (as does my friend who promptly went home and has apparently ordered them in the navy.... hmmmm.  Not all hopscotch tees anymore, is it M??!) 

They are pretty much the perfect Spring boot.  They are not as high as they look - marginally higher than an Ash Jalouse, lower than a Rag & Bone Newbury and also lower than my leopard print wedges from M&S.  I have done about 10 laps of Bluewater today, as well as Ikea (yes kill me now) and am going to wear them out tonight to a comedy night.  (with parents evening before hand...eek)

The colour is the perfect 70s chestnut shade, the suede is beautifully soft and supple and  the heel height is only 3cm.  It does look higher here.  It *looks* higher in real life but honestly honestly it's not and is super wearable.  

Cut Out Boot £129


They also do them in a silver shade which I have to say I was super tempted by..but thought the chestnut ones would be more be useful for the boho look I'm planning on channelling...

In metallic 

And these are the navy ones that my friend has just bought.  I will say the only reason I don't have these as well is that I do already have two pairs of navy boots and it was much easier to justify the tan ones. 

It was actually the pic of them in the navy with the shirt dress that I've already mentioned the other day, that made me think these, in the tan, would work so so well in my wardrobe for Spring nights out.  With my DVF dress from last year, my Sandro dress I got from Christmas, my Baukjen shirt dress and knitted camel dress, these will be simply perfect.  Not too high but high enough to be smart (ok that makes sense in my head.....)  These would also go with my M&S shirt dress which yes, is navy but with my tan clutch that I have - these are perfect (they also go perfectly with my leopard print clutch just with jeans, tee and blazer)  It's such a great neutral shade that I think, if you match a clutch to it, you can wear with pretty much anything.

I'm not saying that this bag would go perfectly with them but..... 

Maida Vale Bag in tan £149

Back to navy in these shoes which are the perfect Spring shoe.  Similar heel height to the boots, these again would take you through from day to night, with jeans, trousers, culottes and skirts.  Do you need them in navy or black?  (I have to say I do prefer these in the navy....)

Lara Heel £110 in navy 

Or do I?...... In black 

If we are doing black and or navy as a colour palette in shoes, then they also have the perfect bag.  It also has a cross body strap with it, so is ideal for every day use.  With black flats, indigo jeans, white tea and navy or black blazer, just perfect.  Add heels for evening and it's the ideal day to night bag.  Top of my new Boden wishlist (apart from when you scroll down and see the ballet flats...) 

Milan Clutch in black and navy £99

If you did want to do super matchy then they have the exact same weave in a shoe.  These again are the perfect heel height for work to play. 

Milan Court £110

Of course, I can't do a blog on accessories from Boden without mentioning the shoes that everyone, from magazines to editors to savvy shoppers are raving about (get theeself onto Instagram to see) are the Alice shoes.   

Alice High Heel £119  With a plain navy dress, these would transform it into the most amazing outfit.  Or even with a plain white tee, navy blazer and indigo jeans (with handily the above Milan clutch bag...) - suddenly put these on and hey presto - they would take any "normal" outfit to a different level.   I also love the idea of a plain white blouse and jeans - super plain, simple and elegant, letting your shoes do the talking. 

If these are too high for you, they do them also in a mid heel online.

But which colourway would you choose?  I love these too in the pink.

Flats of course - I am still in love with leopard print and the skater shoes in animal I had from last year are on their last legs, along with the black ponyskin ones.  Yes I have actually worn shoes out, having worn them that much.  I don't think I've done that since I was at school.  They got that much wear.  Who ever would have thunk it?! (needless to say my New Balance trainers are as new and sparkly as the day that I bought them - just wait till we get the dog....) 

Slip on trainer - £69 (to me - skater shoes) 

Speaking of flats, I have been hankering after scallop edge ballet pumps since Chloe first launched theirs a couple of years ago.  At a squidillion pounds. 

But call off the dogs.  These are perfect.  Now I'm not going to mention dungarees again, well except that I sort of just have, but these, with them - I love.  I think I need these and the bag above.... navy flats with the navy and black Milan clutch. 

Ballerina Flats in navy £49  Plus they have these in half sizes.  Win win. 

Am also very taken with the super versatile metallic ones £49

I should probably mention that they also do the Milan clutch in a silver as well. 

And how could I ignore the ballet flats in the khaki......

Boden have their Summer range coming out in the next couple of weeks and I'll be picking my favourite two pieces in the next month.  At the moment though, am enjoying the boots and praying for better weather so I can actually get my legs out with them. (oh and the great thing about this shade is that you won't notice if the fake tan rubs off ever so slightly on it.  These are very important matters one with naturally blue skin has to take into consideration.)


White tee - Hush
Baxter jeans - Topshop
Cardigan - Zara
Cognac satchel - Campomaggi
Cut out boot in tan - Boden 

I am going to quick change my top tonight - date night with The Husband.  We're off to a comedy night to see Russell Kane.  Which as my daughter pointed out "but you won't get to speak to each other?".  Oh the prophetic words of a 10yr old...!! 


