
They divide the nation..

... ok so maybe not the nation, but I have known them to divide a family.  And friendship groups.  An all singing and dancing yay or a big, fat, whopping nay.  They either conjure up images of Alexa Chung or Bob the Builder.  There is no sitting on this fence. 

You are either a lover or a hater of Dungers.  Good old Dungarees. 

I will admit, I was a slow burn on these.  Until I did a complete volte face last year and bought into them big time. 

And I have more proof, if proof is needed, of exactly how fickle I am.  Merely a matter of weeks ago I was meh about them (again).  A tad more than meh.  I was smug in the knowledge that I had only paid £9.99 for mine last year and had actually got much more wear out of them than I had ever anticipated.  I had also bought two other pairs from H&M which didn't fare so well.. the button fell off both of them - the blue pair after the second wear so they went straight back but the ecru pair was a lot more hardy and it only fell off at the end of the season. 

So I had one pair left which, to be frank, owed me nothing.  Wasn't planning on wearing them at all.  Until I flung them on last week and oh my giddy aunt.  I had forgotten how blooming comfortable they are.  Like the proverbial favourite slippers.  No muffin on show, nothing to come untucked, you can let your love handles roam free.

It perhaps then wasn't the hugest of surprises when I wore them and decided that in fact, they'd be pretty darn useful in the Spring.  Which was clearly a mere hop, skip and a jump to my next plan... 

.... you might want to take a deep breath for this..... 

Leather dungarees. 

Yes, yes, you can all stop laughing now.  But clearly it was only a short leap (especially taking into consideration my all consuming love for Carine Rotfeld as outlined yesterday) to combining my favourite things.  Black, leather and then throw in some dungers.  Surely you could see that coming? 

If it's any consolation, no I couldn't either, but it was yesterday when I popped into Topshop, caught sight of these and didn't guffaw.  Or vomit.  First thought was in fact, oh helloooooo.  

So a little of research later (in the interests of sharing, here's some free advice.  Don't just google black leather dungarees.... My eyes are still bleeding), and yes, yes, yes, I think these could work. 

Warning - I'm confident in saying that if you're into these, none of these pictures are going to change your mind.  But you never know... 

For me - I'm sold. 

(I have no intention of cycling or wearing a Minnie Mouse style headpiece - I feel the need to point out).

I'd need some new cojones for this one but LOVE.  (I have my Topshop fur coat though... which is patchwork... I may have to just recreate this and pretend I can carry it off).

And so this is what started this whole (possibly random) thought process.  These beauties (and they are beauties, HONEST!) from Topshop.

PU Skinny Dungarees from Topshop £55

Which they don't do in tall.  SOB SOB SOB.  But I have to say, I may just go in anyway.  Here I am in them.  You can't see that they're leather leather but up close you can.   Tis a subtle pleather.

Oh and by the way - all the Topshop ones I'm trying on here are a 12.  The 10 = cameltoetastic.


I then also tried the plain black ones and I have to say, they are also a great option.  Yes how I have changed my tune from this time last year but I love them.

MOTO Long Denim Dungaree from Topshop £49


And then a black black slim leg pair - these are definitely closer on the legs than the ones above.

Moto Clean Black Slim Dungarees £48


There are others out there and yes, I am still steering clear of all things blue.

Black Denim Cigarette Dungarees from New Look £27.99 I love the frayed edge on the hem.

And you see here's why I really wish I hadn't actually lost the rose gold button from mine.. 

White Denim Dungarees from River Island £48 (loving the shoes as well... )

White in the sale at Esprit.  These look great with the black shirt (in fact, love the shirt full stop).

Esprit White Dungarees were £55 now £27.50

I would say grey - River Island say washed khaki.  Either way, great with blacks and other shades of grey, camel or red.

Washed Khaki again at River Island £48

And I will fling in one blue one, albeit indigo which is basically navy.  I love the simplicity of this - absolutely adore it with the Stans. 

ASOS Denim Patch Pocket Dungaree £45

And finishing with one which is a tad left field but still definitely comes under the heading of dungarees.  Which, I've worked out, is when you can't wear them without wearing something underneath.  Unless you want to get arrested.  That for me is the dividing line between sleeveless jumpsuit and dungers.

So these are definitely dungarees and not a jumpsuit but I love this for being an edgier version of the latter.  With a white or black silk shirt, this would be fabulous for a well heeled dinner.  Or the pub.  

