
A wardrobe lifter

Now I love my jeans.  I really love them.  I have many pairs and I adore all of them.  However, there always comes a point in the season where I am Over wearing them.  Bored of them, just bored.  Regardless of how many different sorts of jeans you have, it it easy to get to the point where you've overdosed on denim. 

I would say that there are a couple of exceptions to the rule - those things that haven't clad our legs on a daily basis all Winter and they would be flares and dungarees.  But I'm fully aware that the latter is certainly not for everyone. 

And even flares do take some getting used to.  Especially when it's raining (or even snowing *weeps*) and you end up with soggy hems..... A flaw in the plan of all trousers that need to be long.  I knew there was a reason I had bought fully into the skinny jean trend. 

Ok so it's not shorts weather yet, even the thought of  a skirt is on the scary side as it's just not that *that* warm and god forbid I should have to tan my legs.  

There is obviously the jumpsuit option (I have success on this to report tomorrow.  Whoop de whoop) but today I think I've hit gold when I dragged out last year's cargo pants.  These are perfect.  They don't necessarily have to be khaki (although yes, that is the predominant colour) - I am very wedded to the versatility of my grey ones and could certainly justify the purchase of a blue pair too. 

They also don't have to be traditionally Cargo.  So a pocket isn't a necessity and I think they can either be cuffed at the bottom or not.  I would say that I prefer a non silky fabric - something with a little bit of structure to it can be more flattering and certainly makes me feel more "dressed".....

The perfect alternative to yesterday's jeans.  I love mine with a blazer - in this weather, I've got on a thin knit jumper but a more substantial knit with a huge scarf would work just as well for chillier days.  (layer underneath and remove scarf when indoors)  A tee and blazer were part of my Spring uniform last year and I plan to repeat this year once it warms up.  A trench is the perfect coat for those rainy days.  Very much a nod to our less is more theme - I find them randomly smarter than jeans....yet they are still casual and comfortable.  Footwear wise, I have always worn flats with mine but there's nothing to say heels can't work just as well - dare I mention a mule?  *adds to long list of forthcoming obsessions*

A big thumbs up from me and every wardrobe should have a pair (in more than one colour I would be so bold as to say - trousers that is, let's leave the mules to another day)

Mine are from Hush last year and unfortunately they haven't repeated them this season - the nearest would be these which would work just as well.  In three versatile shades - my preference would be the slate blue, closely followed by the khaki. (also a yellow online)

Avignon Trousers from Hush £45

Also in the khaki

Some more khaki but very relaxed and distressed from Topshop. 

Relaxed Utility Trousers £36

With a smarter edge but still in khaki - you may or may not have guessed that there is a lot of khaki around.... 

ASOS Premium Tapered Trousers £40 (mule klaxon)

There are blue ones out there as well which look really great with black and/or white.  Or grey - absolutely love with grey and white.  Dare I say a cream/off white blazer or jacket (spot obsession on the cards #343)

Washed Utility Peg Trousers from Topshop £36

ASOS High Waisted Cargo Trousers in a woven twill £35

Just to prove you can do them with heels... again £35 from ASO

Another style that you can get in both the khaki and a blue are these from Warehouse.  Ideal for casual, for work or for a night out with a silky blouse or top and heels. 

D Ring Peg Trouser in khaki £38

And in the blue 

I am also planning on getting lots of wear out of my pleather ones (which I absolutely need to wash as they have stretched to comedy proportions and I am on the verge of baring my crack to the world, which no one needs to see.  Ever.)

ASOS Leather look peg leg trousers £38

And a grey pair from Selected Femme.  They do say these are cigarette pant but to me a) that doesn't involve a roll up (oh the irony) and b) these definitely look peg leg as opposed to a straighter leg which is what I associate with a cigarette pant?

Either way, pale grey trousers are very hard to come by so if you're after a pair (and I love love the shade of mine - I find them so versatile) these could be worth looking at.  

Grey Rihno Cigarette Pant by Selected Femme £65

Of course you can also look at a skinny pair of cargos.  These are similar to a khaki pair I have and I do love them, but I just find it more comfortable some days in looser trews.  Oh my goodness - have I ever admitted anything more geriatric? 

