
Which side of the fence are you on?

The love it, or the "DEAR GOD MY EYES" side?

Flatforms.  Platforms.  Heavy soles.. But on sneakers.  (all vom at once).

Now I did mention yesterday that the jury was out on these, but to be honest with you, the fact that I'm wavering this early on in the season, doesn't bode well for me not having caved by Valentine's day.  Weather depending of course.   We still have the end of January to tackle yet and as one who has her birthday then and can count on one hand the number of "not ruined by the weather" birthdays she has had in living memory, I'm not confident that we will actually be wearing these pre mid Feb. 

Today - my not remotely classic and definitely disgraceful item is, as I mentioned the platform.  Actually, to take it one step further, the flatform.  Yes, I hear you cry, these are not new?  These have been around for years and years, you old lady.  Well yes, they have but I would say predominantly in sandal form.  Maybe the odd loafer or brogue last year.  

But this year, we have the flatform on speed.  I spied these when I was in Whistles the week before Christmas.  First thought was (here's where you can tell I'm 40+) - ooh they won't be good in the rain *facepalm*.  But then my inner disgracefulness pipes up and I think, hell who cares.  These rock.  The fact I couldn't stop thinking about them is always a good sign and I know I was on the right path ("right" is clearly a subjective term there) when I came across almost identical at good old Stella McCartney.  Which is handy as it makes the Whistles ones look *vaguely* reasonable... Now where is that 25% off new season voucher when you need it?

Melby Espadrille Trainer from Whistles £165

Melby Suede Espadrille Trainer £165

However I also then came across these.... Not forgetting how much I loved the skater shoes from two years ago (first time in as long as I can remember that I actually wore out two pairs of shoes).  These are a pimped version for this season.  It's all about the heavy sole.

Felt heavy sole trainers from Whistles £140

All the love for this styling.  This is a new season cardigan and polo neck but you could easily recreate the look with a jumper dress from A/W (which handily I have... bobbly or not bobbly, I love it - the Whistles cashmere one and shall be wearing it like this for sure.)

And similar at Stella - clearly the espadrille along with platform will be having a moment this S/S.

Macy Faux suede trainers £320 (personally I completely prefer the Whistles ones)

And then of course there are, what Stella calls a loafer... Not sure that would be my definition of a loafer - but a flatform it sure is.

Stella McCartney Binx Flatform loafers £295

I do then feel super smug with already having my Seven Boot Lane ones from last year - the Dakotas... hopefully they'll be doing some thing similar this year.  I will let you know as soon as I find out.  They also did a lace up pair as well.. I have high hopes.

Similar can be found now though at Finery.  These have been so so popular and it's not hard to see why.  

Elwood Luxury Pointed Trainers from Finery £59 

Faux Fur version? £79 also from Finery

A complete on speed version from Mango.  My excuse is that I'm too tall for these... (and they may be a tad too far out of my comfort zone.. I would also get vertigo in these).  Surely the best Stella McC tributes out there though? 

Contrast Platform Shoes £79.99 

Stella's "originals?"

Elyse Lace up platform shoe from Stella McCartney £580

And then we're back into the more comfortable zone of a trainer with a bit of oomph on the sole.  These are perhaps more wearable, and this season's slight variation on the classic that we've all been wearing. 

Toulouse Leather Lace up Trainers in navy from Topshop £52

Surprise of the day though, has to come from Clarks.  I got an email with this pic on and genuinely thought it must be Cos or some other such pared back Scandi brand. 

But no.  Good old Clarks.  And they're super good for your feet as well.  

Trigenic Flex in White from Clarks £100

They actually reminded me of something else.. let's just say I am NOT a trainer expert in any way shape or form so in between the boring bits of Harry Potter this morning (I will say I was glued to Little Women which was the first movie.. Harry Potter, I really really want to love but can take or leave it) 

Nike Air Force 1 '07 £69.99

Or the Nike Air AF1 Ultra Force ESS white trainers £70.  These are different from the above.  Apparently.  I'm sure to your generic trainer expert, the difference is highly visible.  To the complete amateur that I am, they look the same.