Bay Crepe Jumpsuit from Whistles £160  This is perfection.  The versatility of dungarees but with a hint of chic that would mean this could easily be worn out in the evening - dare I say for work?

So come on.  Break it to me gently.  Have you bought in yet or are you still a hater?  Dare I ask if I've done anything of persuade you?  

I'm going for gold again with the dungarees and have fallen in love with them all over again. 


Grey Every Day jumper - Boden
Black dungarees - H&M
Black Tuxedo blazer - hush
Red Superstar sneakers - Golden Goose
Triple disc necklace - Anna Lou of London
Grey and gold cuff - DVF
Black Mario bag - Jerome Dreyfuss

My leather jacket arrived from hush today so I am beyond beyond excited to wear that tomorrow.  Went for lunch with friends today (after taking the puppy to the vet and she's definitely definitely on the mend which is a huge relief) and had a lovely mooch round the shops.  Loads of new stock in which means lots of great ideas for Spring.  Which I will try and fit in round the chaos that is half term... Obviously the wine is already open (three different sets of swimming lessons and cubs always finishes me off on a Friday).  We have a lovely quiet weekend as the husband and the 7yr old are off to Arsenal on Sunday (I don't know who is more excited..). 

Hope everyone else has enjoyed their first night of the hols.  Anyone bought any dungarees to celebrate? (too soon?!)


42 comentarios:

  1. Part of me loves them. The other part hears my husband calling me Mrs. Tumble.

    1. I think all husbands have had a memo saying they're crap. Who cares?! My 11yr told me I looked cool today. That's more like it!!

  2. Leather dungees = I know what you did last summer serial killer.
    The others look awesome x

    1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! *fingers in ears fingers in ears fingers in ears*!!!

  3. Well I had a black pair last year from Next which were hated ny the boys in the house and the denim wasn't quite right so they were ebayed. I have a pinstripe cropped leg version from Urban Outfitters which I LOVE. And now I am seriously considering the ASOS navy ones. Thank you the boys will be pleased ;) Sue xx

    1. Ha ha ha! You simply can't beat them for comfort. And I think they look really quite cool as well obviously. !xx

  4. You may have actually convinced me with the Whistles ones..... just maybe mind ;-)

  5. If anyone can carry these off, it's you! You look fantastic in them but I have a proper giggle when I think of myself in a pair - think Hale & Pace!! "Hello Billy!" "Hello Johnny!" X

    1. Well you're very kind. And honestly honestly, I was there this last time year but I soon came over to the dark side..!

  6. I still can't get into the dungarees this time round, putting it down to my age. I shall be cheering my much loved Arsenal on from the comfort of my sofa and very much hoping for a win. :)

    1. We absolutely can't do all of the fashions all of the time and I think it takes as much confidence to say - nope not for me, as it is try and wear them! My 7yr old is TOO excited (and we feel rather guilty at taking our friends' tickets which they said we could have back in November for this match - little did any of us realise it is THE match of the season by all accounts? Obviously we have offered them back but they've said no. ! Too too kind)

  7. Love dungarees! I am 48 (just thought I'd put that out there). I have bought two pairs this year - the clean indigo ones from Topshop and for £15 in the sale - the navy PU culotte version from Topshop! Am I mad? Sooo comfy. Husband actually likes them and thinks they look sexy!!! ha ha!

  8. I so want to be able to join in with this but I just have the wrong body shape for these.
    Tried on a few pairs and nope. Thighs and boobs in generous supply just do not work.
    Although for summer I did short denim dungarees, didn't give a damn I looked like a toddler. But long ones I can't get to work.

    1. No I can see that. Definitely shape has a lot to do with so many things working. Height included. Seeing as this is one look that I think does work on my shape, I shall be embracing! (not the shorts though. She says.. should I add yet?!)

  9. No. Just no. I applaud you and support your decision to wear what the hell you like! But I loathe these!

  10. I was thinking no way until I got to the ASOS pocket patch ones!

    1. I'm warning you, it's a slippery slippery slope....!! They're gorgeous.

  11. OMG I love them! I went in at entry level with a pair ASOS 90s style baggy dungers last year, and then progressed to a fabulous pair of skinny ones from M&S.For some reason the baggy ones only seem to work with summer vests, sandals etc, but I love the skinny pair with a roll neck and trainers for now. Having thought I'd never find a pair to suit, I'm now welland truly converted! If I had the funds/justification I'd totally go for leather!!x

    1. I'm fearing the leather ones do the "cling to the leg when you stand up pedal pusher styleeeeeee" that we were discussing on Insta yesterday. PLEASE let Topshop bring out a tall pair....