I do know why that is - in the Winter I tend to wear lots more oversized knits which makes hiding the top of skinnies and the inevitable muffin that my older pairs now give me, much easier.  Whereas with a thinner and often shorter top - gravity is a bitch and I don't do enough exercise.  No one needs to see my love handles for evidence of that.  Hence I tend to favour looser trousers these days (I'll get my zimmer)

Noisy May Skinny Combat Trousers (also available online in a Tall and a Petite) £45

So there we have my selection of the best of the non jean tapered trousers out there.  Are you one of those people who never wear jeans (I do know there are people out there that exist without denim in their lives....) or are you a jeans or nothing sort of gal? 

Here I am today in mine, having been back to the hairdressers at the crack of dawn and yee ha - all is well with the world again.  Super relaxing day here with Monopoly Empire on loop intermingled with movies.  

Yesterday we had a great day out at Bluewater - trip to Build a Bear for the boys who have never been and Yo Sushi which is always much better and way less stressful without the kids. (I know you're not supposed to admit that but....)  That's the last visit for the next year until I forget and we go again.... (to be fair, it's a nightmare for the poor 10yr old who's a Coeliac and refuses to try the sashimi or any of the sushi rolls even though she says she will.  She's the one who begs most to go..... And breathe.....Lots of edamame beans later......A trip to Lush appeased her!)


Grey Easy Day Jumper - Boden
Grey Cargo pants - Hush
Tuxedo blazer - Hush
Charcoal Dakota flatforms - Seven Boot Lane
Black Diego - Alexander Wang

Hope everyone is enjoying their Easter Weekend.  I have treated myself to a couple of gems instead of chocolate which I will be bringing you shortly.  Two things crossed off the wish list *punches air*. 

We are also off on holiday to Ireland next week which means RyanAir style capsule wardrobe planning needs to start in earnest.   Handily I don't think I'm going to be needing my bikinis or sandals so that's a couple of things less to muse over.


28 comentarios:

  1. Oh no I am GUTTED for you about your jacket but I am ridiculously pleased to know it's not just me who manages to randomly lose things. I simply cannot find my gorgeous damson jumper from Hush - absolutely NO bloody idea what I've done with it. So so cross with myself but ho hum. It could be worse - I could have lost my jacket - gosh I so so feel for you.

    You will never know how you lived without these trousers I promise. xxxx

  2. Funnily enough, I've just commented on Andrea's newest post about feeling that I'm living in a jeans just a tad too much at the moment but when they're so versatile, it's hard to break the habit! I love the khaki cargoes but I just do not suit khaki, makes me look ill!
    I'm currently on a desperate hunt for a smart-ish jacket suitable for rain as the weather is not looking good for when we'll be in New York :(. I'm really struggling to find anything that isn't too cagoule-y or Boden rainy day Mac-ish, gah!! X

    1. How about the navy or grey cargo style? Very happy with mine and they're that bit different from the khaki.

      Jacket wise - how about a trench? You can get shorter ones if you don't want a full on long one. x

  3. Hair looks fine again! Will you now change hairdressers or have they managed to restore your trust in them?
    I saw your outfit on Instagram and it suddenly reminded me of a similar pair of light grey trousers/ cargo's I have from Penn& Ink, do you know that brand?( exact: and had forgotten about it! I am asha,Edmund shall wear it tomorow to make it up to them!

    1. Haven't heard of that brand no! It's curious how many European brands we don't have here. Sob! Grey trousers are so so useful - love \em.

    2. Also meant to say, I think I'll go back to my colourist . This was a total one off I hope and I love the way she does it normally!

  4. Today I bought a pair of khaki worn in cargos from Gap. Really pleased with them.

  5. Ha. Guess what I spent this evening looking online for! Come to bed, look at Bloglovin and lo and behold you've done it for me. I'm not sure re the highwaisted ness of the ASOS ones tho- her bottom looks a bit odd!! Think will order to try tho as love the cut of the leg.

