
I've come over all Scandi

Well.... when it comes to modern day Scandi tv programmes anyway, it seems it's all hail the Fairisle jumper. 

And I am suddenly drawn to these like a moth to a flame for two reasons.  

Firstly - the concept of Fairisle just screams Autumn/Winter to me which, in turn means... Christmas! (There, I said it.  Don't all shoot me at once...)  Ok, so before then it means, Halloween and Bonfire Night and all things cosy, warm and homely.  Love it - absolutely my favourite time of the year.  Strictly and X Factor on a Saturday night.  Perfect.  What better way to celebrate than with a super scrummy new jumper?  (See how easy it is to justify one?) 

And secondly, I am very much going down the sombre route this year with regards to my A/W colour palette.  Lots of black, khaki, grey and navy.   Put the first and second points together and suddenly I needed something a tad jolly.  And the first jumpers that sprung to mind were my two faves that I've had my eye on (at the bottom of the blog) for a while now. 

It then got me to thinking, were there any other gems around.  Kicking myself BIG time actually, as I had the most amazing version of one of these with a fantastic polo neck = slightly cropped as well - in shades of orange, pink and oatmeal from H&M about 8 years ago.  And I only got rid of it last year as well.  FOOOOOOOOOOL.  Would have been sublime with my high waisted Stella McCartney jeans (that I never wear as I haven't got enough tops to go with them and can never be bothered to find heels to go under them.  I am so lazy sometimes, it's untrue - anyone else?) 

Moving swiftly on with some other gems I've unearthed and to take my mind off the one that got away (well - the one I threw away.  Cretin cretin cretin)

Sob.  It might have been similar to these colours...

Superdry Ombre Fairisle Brushed Knit £54.99

And a navy version also from Superdry £54.99  Love this one with a grey poncho or long cardigan over the top. 

Slightly less in your face at Next.  A much more subtle version. 

Embellished Fairisle Patterned Jumper in the blush from Next £28  This comes in a Tall, Regular and Petite

And moving on to a classic twist on a monochrome with navy - and in the sale.

Navy at Vero Moda was £45 now £22.50

However, I am still obsessing over red.  Really quite drawn to it this season and if we're going to start thinking festive (sorry.....) then the black and red ones ring a bell for me (ho ho ho) 

Golden Goose Jumper £127 

Best thing about these sorts of jumpers is that you can also look at men's ones too.  Taking advantage here of the Brand Offer at House of Fraser - up to 30% off.   Would be rude not to.

Native Youth Fairisle Knit was £50 now £30

Or if the red is one step too close to Santa, then how about just black and white. 

Monochrome Embellished Fairisle Patterned Sweater from Next £28 again in Tall, Petite and Regular

More monochrome at French Connection. 

Fran Fair Isle Wool Jumper £85

Another grey version - love the textured look to the body of the jumper of this one. 

Collection WEEKEND by John Lewis fairisle jumper in grey £55

Slightly different but this one would be perfect for layering under blazers.  This reminds me of 70s skiwear....

ASOS Jumper in Structured Knit in mono £32

This isn't traditional fairisle but a slight twist on the theme.  In more neutral shades. 

Stitch Yoke Sweater in Neutral £32

And it doesn't necessarily have to be a jumper.  Absolutely LOVE this.  I think my 11yr old had one from JoJoMamanBebe when she was tiny, that was v similar.  Except hers was pink.  Naturally.

Chelsea Knitted Poncho in grey melange was £99 now £86.13 

Or in the form of a cardigan.

Fran Fairisle Wool Cardigan £110 from FCUK

But I think my favourites by far are these ones.

Fairisle Jumper from Boden in the Silver melange was £99 now £86.13

Or in the chinchilla  (the above would be my preference.)