If you're looking for a new white trainer this season, then I think this is an excellent place to start.  Clearly, this is coming from someone with Gimmer Trainer status and those who are in the know will be rolling their eyes and guffawing as they've been sporting (ha!) these for ages. 

But to your newcomer, if you're into a heavier sole as appears to be the done thing this Spring and want box fresh white, these are a great option. 

However, I'm not in the white trainer market but I've spied, (during my research and education of all that is Nike Air Force 1 - yes until this morning I thought that was just what the President of the USA flew around in.  Minus the Nike bit) a pale grey suede pair which has made me think - oh hello.  Not something I had thought of AT ALL before but I love the pale grey with the sand coloured sole.  Are these "meant" to look retro?  Like I say, no idea but who cares, I love them.  Really really love them. 

Nike Air Force 1 Grey Suede Trainers £80 from & Other Stories.  Which means they must be beyond cool.  To me, they're just that bit different, whilst still being super wearable and not toooo disgraceful.  Dare I say a variation on a classic or have I just looked at too many sneakers today?

Now here's the thing when it comes to these, how shall we say, more way out there pieces, is, I would try to do one at a time.  It doesn't necessarily mean you have to do just one all season but I would possibly recommend (unless you are super adventurous) limiting the disgraceful things that you wear in the same outfit.  She says fully aware that she probably breaks this rule on a daily basis.  But what else are rules there for...? 

I can, hand on heart, say I need a new pair of shoes like I need a hole in the head.  I am thinking though if I have a huge "shoe out" of existing ones that I no longer wear, I'll have room for new...Certainly loads of them are heels that I seem to rarely wear now during the day (old lady with dodgy knees alert) although I definitely can't totally ditch them in the evening.  And I still have a penchant for heeled ankle boots.  Actually I don't have that many pairs at all - five maybe?  So it's pretty much a handful of flats and some old sneakers (yes YOU New Balance) that I don't wear.  Ok I feel better now. 

Has anyone else come over to the flat side?  And if so - what are your flats of choice?

Today.. another one bit the dust.  But that's three for three children so all five of us have had the lurgy now.  Two children at home today (one sick, one fine - 48hr rule..) and so tomorrow, we'll still be under house arrest.  I haven't left the house bar to walk the dog very briefly since Saturday lunchtime...

Suffice to say, on a scale of one to ten of Florence Nightingales, I'm now hovering somewhere around Rose West.  It will come as no surprise to anyone in my family that I finally acknowledge I am no loss to the nursing profession.  Hell, I'm rubbish.  I try, I really do and we all muddle through.  I also make an absolutely pants patient.  Thank heavens we are all done now and normal service can be resumed. 

On the upside, I have managed to finish off the majority of the Christmas chocolates  Box of Thorntons, home made fudge - not by me - and Belgian choc biscuits today.  And yes, the joggers were obviously out again.  I have managed to make a list of healthy eating recipes but since we're living out of the larder and freezer till I can get to a supermarket, I feel I'm doing us all a favour by hoovering the remainder of the Christmas goodies.

Another day and another early dog walk.


Black vest - Primark
Black Bat sweatshirt - Zoe Karssen
Charcoal harem pants - hush (and if you didn't know - their sale has started...)
Edie boots - Seven Boot Lane (I have not had these off my feet all week. Pure. Bliss) 
Black knitted coat - Ronit Zilkha 

So whilst we're here, the Jensens and the Ash Miras have arrived for me to compare and contrast. I haven't tried them on together yet but I will say that the Jensens are slightly baggier on the ankle than I had anticipated.  And looooooooooooong.  Sign me up for the next Penguins of Madagascar film.  For £400 (ouch) I can already say they're not for me but I do have higher hopes for the Ash virgins at a quarter of the price.  But I'll bring my full report tomorrow.  When I can be bothered to try them on with something else other than my joggers. 