    1. They are high waisted which may not be ok for you love - how about the navy topshop ones or did you want green?

    2. Def green - have got fab blue ones from Fatface of all places. And a no to highwaisted trousers, they make me hideously too heavy. Have seen some in H&M but have to look instore as cba with their hideous delivery.

  6. My first ever Boden order arrived today, really pleased with the Breton top which is a great fabric and cut, the grey jumper and navy cut out boots....all really good buys and with 25%off, what's not to like. Now have my eye on a black blazer...should I go for the Hush one they have athe he moment? How does it size?

    1. Oh SO pleased you like it all. I absolutely bloody Love my Hush tuxedo jacket. Have compared mine side by side with the new SUmmer one and they are pretty much identical bar the new Summer one has a button and mine doesn't from last season. I would say absolutely true to size. Mine's the 10 and is a perfect fit - just the right bit of oversized to it....without being baggy and loose. My fave blazer for sure.

  7. Would love it if you could do a tshirt feature - struggling to find a decent weight cotton or linen T to go under blazer (white) or coloured to wear with shorts etc on warmer days (can only hope!!) tks Kat

    1. One of those will definitely be on the cards xxx

  8. I can only read your title as 'a wardrobe filter', which is a whole different post. What is wrong with my brain?? I love cargos, I've been a fan ever since the heady days of All Saints and low rise super-baggy numbers with Timberland boots! I've got a Zara pair from last autumn, but they're just too short to wear with ankle boots, so I'll have to wait for the sun to come out (ie I'll get about 2 days wear from them this year...)

    So glad to see your hair crisis turned out well. Looks lovely now! xx

    1. Be optimistic! They had a couple of great ones in Zara last year but yes they were super cropped weren't they? Although I have to say I don't mind a bit of flesh between boot and trouser - would that be an option??

  9. Your hair is super gorgeous. You always seem to read my mind with your posts as my current obsession is a pair of khaki green skinny cargoes from Zara - was thinking of playing sales chicken but not sure I can wait that long. Also love the noisy Mays - weirdly I find the tighter the trouser the more comfy I feel as everything is tucked in. I too look really skinny in clothes but don't exercise so do have a definite muffin. But if I wear loose trousers, I feel slobby iykwim. Love the cigarette roll up line lol!

    1. No I know exactly what you mean!! Most of my skinnies are from a couple of years ago and I'm finding that the lower cut they are, the less I can wear them comfortably! Darn old age and my laziness......

  10. Love the look of cargos although I worry that, with the pockets, they make my thighs look big (hopefully just in my imagination!)
    I absolutely love the Dakota shoes from Seven Boot Lane and have had them in my online basket for the last few days....would you say they're worth the money? Comfortable, good quality, hard wearing etc etc? Do you know of any cheaper alternatives out there? I tried on a pair of skater shoes in Clarks but they just made me look 'clumpy'! The Dakotas look a little more elegant?
    Your hair looks fantastic! All credit to your hairdresser for sorting.

    1. I love them, really really love them. They do take some wearing in and they're not a light shoe but after one wear, they are now perfect. Definitely really good quality and would definitely be hard wearing. I've been very impressed with all my Seven Boot Lane products and wear them all regularly xxx

  11. Love khakis . I have a pair from TopshoP years old that I wear all the time . Hair looks lovely, glad you got it sorted x

    1. They really do stand the test of time, don't they?!

  12. I bought some cargo pants in khaki about a month ago but they've yet to make it out of the wardrobe!

    1. It's supposed to be getting warmer this week.....

  13. I bought some khakis this week from New Look and I love them! Skinny, slightly cropped (but that might just be because I'm lanky!!); no pockets. Have worn them twice already this week. Great alternative to jeans. Xox

  14. I have a bit of a thing for khaki trousers, I just love them! I spotted the ASOS tapered leg ones a while ago but they were huge on me and I couldn't be bothered to return and reorder so I gave up on them. I'm off to have a peep at Topshop after Michelle (My Fashionable 40s) was sporting some gorgeous ones yesterday. Lynne xx