But I can't not keep coming back to this set....oh how I love this.  Now do I play chicken with it to see if it goes into the sale?!  (I appreciate that is an awfully long time away and the chances of me caving before then are potentially high) 

Samsoe & Samsoe Kimy Cardigan in Jasper £135

With the matching jumper - a super modern version of a twinset.  I would happily wear these separately too.  But together I think they are all sorts of gorgeousness.

Samsoe & Samsoe Jane Jumper in Jaspar £99

Adore this styling at Very Exclusive..*hunts out discount code* *can't find one. GAH*

I think this will be a scratch I itch somewhere between now and Christmas.  I am definitely on the hunt for something cheery to lift a murky palette of colours.  They are a tad twee but I'm a fan.  Anyone else?  Get your Val Doonican on - you know you want to. 

So here I am last night for drinks out with the girls.  Possibly the last week when the legs will be out.


Navy back to front shirt dress - Ghost
Camel Cypress boots - Acne
Tan De Manta clutch - Alexander McQueen 

And today - making the most of the legs out weather. 


Navy back to front shirt dress - Ghost
Chunky knit cardigan - Zara
Superstar sneakers - Golden Goose
Cognac cross body bag - Campomaggi from Plumo

Lovely day today - school catchup meeting about the 8yr old Aspie and *proud mum alert* - he is doing so so so well.  Only one minor episode this term so far which is such a huge improvement along with other collaborative progression in class.  Couldn't be more chuffed for him.  Alas, I had one glass of wine too many last night (white wine = devil's juice) so don't even feel like a small glass for a celebration.  I am getting The Husband to bring a kebab home instead.  Oh yes - all the glamour......


19 comentarios:

  1. Love these jumpers...have a couple of similar ones from last year at H&M and Zara. Also saw at Bluewater today the Next sale starts Saturday..half price or less! X

    1. How can the Next sale start already?? To be honest, there's nothing I really want from there... I'm hanging out for the proper Jan sales! (already.. that's sad, isn't it?!)

  2. I got a navy cotton one from Gap for about 20 quid in the sale last year - it's an inside-out sort of stitch, and the fair isle bit is red and white (although it's more of a stripe pattern than fair isle, but does go around the neck and shoulders). High neck, but not quite a turtle neck. It was so cosy, can't wait to get it out again this year!

    1. That sounds gorgeous. These are definitely things that you will have in your wardrobe for years and years x

  3. These jumpers just make me feel itchy!

    1. I know what you mean! It does depend on getting the right composition for you (or wearing a layer underneath!)

  4. Would love to like those jumpers but just looking at them makes me feel itchy!!

    1. That\s why I bought cotton - no itchiness! Took me ages to find one though...

    2. Ha ha ha! I think that's because we were made to wear them as kids when wool wasn't as treated as well as it is now. These days, hopefully they should be less scratchy x

  5. I love the boden one. Just need a discount code and it will be in my basket!

  6. I love these, I have a subtle charcoal/grey one in merino but am looking for a more colourful one. Love a bit of fairisle/folk pattern. I agree that the composition is important, itchy is not good! I loved the Samso & Samsoe one that plumo had last year in greys, pinks and yellows but couldn't justify it.


    1. I've just remembered I have a grey one from H&M last year... Hmmmmm!!! Yes, the Samsoe ones are so so gorgeous aren't they? They are definitely on my sales list as I wore the H&M one so so much in fact. x

  7. I'm desperate for one like that huuuge one you got last year, from H&M, I think. Please let me know if anyone finds something similar!!!

    1. I will do! That really was a total one off. I LOVE it.

  8. Found a Boden discount code for 20% off so the one just had to be bought, always loved fairisle, cabbages & roses are doing a hand knitted one this year, if only I could win the lottery!

    1. Gosh I dread to think how much that one is! You wouldn't share the code, would you?! Pretty please!!

    2. Yes more than happy to, google Boden disocunt code mumsnet and on the last page there is a link which takes you through to their site with 20% discount. Enjoy :)

  9. I LOVE the photo of you Kat, with your legs out. Especially the boots! You have the most amazing style