50 comentarios:

  1. I am totally in love with those Boden boots (i *may* have just checked out the navy pair) - I am also loving the navy peep toe shoes - I have always been afraid of navy but seem to be gravitating towards it of late (go figure)

    Enjoy date night x

    1. Oh I love love navy - more and more as the seasons go on. The boots are amazing, you will be over the moon!

  2. LOVE the mid heel Alice shoes, seem to have sold out of half sizes and the lovely pink/orange ones due in 5 weeks, hopefully when its warm enough to wear them! Thanks for tip

    1. I think that maybe they didn't do them in half sizes? It does seem unusual that all the half sizes have sold out.... They are the perfect day time heel height, aren't they? And ideal for those who don't like heels full stop x

  3. I would never have guessed these were Boden! I adore the Alice shoes & the tan bag is yum! X

    1. You'd never guess would you, but they honestly have some gorgeous stock these days. Amazing styling!

  4. I love them, Kat! I've been admiring the Alice heels, the leopard skater shoes and the Maida Vale bag for some time. They have some beauties! Lynne xx

    1. They're all gorgeous, aren't they? Yup, I could easily give a good home to all of those. x

  5. Love, love, love that navy & black clutch. (Nice boots too - great heel height) xx

  6. the boots look lovely, i am hankering after the Alice heels but cant decide on a colour as i like several. not sure if it was Boden last year (old age= bad memory) but the scallop edge ballet pumps tended to gap around the scallop once you put them on. apologises to Boden if it wasnt their ones.

    1. That is the one issue with them - simply too many to choose from. Oh I hope it wasn't those scallop edge shoes, I love them.

    2. i checked and yes it was those scallop edge shoes, it was the leopard print ones last year,they might have changed them for this season. i think Anne-Marie from fashion mum of 40 had the same issue with them last year.

    3. Just to chime in here :) I got the navy version this year and didn't have the gaping problem. I did have this issue last year, however. I returned them back then but this year they're a keeper for me!

  7. EW... really? I'm afraid it all just misses the mark for me... the boots just don't look right, something about the proportion and the toe. Maybe its just me but Boden is still a huge no in my book!

    1. Fair enough, like I always say it would be a hugely dull world if we all liked the same thing! I will say that the photos don't do reflection, alas, photography is not my strong point. It's on my list of things to improve on unfortunately just below about 10 squidillion other family related stuff. It would be highly irritating if we all were walking around in the same stuff though!

    2. Please don't think I was having a go! Your blog is one of about 5 I follow and genuinely like - the boden post is one of a handful where I haven't immediately gone onto the sellers site for a snoop - and like you say it'd be a very dull place if we were all the same! ( btw - surprised at the disclosure comments, always thought you were very upfront) - You have however converted me back to M&S something I would have sworn I'd never say....

  8. Today's post was sponsored by Boden!
    Can we have a Boden-free blog next? ;)
    Lu xx

    1. Today's blog was about me being asked by Boden to choose something to review if there was anything I liked. There was, I loved the boots, I thought that their footwear and bags are great this season and I struggled to choose what I liked. I always put things on the blog that I like, that I rate and that I would wear, apologies if Boden isn't your thing - I happen to think they've got some great stuff this season and was over the moon to be able to choose something. xx

    2. I see, then I apologise if I was being rude, wasn't intentional !
      (Just I could've sworn someone's blog I follow **may** have mentioned that being 40 means you have to wear raincoats with "fun" linings, and that's what Boden is to me! :)
      Each to their own, and that's what makes fashion so interesting, and a good debate!
      Lu xx

    3. Oh totally! and I still totally loathe their raincoats with a fun lining but their shoes and bags are absolutely amazing! I love that companies can reinvent themselves and move with the times - I love shopping anywhere and everywhere and am more than happy to eat humble pie and give companies a go that I previously weren't my bag. And yes, I love a good debate!

  9. You inspired me to buy the Off Duty Jumper last fall -- it was wayyyyy out of my comfort zone and a splurge even with 15% off... but I ended up loving it (in fact I have it on today, and like you would wear it every day if I thought my co-workers wouldn't notice....). I'm also wearing a pair of ankle boots inspired by yours with all the buckles though mine are a little tamer. Thanks for helping open me up to a little risk-taking! xx susan

    1. You are more than welcome. They are fab jumpers aren't they? The fact that I took three jumpers to New York only and two of them were the Off Duty Jumpers says a lot, I think! xxx

  10. I like your blog because you have integrity - I understand people get freebies, but some are just "look at what Boden sent me this week ". I know you'd send them straight back if you didn't like them. I don't always like your style, but thanks for the variety and ideas. Love xx

  11. I think it would be good if you could make it clearer in your "what I wore today"
    lists which were gifted items and which you actually bought - other bloggers put an * or c/o next to the relevant items and I respect them more for that. You usually pick nice things that you would possibly have purchased anyway but it would help maintain your integrity if you were clearer. Thank you. Lx

    1. Other people also put in their "what I wore today" links of where they bought things, what season they were from etc etc. All blogs are different and I think it would be really dull if they were all the same. I always say in the blog when I have been given something and to be honest, it's so so so so so so rare anyway - this is the first time this year I have reviewed anything ( I think) and we are now in March. Apologies if you feel this is a lack of integrity. x

  12. Only thing I like is the Maida Vale bag. The boots look cheap, especially the suede, at least in the close-up picture. Would ever want pinholes all over my boot leather. The heels are an odd height and they look like they would only be suitable for narrow feet. And yes, disclosure is very important, especially if you do accept freebies.

