
Hoe down time

Actually that's not fair.  We mustn't think like this otherwise we'll never get ourselves into a denim skirt and we should. 

Now at the beginning of the season I do recall saying, nay pontificating - as the world and his dog were buying the button through M&S skirt - that I was not going to be going down the denim skirt route *flick of hair condescendingly*.

Well now I look like a plum as I think I might need one of these...... No I definitely need one.  Ok so at the moment I'm torn between one of the pencil skirts from yesterday and one of these.  Trying to work out which I'd get more use out of.  

So what should one wear with these?  Well I think we can pretty much go with what we'd wear with the pencil skirts.  I'm thinking thin knitwear for during the days when it's not super warm - just enough coverage to not need a jacket...  I'm going with a tee tucked in and a little blazer with flats for a casual look during the day.  And the classic denim shirt or crisp white shirt to ring the changes.   Shoes.. well, I'm going with pretty much any heel that I can think of for a smarter look.  Ankle boots would also work a treat for casual (or dressier boots for dressier looks) and for during the day, I reckon sandals or sneaker shoes would be a goer too.

Lots to try out.  But first of all, I need the actual skirt. 

Starting with my fave look from yesterday - pencil skirt, just below the knee and with a slit up the middle.  A belt is a necessity.  This is rather irritating seeing as I just ditched a whole shedload of belts that had been gathering dust for YEARS in my old wardrobe.  Again - the Law of Sod says that one shall keep something for 8yrs, not wear it, sling it and it will come back into fashion exactly two months later.  *cue belt research*

This is probably one of my top choices.  Belt included... 

ASOS denim belted midi skirt with patch pockets £35

In a lighter shade of denim - slightly shorter perhaps but the model is 5ft 8 so it should hopefully sit just below the knee on most.  Love this look - the shirt, the shoes - perfect.   (and this looks ok without a belt... )

ASOS Denim Split Skirt in midwash blue £30

If you prefer your slit at the back then there's always good old M&S to rely on.   In a classic blue denim. 

Sculpt & Lift Denim Pencil Skirt £32.50

I have to say I quite like it in the white option.... Personally I think I would stick to a blue denim as I'm a beginner at this skirt thingy but if you're more experienced, then definitely it would be a lovely option for your wardrobe. 

In white £32.50

A darker indigo is a much smarter option, from Boden and don't forget your 25% off.  We've gone from 20% with our pencil skirts yesterday to 25% off today.  Code 5X5K.  From today for four days. 

Modern Pencil Skirt in Dark Denim £59 before discount.  This is designed to finish just below the knee and is available in three lengths (yay!  Cut seriously, why do more skirts not come in petite or long...?)

I have to say though, this is pretty darn marvellous.... especially at this price. 

Indigo Pencil Skirt £28 from Dorothy Perkins

Red.  Yes, red denim.  Can you get any more 80s than this?  I have to say I am a little bit more than taken with this.  The fact that I never ever wear red is a teensy tiny detail I'm not going to think about...

A-line now which I love.  I love so much I have three already (that will be all of the three skirts I own...) and so I think I'm up for a change and a straight one but I have to say, this is definitely my comfort zone.  I find them very flattering, comfortable and easy to wear with heels or flats. 

This one from Topshop looks ace - the review says it has funny sizing but that's a given with skirts surely?  One man's meat is another's poison and all that..... 

Two more A lines from M&S - interesting styling and hovering on the knee  (although this will obviously depend on how tall you are - duh) which personally isn't my bag but they look a lot better in the flesh. 

And one with pockets with studs... now I'm not sure these studs are working for me..... Haven't quite got my head around them but maybe they'll grow on me.... I do have a stud confession on another subject to report though but I'll save that for another day.

Another on the knee version is available from Boden.  Again, jury's out for me as I do have very long limbs and I think they look better if I commit either above or below.  However, works really well in this pic here... a subtle A line.

Chic Denim A line £45 from Boden   Also available in other shades of denim online.  Price is pre 25% off.  And again, in different lengths.

Now there are some that are above the knee - knock yourselves out and yes, I totally appreciate if you're shorter (or younger...!) then these may be more your thing.  And to be fair, these are probably going to be longer on most than they are on the model.

Another option from River Island. 

Dark Wash Denim Demi Pencil Skirt £35  This for me is most like the fabulous pic from yesterday.

Pencil button skirt - again just above the knee. 

Having said that, this one I could easily do (back peddles furiously...) 

And this one I think would again be longer on most than the model..... love the pocket detail.