    2. Well I have news on that front - it turns out that if you spend the best part of two hours dancing in them, they loosen up a bit and the pedal pusher effect is eliminated. You do end up a sweaty mess though :-D

  12. I tried on H&M's cropped kick flare version the other day. Sized up as normal in H&M. Still too small!!! Not sure I can face two sizes bigger, mentally...

    Toppers had a nice, pleather culottes version I liked. Wonder if they're still around. I have the same black pair as you and have also revived them recently. So comfy.

    1. I looked at them in H&M yesterday. FORTY QUID?? That's quite a hike from last year. They were also insanely short. And I didn't want blue. And mine from last year were rubbish quality (well - two out of three pairs) so I thought I'd swerve them.

      The Topshop ones are much better quality. but having said that, the H&M ones are great (in the black even though yes, I have a 14 and I'm usually a 10!!)

  13. Totally into this and have the H&M cropped kick flare ones in a size 14 which, given I'm an 8-10 usually, speaks volumes about their crazy sizing! I'm a couple of weeks off having my second baby so I'm thinking dungas will be great for breastfeeding and for just chucking on in the morning. Will be pairing mine with my Carvela Laurel leopard skaters. Saw the pleather Top Shop ones in store and drooled a little...

    1. Sound GORGEOUS. The TS ones are amazing no?!

  14. They look great on the tall and skinny, but on my old, short and dumpy with boobs frame, I look more like Charlie Drake in the Worker. Most of you will be too young to know the reference, you tube it for a giggle.

  15. Fair play! Right mine arrived yesterday and I LOVE it. Got the 10 in the onyx (I didn't even see the jet. Duh). It's a perfect fit on me but I am usually a 10 to 12 on top.. so I would say it probably does come up slightly large. But only a large 10 so I wouldn't size down if that makes sense! I'm always a 10 in hush jackets and this is the same as all the others. The leather is honestly like butter. x

  16. I think it's probably more versatile.

  17. I'm with Georgina and Carol. If you've ever had to decide whether the straps go down the cleavage or around the outside of the boobs, they're never going to work. And leather would add to my humiliation - I'd feel like a blacksmith, or waitress at Belgo. Made me smile though. Lxxx

    1. Oh I love it - waitress at Belgo!! I can totally see how they wouldn't be the best on the more well endowed. There have to be some advantage in being completely flat chested!

  18. I'll leave this one to the teens.

    1. fair enough! You're not on your own with these thoughts.....!!

  19. Love the first and third pair of overalls on you. The side buttons on the second pair are not doing it for me.

    I love them, I have two pairs. A skinny denim number from Madewell (my fave) and a white pair from Forever 21 (my initial dip into the oceralls pool). The white pair is too big on me now, but the skinny denim pair is amazing. So far, I've worn them casually with sneakers. Maybe I will dress them up once it gets warmer with a heeled sandal and a silky blouse.

    1. i'm loving the idea of with a silky blouse and heels....

  20. I love that you are embracing the dungarees - you totally rock them.

    I have just done a pick of the stripes blog post, if you are looking for some stripes to go under the dungers check it out on

    1. OOH great minds. I did one of these the other day!

  21. As I live in the country where summers last for over 8 months, leather dungarees would be a huge waste of money. But I've just ordered the Esprit white ones from Asos. I did have a little debating session with myself if I'm too old to wear them (turning 50 in April), but the idea of pairing them with a black blouse and pumps kinda sold it to me. Plus I've been wearing my Zara ripped denim dungarees a lot this winter (plugged some holes though, thighs were getting too cold). So we'll see. Maybe I'll wear them for my birthday.

  22. As I live in the country where summers last for over 8 months, leather dungarees would be a huge waste of money. But I've just ordered the Esprit white ones from Asos. I did have a little debating session with myself if I'm too old to wear them (turning 50 in April), but the idea of pairing them with a black blouse and pumps kinda sold it to me. Plus I've been wearing my Zara ripped denim dungarees a lot this winter (plugged some holes though, thighs were getting too cold). So we'll see. Maybe I'll wear them for my birthday.