Seeing as yet again, I won't be leaving the house tomorrow and I think we've run out of things to watch on the Sky+ and I have new magazines that the husband super kindly bought me along with some new catalogues which have arrived, I will be back with another off piste idea for the new season.  Don't be shocked.  Cabin fever does funny things to your mind...

Would love to know where you sit on the flatform fence though?  I was sitting on it but, as per blooming usual, I've manage to talk myself into being firmly on the "which ones I justify" side. 


72 comentarios:

  1. These are exactly the sort of trendiness that makes me look a fool, but makes others my age seem very of-the-moment. Maybe part of it comes from living in a pragmatically rural sort of community? Or maybe it is that the rest of my wardrobe is so unfailingly "classic"? I save my less practical wardrobe items for booktour and the occassional speaking engagement -- neither of which are really trainer appropriate. Thus, I will watch from the sidelines but cheer you on.

    As for the boots, my good ol' Clarks Kacia Lianas arrived in all their almond-toed glory. Love them. They won't satisfy your pointy-toed urges, but they suit me and my environs pretty well.

    Hope all are hale and hearty by weekend.

    1. No I know EXACTLY what you mean and there are definitely things that I simply can't do that, for me, would be beyond the pale of trendiness for my lifestyle. But these, are a small jump I reckon....

      I have to say, these, with a totally classic outfit, I think would rock. (I'm assuming you're talking twinset, pearls and a tweed skirt?!) but it's all about comfort and your personal style and, like you mentioned lifestyle.

      But whoop for new boots! xxxx

    2. Oh good golly. Not quite pearls and twinset. More classic, slightly tomboy, safest side of JCrew, not down with the patterns Boden.

      Wore the new boots yesterday and felt a dream.

  2. Have always been a lover of the nike air which I have in white but love those grey ones. However, the whistles espadrilles are a real winner. Totally love them. I really want another pair of GG, so not sure I could justify at the moment.
    Most of my sale purchases have been returned although I love the boden coated navy jeans.
    Hope you're all on top form again soon. I am a nurse but when my kids puke it sets me off!! Although my husband always leaves it to me as he thinks I can cope, as it's my area of expertise!!!

    1. Check you and your Nike knowledge out...!

      I have two pairs of GGs but one red which is quite different and statement so I think they can be justified as totally not the same as the others! That's enough for me though. A different style is what I'd be after next...

      So pleased you like the coated jeans. They're an amazing fit aren't they?

      A nurse. Much much respect xxxxxx

    2. Haha I think my Nike knowledge just comes from my son. I have to check what colour he has on before I step out with him in mine - definately not cool to have the same shoes on as your mother!!
      The Boden jeans are fab.
      Am loving all this blogging communication. Long may you keep us all entertained and fashion informed. X

    3. oh my lord that is too funny. My boys LOVE nike trainers but they have the..errr god knows what they are but the astro ones in bright colours. They are 7 & 9, so chances of me having the same aren't high.....

  3. It would be so dull if we all liked the same but all I can think is "baby spice"!

    1. You can go off someone you know... Although I promise you I will NOT be wearing with ankle socks, mini skirt and bunches. Not yet.... !!!! (you totally have a point though!)

  4. I'm afraid I'm in the 'dear god my eyes' camp, although I love the justification and almost thankful you have blogged about something that doesn't appeal.. Not only am I too tall to want the extra height but my main issue is the fact that they look like 'special' shoes' (but not in a good way)! Each to their own though - would be a dull world if we all liked the same thing! Hope you and your family recover quickly.

    1. No I completely see where you're coming from. I have to say my first though was Geisha which didn't really appeal either but the Nike President Plane shoes I reckon I can get to grips with. x

  5. Oh no never for me make me look stupid and knowing me I would fall over my own feet. Topshop ones possible but so wanting a pair of GG I will leave these thanks. Agree with previous comment we can't all like the same. Good luck with day four you will deserve a huge treat after this !

    1. To be fair I've just watched a lot of tv and caught up on all my washing!! And yes, variety is definitely the spice of life! x

  6. Corrective shoes and I'm sorry it's not very PC, but that's all I can think about on these!!, X

  7. But I did get some New look Chelsea boots, tab, pointy toe 24.98. Perfect and just what I needed , after ready no your blog and comments. Slimline, not wide at all as others said x 29.99. Great shape and v comfortable

  8. Like those grey ones, just wonder if I would trip up in them...... Hope you manage to escape the house soon, nasty weather you're not missing much!

    1. The Nike ones? Nooo I don't think they're really flatform flatform - just a bit chunkier than your average sneaker! I'm going to order to scratch the itch, seeing as I haven't left the house in almost a week!

  9. Now these I love! Any extra height is a winner in my books. I might even cross over to the Dark Side (trainers) for a flat form sole :)


    2. I am SHOCKED that finally there might be something resembling a runner you would consider! WHOOOOP!!!!!

  10. FAB outfit for dog walking!

    I have the Finery black and white ones (your fault again, came across them on this blog) and they are brilliant. So I don't need to buy any more.

    I also have loads of heeled ankle boots (navy Rag and Bones being a favourite - hang on, you have those as well!) but I am living in flat, over-the-knee boots this winter. I've just got a pair of flat loafers from the Clark's sale which are a dark metallic pewter leather, much much much nicer than they look on the website. Down to a bargainous £28 from £70.

    The sale shopping has to stop now. We need things like a back door and a log burner, not expensive new jumpers and silvery shoes! Jo

    1. I do indeed have a pair of Newburys and I don't know why I don't wear them more. This winter actually my Eileen Fisher ones have been my favourite heeled ankle boots for sure. They are actually, dare I say it, comfier than the Newburys!

      Now you see I didn't do the flat over the knee boots -maybe I should just have done them but I've moved on and am in chelsea boot land of whim now. I love loafers and have an R&B navy pair which I never wear. Well I do but v v rarely. I feel more Theresa May than Alexa Chung in them. Dang it.

      Seeing as I spend my life returning things that I order, maybe I should just try loads of these and be done with it.

    2. I love those Clarks shoes and they are in my size but alas we need things like a repainted living room more than lovely lovely shoes (or do we...finger hovering over button)

  11. Haven't tried them on no - I do think they're versatile though. i think they're just a variation on a skater shoe/basic sneaker which, I've worked out, don't necessarily go with everything but they do go with pretty much most of what I own!

    I have mixed feelings about the boots.. really really want them to be perfect otherwise there's no point, but I've sort of relied on them being ideal. Duh. x

  12. Oh so so many of my favorites here - I LOVE a great flatform. I got the Stella and Prada tributes from Zara last year which I adore. The Binx are amazing - and in the NAP sale. Oh and Kurt Geiger do a great platform skate shoe. Now as for the AF ones - now you're talking. I may have them already waiting to wear:) xx

    1. You are truly the trainer Queen. You MUST spill how many you have. I have two.... (actually I also have the New Balance which I now do exercise in so they don't count! It clearly gives you an indication of my level of exercise prowess......)

  13. I just bought these for shits and giggles :)

  14. I really like these, but I generally prefer chunkier shoes and boots! The Mango ones are really a bit spice girl circa 1995 (I remember buffalo trainers) but those grey Nike are lovely! I so don't need any more grey suede footwear...

    1. God I do not remember Buffalo trainers - I fear I may be slightly older than you..! To be fair though I have absolutely no recollection what I was wearing on my feet in 1995... I was doing my finals... Oooh maybe knee high heeled lace ups actually from Schuh... hmm I'll have a think on that.

  15. Whistles website just in a point toe Chelsea boot for half the price of Jensen…which I have ordered. Also looks slightly chunkier than the Jensen which may deal with the long winkle picker effect. I have them due for delivery today.

    1. Yes, saw these yesterday. I'm after suede I think... I'm definitely sending the Jensen's back as they need to be completely PERFECT for £400 and they're not at all. They're a compromise on every level so that's a no brainer! The Ash are still in the box... doesn't bode well, does it. It would help, like I said, if I could be bothered to put some proper trousers on. Later...

  16. Kat
    I've been down the same path as you with the Jensen boots and believe it or not where did I find my perfect suede pair at, wait for it......Bershka. And they are PERFECT. Have slightly chunkier heel but are still very sleek. They look great with skirts as well. I highly recommend. They are true to size. I don't think they are real suede but they look fantastic. I've been asked at least 20 times by random strangers since I got them just before Christmas, where they are from. Smug I am I tell you, smug.

    1. Right, I'm on it! thank you xxx

    2. Lots of flatforms available at Bershka too, cheap enough to take a chance on maybe? Thank you for drawing my attention to this site!

    3. I might be spending some time on there too!

  17. Bit scared. But could be talked into the Adidas Superstar Rizes if they weren't sold out everywhere. It's a sign. Step away from the flatform...

    1. You see I am such a trainer eejit I have no idea what the Rizes are (I do know what an adidas Superstar is... I shall look and see how these are different!) I won't be going full on Spice Girl, fear not. That is for those braver and shorter than me!

  18. I have to agree with some of the comments that they do remind me a bit of the buffalo trainers circa spice girls (who I never liked) I don't mind a small flatform but I do feel a bit like I am wearing large clown shoes I can't quite walk properly in then weird I know!

    1. Ha ha ha ha! Yes I shall be sticking to the subtle ones for sure!

  19. Great minds! Just bought Zara flatform trainers in Paris, as you do! Better rate! Grey flannel! Husband not keen, 18 year old daughter thinks their cool! Wear with allsorts!

    1. Oh my lord they are beautiful. Seriously fabulous and for £40!!! I'm going to go and see if they have them instore tomorrow. Thank you!

  20. Love Air Force 1s - I have a couple of pairs, grey and silver that I wear with everything in summer, and a new pair of navy ones from the sales! I've also got a pair of platform Converse that I bought for wearing to gigs, just so I can see something for once! They do run big though - I'm usually a size 7.5-8, and I wear a 7 in them (because they're technically men's, I think).

    1. The Nike's run big I mean, just read that back and realised it sounded ambiguous!

    2. oh BUGGER I just ordered them in a 40.. And i'm usually a 39.5/40. POO! Oh well, it must not have been meant to be! Would you say they come up bigger than Stans?

    3. You might be OK if you've ordered in your European size - the size 7 is actually a 41 at Nike, which is usually a 7.5 or 8 here. I'm afraid I haven't tried Stans, so I can't comment on the difference. Strictly a Nike/Asics girl!

    4. Oh WHOOOOP!!! I ordered a 40. PHEW. Ok now i'm excited (even though there is absolutely no sign whatsoever of delivery.) Thank you xx

  21. I think Buffalo where chunky all over whereas the new flatforms are generally sleeker on the upper with the chunk at the base.

    I like the Whistles lace ups and sneakers. Not keen on the black Stella trainer flatforms. They look a bit cheap to me.
    I love a flatform skater, lived in them over summer, made my ankles look slim :-)

  22. I'm off out tomorrow WHHHHOOOOP!! And will try them on then. The Bixas are the Stella McCartney ones? Do you mean the Whistles versions.. I love them but they're so similar to the DAkotas from Seven Boot Lane last year, I'm sticking with my versions of them!

  23. Just back from a week's skiing over New Year, and Trinny Woodall of What Not to Wear fame was on our flight back wearing something suspiciously flatformish on her feet. She looked fab in them and a pair of cropped wide leg trews, thus completely breaking all the rules she taught me about cropped trousers being all wrong. Ha. Still, I suspect if I tried it I'd just look all wrong...

    1. Oh gosh I bet if they looked back at what you should and shouldn't do from years ago, the rules have completely changed since then! It's all v dated now! She looks AMAZING these days, doesn't she? We will all be flatforming it by the end of the season, I bet!