So that pretty much covers all there is to be said on Denim Skirts.  I haven't done micro mini and I haven't done maxi but I reckon I've got some good food for thought in those that I've found. 

Are you a denim skirt aficionado?  I am a total novice - hell, I only own three skirts full stop, so opinions would be appreciated.  Personally I think I'm veering towards the below the knee (just easier to wear till it warms up) and it's between the Dorothy Perkins or the belted ASOS one... But will I get more wear out of a suede number?  Decisions, decisions...

So outfit from today - actually it wasn't cold cold but still breezy enough to warrant the chunky knit and my beloved Newbury boots. 


White tee - Eileen Fisher 
Navy jumper - Uniqlo
Chunky coatigan - Zara
Real Straight jeans - Zara
Navy Newbury boots - Rag & Bone
Chestnut cross body bag - Campomaggi from Plumo

So tomorrow I'll be back.  Saturday night is looming - do I have a dress sorted?  And what about shoes?  Shoes for evenings out anyone??


21 comentarios:

  1. I have a pale distressed denim skirt (Zara, last summer) which is perfect for me - almost a wiggle skirt it's so snug, but very thick denim so holds everything in! A line does nothing for me. I treat it like skinny jeans, and just pair it with the same sort of thing I would wear with them. I'm definitely looking for a darker one this year, but finding the right shape is a problem. The DP one looks good, except there's something wrong about not having pockets on the back? The Asos pencil one is nice too, but not sure about that front split! Ah well, the search continues...

    1. That's exactly what I want! A wiggle skirt.... perfect. hmm and yes, they should really have pockets at the back but I fear the ultimate skirt may be on the elusive side... I think I quite like the split on the ASOS one....

  2. I have an Autograph denim pencil skirt which I bought about two years ago and have worn a lot. I am pleased I will be able to wear it again. Marie

  3. Thanks for all your great suggestions - have had the ASOS in my basket for a few days and love the line (and length) of it. Also check out the 'Rinse Button Denim Skirt' at Next which looks a decent (40-something!) length - plus some great 70s styling too. Think the A-line is more practical for day to day running around in plus a smidge more flattering?? Thanks Kat, always inspiring choices!

    1. How do you get things to stay in your basket? I go back the next day and it's cleared

    2. Click save for later instead of basket. It stays there for ages!

    3. On the Next one, thank you Xx

  4. I have a Gap mini one that I wear on holiday on the continent, I would never wear it at home- too short, but it's perfect for throwing on with a top over a bikini walking back from the pool to the caravan. This year I did buy that Asos Polly one, haven't had the chance to wear yet- too bloody cold! But y last night I was on Mangos site and saw some lovely maxi denim skirts and I'm now hankering after one, think it has that whole 70s vibe going for it. Would like to try on though as what it looks like in my head will probably be completely different on me and could add another 10 lbs around my mid section- not good!

    1. oh now you see I saw the Mango ones and nope, not for me - I can see how they would work on other people but I fear I would look like a denim beanpole in one.....!

  5. I love the river island one . I haven't worn a denim skirt since around 1999 when I loved my double denim Diesel jacket and matching skirt x

    1. oh double denim.... i think I was still wearing this in 2001. The Husband constantly reminds me I was wearing double denim when he met me in a pub. Tosser.

  6. I'm not sure about this denim skirt malarkey (other than a mini at the beach when its 95 degrees). I fear it has the potential to be a bit frumpy unless you look like Kendal Jenner (which i do not). Waiting patiently to see what you opt for to see if I am inspired. By the way, I threw out a pencil denim skirt last year which had been in my wardrobe for at least 15 years - typical! L

    1. Watch this space.... alas my fake tan in the dark last night wasn't as successful as I may have hoped so it might be a couple more days....

  7. Thank you for this. The lovely Next button through denim in their recent collection didn't come in Petite (grrrrrr) so I have ordered one of the ASOS short ones in the hope it will hit the knee "just so"

  8. Quite a few good choices here Kat, thank you for ciphering out the goodies! Think a denim skirt could be an item I live in over the summer months. I wore one during my travels in the US in October - shorter than those in your post but looked better on me than cut offs and still as cool with flip flops and washed out t shirt. :-) x

    1. We were having this chat last night - that some people definitely prefer skirts to shorts. For me - definitely in the shorts camp as opposed to a mini skirt in the summer. Isn't it funny!

  9. Karen Millen one on its way to me, couldn't resist, I only have 5 denim skirts already...can't resist a nice one...

  10. I am LOVING it for the Autumn as well.... For the Summer - try with a little jumper? Shirt? I'm liking with mules.... (watch out for later today.....) Or clogs from the other day.
