
There is a high chance...

... that I may end up wearing what would double as a tracksuit for the entire season.  I appear to be one step closer to morphing into Vicki Pollard as I type.

So I have been a fully paid up member of the sweatshirt club for a couple of years now but this year I have developed a snogathon with the sweat pant.  Sweatshirts from the last couple of years have been consigned to the perfect dog walking/Sunday afternoon/every evening post 7pm slob wear.

But yesterday, with a spare half hour I thought I'd have a gander in Topshop (no they didn't have the sweatpants with Go Faster stripes in a Tall which is the principal reason for me going in.  And to try on granny shoes.   I'll save that gem for another day..."gem" might not be quite the right noun to use). 

Blow me down with a feather, do I now need more sweatshirts.  The sweatshirt has evolved.  Fabrics have softened, shapes have become boxier and less typical "sweatshirt", edges have been frayed.

And the prices have come down.  So I thought I'd just try some on (and I was very very restrained and came home with nothing).  

Colour block Sweatshirt £46

And here I am in it.  I LOVE this.  It has unfinished edges and personally I would absolutely order online as the ones in the shop were all covered in other people's foundation.  Boak.  Which might be the only reason why I didn't purchase.  Oh they also come up very large.  This is an 8.. I would go a 10. Which they also didn't have.  Another reason to buy online.


Also to show how it looks under a jacket as it is a boxy oversize (perfect for over skinnies...)  This is probably my favourite as it's so versatile.  School run, rugby on a Sunday, out for dinner with leather skinnies and heels.  Just perfection. 


In a slightly different colourway with different texture panels.  This was obviously much worse than the one above for other people's residual make up... Online definitely.  

Contrast Grosgrain Sweatshirt £42

Again, this is an 8.  A 10 would be fine.  Actually maybe I'll stick with the 8 as it's the perfect top for my leather culottes...


Ok so this isn't exactly a sweatshirt, but it's a jumper.  Of which I have ZERO need.  But it's on special offer at the minute.  I defy anyone not to think this was Sonia Rykiel or Moschino or Markus Lupfer.  A steal for £25, believe me.

Heart Jumper was £39 now £25

This is a 12 (gotta love the consistency or lack of it, in the Topshop sizing).


Another jumper now and they don't seem to have the red in stock anymore but they do have the 

Stripe Zip Back Jumper £36 in navy and white (identical almost to the APC one by the way.. but with the added zip which I love). 


And now onto the main game, the sweatshirts.  I could happily happily wear any of these (the ones that work I'll just add...)  Gorgeous fabric.  Brushed, soft, drapey, lived in.  Everything you could want from a sweatshirt.  That would also work with smart trousers and a blazer.  Or, as I am inclined to do - team with another of sweats.  Come in Ms Pollard, we have been expecting you.

Brushed Sweatshirt £22

This is honestly stunning.  Gorgeously slouchy without being stiff as some sweatshirts can be.  Belies the price for sure.  This is a 12.


They also have it in the grey but they didn't have it in my size.

Brushed Sweatshirt £22 in grey 

More grey and I'm now wearing a size large.  The fabric of this is gorgeous.  As good as Wildfox sweatshirts for a fraction of the price. 

Hamptons Fleece Sweatshirt £30


I have to say though that probably my favourite was the pink version.

Hamptons Sweatshirt by Project Social T £30

I tried it on the small and to be honest, it was fine.  I personally would prefer it in a Medium but this is completely adequate.  Having tried on the large and the small I can confirm that there isn't *that* much difference in the sizing. 


And there the magic ended.  Yes I got carried away.  

Luxe Foil Sweatshirt £32

Things I learnt yesterday.  Know thy limits.  (and try and not be so freaking senile).  This is a 10 (like an 8 or a 12 would have been an improvement).  One Bacofoiled 43 yr old.


Finishing at Topshop with two that I'd seen previously instore but couldn't find this time round.  Can confirm that both ROCK.  Amazing for the money.  Topshop - you have impressed (and I don't blame you for the howlers - my fault for going off piste).

TALL Paradise Motif Sweater £26

Brushed Sweat £22

Denim Sailor Top by Boutique £75

A couple of other sweatshirts that have been on my radar (and I simply can't justify as I have enough sweatshirts to become a certified slob) are these. 

Leaf Embroidered Sweat from Whistles £75 (pre 25% discount.. @WH25SS16)

The My Cup of Tea sweat from Boden £59.50 with 20% off using the code A4QT 

And I simply adore this shade of blue (which is random as it's not really my colour at all but there is something so fresh about it).

C'est si bon sweat top £50 from hush

Can I please just finish with another big fat fail.  I still maintain that were this in a 12, it *might* have worked... But in the 10.. ok so I will acquiesce that it doesn't look that small in this pic (we can't deny that it's on the tight side = understatement of the week).  What you can't see is that at the back, the zip is undone down to my pants giving the same V to the back as it is to the front.  Wouldn't do up in a million years.  In my head I look like Barbarella.  In reality...well.  Not so much eh?  I think the bra is a nice touch.


Can I also please apologise if anyone happened to see me yesterday in Topshop causing minor pandemonium.  I had undertaken excessive children's clothes shopping (you know that moment when suddenly nothing fits anybody?) as well as a haul of Lancome (make up remover, mascara and then had obviously been cajoled into buying some other cleanser as it was "a bargain") and so had armfuls of bags. 

Was trying shoes on when suddenly I realised OMG I'VE LOST ALL MY BAGS.  Cue complete panic, back to the changing room - they weren't there.  Minor (ok so slightly major) hysteria as one member of staff called security to help.  I am flapping like a flapping thing and screeching to the point where only dogs can hear me as the security guard is radioing people about bags on the loose.  They manage to calm me down and ask me to go back through my steps.  "So where were you immediately before you came into Topshop?".

"ummm", me thinking..... "ummmmmmm".  Silence. 

"errr..... I went to put all my bags in the car". 

The.  Shame.  

The poor Topshop girl backed away with more than a look of fear on her face at dealing with clearly a complete nutter and the Security Guard kept asking me with more than a hint of pity "now are you sure?". 

I fled.  And there in lies the real reason why I didn't buy anything at Topshop.

However ridiculously happy with my outfit from yesterday.  All my favourites.  I know that most of you had snow but we had a gloriously sunny day (can't say the same today as it's pelting with rain and blowing a gale outside.  Ugh). 


Red 1970 jumper - Bella Freud
Black and white stripe trousers - Me+Em
Onyx biker jacket - hush
White Superstar sneakers - Golden Goose
Red Soho Disco bag - Gucci

We've got friends coming over for dinner and have had a lovely day going out for lunch after the smallest's Holy Reconciliation (First Confession for those of us Catholics who still deal in old money).  Hope everyone else is having a lovely weekend and are spoilt rotten.  Hug your mum extra tight if you're seeing her xx


39 comentarios:

  1. Forgot to say I totally sympathise with the shopping bag episode, I experienced something similar with my car, was convinced that someone had stolen it, until I remembered I parked it somewhere different!

    Love your outfit by the way.

    1. What happened to my first post?
      I started by saying that I bourght my first sweatshirt in 20 years, and have used it so much I'm looking to increase this section of my wardrobe. I wouldn't mind something floral!

    2. You wonder how you ever lived without them, don't you?! I'm like that with sneakers. And this season - track pants. I am turning into a COMPLETE slob. And yes, I might lose my car every now and again.. not to mention my keys. In my own handbag. In fact yesterday I lost my credit card IN MY OWN PURSE.

  2. Question! Which phone do you use?

  3. Oh Kate you are so so so funny! I'm crying laughing out so loud at your shopping bag experience. I can see that happening to new. X

  4. I feel your pain.. You're not alone... I had a not so dissimilar experience a long time ago when my now 25 year old son was about 5 and we went to a swimming pool on the Purley way. We came back to the locker and it was open and empty and we're standing there in our wet swimwear... I immediately got security and the police and reported it as a theft not knowing how we were going to get home without clothes or car keys! After a great deal of fuss and commotion I realised the wristband had a different number on it and it wasn't my locker!!! Awks!!

  5. Your shopping bag experience is so, so funny. That would happen to me. I haven't quite done the exact same thing but I've come mighty close. My scenario involved losing my car keys - which of course, weren't lost at all!! These sort of experiences leave us feeling rather 'old' somehow. The blethering, confused and panicked state of me versus the calm, efficient, 'youth' of the helpful store assistants - who diligently and obligingly, search the store and changing rooms. Keys in my bag all along. I'm glad I'm not the only one to experience these sort of 'moments' whilst out shopping.

    1. Oh god I always lose my keys in my own bag and my credit card in my own purse. (Or I've just thrown it into my handbag and forgotten) Senior moments are too regular at the minute!

  6. I shut my car keys in the boot and called rescue only to be told that they wouldn't come out as my not ran out IN NOVEMBER!, This was a couple of weeks ago, I was arguing no it hasn't !, luckily I know a really good local garage man who came to my rescue!, but it's easily done! Xx

  7. What I meant to say is , we can be so easily distracted with kids/work/life xx

    1. Yes yes yes. Not that I'm just a cretin..!!!

  8. Love topshop and love the sweatshirts. And thinking of you tomorrow and sending love and virtual hugs xxx

  9. Hope you are spoilt rotten tomorrow. Know it will be emotional x

  10. So, so funny ... Please crack and write a book...

    1. Oh gosh I'm not sure I have one in me!

  11. .... Crack on and write a book ...... please do NOT crack, awful thought, no cracking. ... but book writing, your writing is so just joyful.

  12. Ha the bags incident very funny!I speak from experience that this maybe the start of your (my senior moments!)Me last week gets in car some idiot has left a trolley full of shopping in the car park as I leave the car park relise the idiot is ME!

    Have a lovely Mothers Day.x
    Think happy thoughts about your Mum I know those first year dates can be sad.X


    1. Now I think I've done that too.... that seems very very familiar... (I have definitely left my keys in the ignition in the supermarket car park. WHO DOES THAT??) And thank you xxx

  13. Adore those navy/white diagonal sweats, amazing (Spot the girl who grew up in the 80s). Your story was so very funny - a book sounds like a great idea. I hope your Mothering Sunday is lovely, and full of happy memories. My mum is far, far away, but I'll be calling her. Salamander

  14. Kat, I feel your pain! The exact same thing hasn't happened to me (yet) but freaking out in public and then feeling ridiculous afterwards is something that happens to me on a regular basis!

    Love love love your outfit! You are wearing all my favourite things too! And I finally caved and just ordered my first pair of Golden Goose superstars. (I have been VERY good to myself this weekend for Mother's Day (and actually not being from the UK, my actual Motger's Day isn't until May!)

  15. Ooh, Topshop have just sent me an email, so I might need to check it out... I love that grey, brushed sweatshirt and then remembered I have a very similar one in cotton cashmere from uniqlo! I would definitely recommend their cotton cashmere, really lovely and soft. Washes well too.

    I had to laugh about your bags. Easily done, though.

  16. My daughter has the washed soft one in grey and pink. I may be borrowing! As its sweatshirts they are appropriate for any age! She's always borrowing my coats, scarves and boots, not to mention the odd bag, about time I reciprocated! ( the military jacket I love so much in Spring is actually hers)
    Hope Mother's Day has been good. Enjoy your brood.

  17. Oh dear lord! I'm chuckling st your incident.......had a minor version on Sat when I "lost" my phone having had to run down stairs to another pay machine in the car park as well as borrow 50p from a woman who deny sorry for me having ran out of change. Was in the car searching my bag, pockets etc for my phone only to find it on my seat! Whoopsie! My kids think I've lost my mind.
    I've managed to tear myself away from those gorgeous sweatshirts in Topshop but you've conveniently justified it for me......thank you and kind regards!! :-) xx

    1. Oh god if I had £1 for every time I lost my phone... Thank god I don't wear glasses otherwise there'd be no hope for me. (although I fear I may need them soon... argh)

  18. I have the first sweatshirt with the diagonals - so versatile. I've already worn it "out out" with cigarette pants and heels. It's been to work with me under a blazer, and of course can be worn as loungewear and smartens up the "shameless". Did you not spot the leopard print sweat, scuse the pun! It is lush and has not been off my toasty torso for two days!! Hope your yesterday was full of love xx

    1. oh that is fabulous. REALLY gorgeous. No didn't see that one in store, dang it x