  24. Hi Kat, can I ask you an unrelated question ? Just snagged some leather leggings in the sale, got two sizes as unsure of the fit. One pair fit comfortably, a bit loose if anything & the other pair a bit tight ! Do they stretch over time at all ? & if so I should probably keep the tighter ones ?
    Many thanks & really look forward to your blog !! X

    1. Oh that's really hard to say as they really don't give that much at all. I assume you mean the hush ones? I can't say that mine have given at all if I'm honest (unlike my whistles leather skirt which has gone up a whole size in the first wear - ditto to an old Joseph navy one I found whilst sorting through some guff the other week!)

      I think too tight you could risk looking a tad Grease? Looser I don't think would be too bad but it's up to you on how they look. But I don't think they'd stretch much more if that's what you're asking.

      Hope that helps xxx

  25. GOT IT! The Binx is the Stella McCartney skate shoe thingy and the Whistles Bixa is the patent boot? My best friend got these before Christmas and LOVES them! Fingers crossed I actually get out tomorrow..!

  26. Stella's are amazing - obvs. Nikes are all good. TopShop excellent for price, and navy-ness. Whistles espadrilles have a touch of the Sponge Bob about them, and the Clarks -- they remind you of something...? Orthopaedic goodness from the 80s maybe....?!

    1. I've gone for the Nike. But I fear in a size too large. If so, it wasn't meant to be. Plus I might look like a cock in them. High chance to be honest.

    2. I think they'll be great! I have bouts of sciatica, so not sure how I'd fair on the platform flatform thing -- may just have to go for something bright and white.

    3. Hmm I now fear they may look like HMS Belfast on each foot!

      Sorry to hear about your sciatica - sounds painful. But yes, there must be an option that's out there that will work!

  27. Platforms, flatforms, heels that are high: not happening for me anymore, far too much hard work. I live on a mountain with 465 steps from my house to the road and I'm not frigging doing that in heels twice a day...(or platforms as you still have to life your leg higher than normal to clear the step!) I will happily watch you wear yours though:)

    1. I was going to say your legs would be SUPER toned though with that extra little effort but OMG you must look like a gazelle doing that every day. I swear to god I would probably be housebound..... Much. Respect.

  28. Hi, I love a flatform and have worn the Zara grey trainers to death. A wee winter hybrid that have been on my feet almost permanently, bar sleeping, although even that was a struggle at first, are vagabond Siri boots. Fur lined too. I've been snooping the finery fur skate shoes for a while and, curses I am now stuffed. I'll justify then for my birthday next weekend.
    I'm new to your blog and really enjoy your humour as well as style. Also have 3 juniors in the house and one with difficulties so relate to your 'normal family' outings stresses. Thanks for writing.

    1. Hmmm haven't heard of the Siri boots. I have to say I have been living in my Seven Boot Lane Edie boots. And it's due to snow or just be super cold next week so these won't be going anywhere for the foreseeable future.

      And thank you for your lovely comments and for reading xxx

    2. @Anna, can I ask where you bought your Siri boots? I really like the look of them but would need to buy online. Thanks :)

  29. Thanks for the great blog. I'm looking at the whistles black pointed boot and patent boots online (haven't tried them) also stumbled across these which look good, what do you think? Can't wait to hear your reviews following you trying the whistles boots on. BTW have you checked out H&M's new season? It can be a hit and miss there but it looks as if they have some nice bits such as a denim shirt, a long grey chunky cardigan & black v neck blouse. X

    1. OMG those FCUK boots are AMAZING! I would get them in a heartbeat but my best friend has the BIxas which are patent so I think I'm going for suede. I've got the Acne and the Ash to review today and will throw these in as another option. Genius find, thank you.

      Went into H&M today as their catalogue arrived and it did look ACE but awww the quality was just meh. Some great cropped flare jeans in either a size 6 or a size 16 (duh) but they were so short - pedal pusher length on me.... Every now and again there is a complete find in H&M (I swear by their breton tops in the thick Petit bateau style fabric which are also the perfect boxy shape) but you do have to hunt amongst the *stuff*. I will say that their knitwear can be great as well. You just need to cop a feel!

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