    1. Meant to say I wouldn't ever want pinholes all over my boot leather....

    2. Fair play - again I will say, it would be a dull world if we all liked and wore the same thing. I love the boots, lots of other people like the boots but it's always a case of one man's meat and all that. I'm not sure what you mean about disclosure. I always always always disclose when I accept anything as a gift, as I did in this blog.

      (honestly the pinholes are fab....!..... just as I keep trying to persuade some that the buckles on the Toga Pullas are fab.... I appreciate to some they are totally barf inducing. Ditto dungarees, ditto skater shoes......!!)

    3. How rude Sophie Archer !!

    4. Ms Archer maybe you should start a blog giving up 2+ hours of your time every other day (with only the odd freebie and a load of abuse as thanks for it ) and we could all see what perfection looks like!!!! P.s love the blog Kat xxx

    5. Sorry, I don't understand what was so rude about what I said. That I didn't like the boots? Not sure how that is rude. And, I was just reiterating that I think it's important for bloggers to disclose things they get given, which I think the boots were, although it isn't completely clear. Where is the rudeness? Kat said Boden asked her if she would like to try something from their accessories range for spring. Does try mean they gave them to her?

  13. Comedy night was fabulous thank you my love! And yes, their shoes have come on in leaps and bounds. Love my boots x

  14. Love these boots but looking towards summer with the current whistles discount. What do you think of the Fayley shoe for spring and the Holly sandals in gold for summer?

    1. I'll be on it like a rocket on Saturday. I have 34 people coming for a party tomorrow night and I thought it would be REALLY good idea to cook for them all. So I have spent all day cooking (with 3 extra children for a play date tonight....!) and will be doing the same tomorrow. However - hangover or not, I am all over Whistles on Saturday x

  15. Enjoy your party! It's stressfully cooking for so many! Retail therapy tomorrow will make you feel better. We have a similar style so would love to know your thoughts on these shoes and sandals as am at a standstill as to whether I love them or hate them!

    1. Hope you got your answer on the shoes and sandals...! (or did you mean to put a link in to some others?!)

    2. I got the Whistles Fayley shoes and the Haldi platform sliders! Very naughty but couldn't resist with the 25% off!

  16. I don't particularly find Boden right for me - in terms of style or fit - but I think your blog is a very honest, integral account of things you like from there and I think you have been v upfront about the fact that you were asked by Boden to look at their range. As someone who worked in fashion PR, many forget that the magazine and newspapers are filled with free stuff from retailers and designer labels who have wooed and courted the fashion editors to gained their place in the pages. Bloggers are far more unbiased in their approach to what they normally feature on their blog and I think your blog is a good reflection of what you like rather than promotional copy generated from freebies you received that week.

    1. Thank you for that. I think you've hit the nail on the head that people have no idea how much product is gifted in the world of magazines. Which is NEVER EVER EVER disclosed. The only reason that bloggers disclose is for courtesy reasons - there is absolutely no legal necessity at all. It's purely good practise. All I can do is say what I believe in and if people choose not to believe it just because I didn't pay for it, then there isn't really a lot I can do about it!

  17. I don't understand the whole 'disclosure thing,' not wanting to kiss ass but you (Kat) always put in your post when you have been gifted something. It's in the first part of this post?!
    I'd rather a statement in the body of the text like that than a small * and c/o in the listings. There is integrity as Kat isn't wearing any old bobbins like some bloggers who desperately convince you they love a brand and then you never see the item again.

    1. All blogs are different and yes, you're right, I do always say when I have been gifted something. Which, again, you're right, there is no need to "disclose", it's just good etiquette. If people choose not to believe that I do actually love something then, like I've said, there isn't really a right lot I can do about it!

  18. Hi, I've been looking for some perfect skater shoes (not sure they're me tbh) but happened to find some navy blue velvet ones on Zara's website today... And after becoming addicted to your blog, thought you may want to know! Xx

    1. OOOH I'll go and have a look next week, thank you so much xxxx (yes, can never have too much navy xxx)

  19. Kat, have you received the new LTS catalogue? Take a peek!
    Lots of khaki, navy and absolutely gorgeous stuff.
    Good luck with your party tonight, look forward to hearing about how much you all enjoyed it!
    Lu xx

    1. I do NOT believe you!! I will go and check it out. I fear they may have stopped sending my the catalogues as they went straight into the bin. But no, I love it when a company comes out of the woodwork with some gems so I'll absolutely go and have a look xx

  20. Thank you thank you thank you xxxx

  21. Well said Carol. I totally agree. As they say here in Ireland "feck the begrudgers". Kat integrity is definitely one of your virtues. I guess that's why your blog is so popular ��
