
Summer summer time...

It's July, which is the Summer time no?  That'll be apparently not.  Dear lord alive, this weather.  So not withstanding the fact that there are loads of things that we would normally be doing at this time of year - eating al fresco (on all my new outdoor furniture that I bought and have used once for breakfast...), swimming outdoors, BBQ (again, we bought a new one last year and have used it the sum total of three times... last year you were a complete washout as well).. did I mention drinks outside?  Balmy evenings in the garden with a glass of fizz?  Well I've been holed up with the fire on and flagons of red wine on the go.  This is not part of the Summer plan. 

And then it comes to clothes.  Hands up who is immensely frustrated with their wardrobe?  As in, we're still wheeling out clothes we were wearing in February.  

I'm over it.  And I have a plan.  It's not that I don't love my clothes, I actually really do but I'm just bored of wearing them in the same outfits.  And yes, I can mix and match them up and I do but... well then it rains or it's freezing and I need something practical.  Oh I'm just fed up with it all. 

So I'm investing.  I'm using the sales to my advantage and I am buying a couple of things, that I wear with my old favourites but that are changing the look up a bit - a new lease of life and making me not want to hunt down every weather person and punch their lights out (cos *obviously* it's their fault.  I just think they could look a tad more crestfallen when they say "some showers" when they clearly mean, biblical rain and floods...)

And what do I have my eye on today?  That'll be the skirt.

So I have finally mastered the skirt.  The long skirt.  Not maxi (I have decided I actually do not like anything maxi maxi in me - I'm a midi girl for the foreseeable future and if it ain't broke don't try and fix it.  I keep trying to shove my square midi peg into a round maxi hole and it's not working.  I feel vaguely liberated).

These are the perfect sales purchase.  Hell, do you know what - even if it's new season and you love it, buy it.  You can wear this now - you WILL wear this now and we will be living in it come the Autumn.  You have my word.

Starting with the perfect all year round print - that of the leopard variety. 

Before I start I appreciate this is a maxi skirt.. on most people.  On me, this won't be at all (and if it is, I'm paying to have it taken up).  Black top, tee or vest now - sandals, boots, loafers, pumps or sneakers, this is Summer perfection.  Come the cooler days (errrr right...), polo necks, jackets, scarfs, boots - be them, biker, knee, ankle with a heel or flat, this will see you through the entire year.  Can you tell it's my favourite?

Animal Pattern Skirt from Mango was £69.99 now £34.99

Although I say it's my favourite...more animal at Asos.  Oh how I love this but it's definitely in the midi camp and I fear suitable for those more petite than me. 

ASOS Animal Print Skirt £42

Pleated now and I'm done with the pleats. I have two - an olive and a black faux leather and I adore both of them (even though I can't actually do either of them up as they're too tight on the waist..!  And yes, I did size up.  I should have sized up twice.. doh).

These from Mango will see you through the whole year.  These don't look too long so would be ideal for those of you who aren't giants.

Pleated Midi Skirt in green was £49.99 now £24.99 (looks gorgeous now with pink and white - honestly... or with red and white.  Also love with navy and white and for Winter - all the above and just lose the white.  Not to mention teaming with all black.  Obviously).

And in the black 

Tall pleated jersey midi at Topshop in Ice Blue £32

Going slightly off piste now...

So this is the inspiration.

Simone Forget Me Not Skirt £1,315

Now bear with me as I know it's not the same.  But... being vaguely inspired by the four figure Erdem version... 

Glamorous Tiered Maxi Floral Skirt £45

The off piste continues for me.  I would LOVE to wear one of these - I fear I may stick to leather but you never know...

ASOS Wedding Tulle Skirt in navy £50

Or in black - with a white tee now this could be lovely and I have to say, thinking forward - sequin polo neck and you have the perfect Christmas outfit (it is that cold I can super legitimately mention it).  Also £50

Scrap that - grey.... oh hello.  £50 - this one isn't for prom though, this one is for wedding.  And the difference is?

And speaking of Christmas.. (I've started so I'll finish), this would be fab with a black polo neck for parties.  Or - think Gucci and wear with a print jumper.  For now - I'd happily wear this with a tee and sneakers or sandals for every day.  Why keep lace for best?  Buy this, wear it and love it.

Lace Prom Skirt £89 from Warehouse

Sp anyone else completely over this weather?  I am sat here and it is biblical rain out there.  The sky looks like the Apocalypse is about to happen.  I have never experienced such shonky weather for so long a period of time.  Am totally boring myself with moaning about this so surely, a small treat is a much much better idea?  

Here I am yesterday - absolutely hating my outfit.  I love all the component parts but in an effort to reinvent the wheel I ended up feeling totally MEH all day.  It is completely the weather's fault (not to mention I used a new conditioner which I could not get out of my hair so couldn't blow dry it as it looked like someone had smeared a ton of chip fat on it - you can see where the day was heading, can't you?) as I had got dressed and it started pouring with (not forecasted) rain so I had to change.  In five minutes before going to London.  And enough with the excuses. 

Of course when I got to London it was stinking hot.  You couldn't write it.

Lace blouse - Warehouse
Phoebe jeans - MiH
Red Loafers - Gucci
Black Mario Fringed Bag - Jerome Dreyfuss

So I then went shopping and bought this almost entire outfit.  And changed as soon as I got home as I had New Parents' Evening at the 11yr old's new school.   Yes I did wear the same outfit today as I love it so much. 

Linen and satin top - Sandro
Black denim culottes - Zara
Yellow faux leather jacket - Zara
Black ankle strap Mary Janes - Whistles
Black Mario Fringed Bag - Jerome Dreyfuss

So we are living the dream on a Friday night - glass of red and the football.  Followed by The Revenant on DVD.  It's not rock and roll but it's pretty much perfection for me today.  (yes you may also have spied new shoes... breaking the mould for me.. watch this space).


23 comentarios:

  1. Love the mango skirt. It'll be maxi on me so what do you consider the perfect midi length on the leg...I'll have to take it up but don't want it to hit on an unflattering spot :)

    1. I thnk that really depends on your height and how you want it to look. For lots of people, if you're shorter, a couple of inches below the knee usually works really well as anything longer can look too heavy. BUT then if you're always going to wear with heels, you could probably go mid calf.... For me - being tall, I prefer it to be slightly longer than mid calf - just as I still have loads of leg coming out the bottom -if that makes sense??!! I think it's one of those things you need to suck and see (which I appreciate is about as much use as a chocolate teapot....!!)

  2. Love the tulle skirts, love the idea but not too sure how much wear I'd get and midi skirts end up being maxi skirts on me with my short legs, so it's not a direction I've ever gone.
    Weather changeable here, we have had rain for the last few days, but it's not been too cold!, so summery-ish outfits have been worn! I know what you mean about feeling "meh" all day, it's so depressing.
    Love your new outfit, that jacket is sunshine itself, wish I could do yellow (partly not with my skin tone and partly childhood trauma - yes Mum I do mean that hideous yellow hand me down shirt dress with enamel buttons!) Love it other people though.
    Danish Pastry

    1. See above for (not v clear..!) midi tips!

      I LOVE the yellow jacket - it's my new go to colour. Adding my own sunshine into this crappy crappy weather x

  3. There was actual hail stones here last night 😕 Love the Mango maxi, their maxis are notoriously long.x

    1. It just feels cold here. That Autumnal nip in the air. On the 2nd July. Jeez.

  4. There was actual hail stones here last night 😕 Love the Mango maxi, their maxis are notoriously long.x

    1. And meant to say - you're right - their maxis are notoriously long and their mini dresses are ridiculously short!!

  5. Am coming round to the midi ( maxi too long for me as a straight up and down 5ft 6), partly because minis are just now too mini if one goes bare legged and I still seem to spend a lot of my time moving around, bending down etc. Which models clearly don't! Tempted by the Asos leopard print and the Christmas option as guaranteed it won't be available at Christmas! I'm with you on the yellow - my fave pick me up colour!

    1. Oh for sure you can guarantee those Christmas ones won't be about at Christmas..! I am so so so SO Tempted to get the grey one... for research purposes.... Just gutted they don't seem to do it in a tall. ho hum.

  6. 100% never thought I would say this about culottes but I LOVE those denim culottes!! Are the shoes flat? Seriously considering getting some ��

    1. They are amazing and only £18 in the sale at Zara!! They were about £40 and are their premium denim. I will do denim culottes too.... I think the trick is to have them in really slouchy, lived in denim and not have them too stiff. But each to their own! No, the shoes aren't flat, they are a mid heel. And yes, I have a blog coming up on them as well as I am completely sold!!

  7. I was with you completely. But I think the key is to have something that finishes just below the waist and is either fitted (randomly a straight peplum works really well..) or a jumper than fits snugly onto the waist. I have a breton that is PERFECT as it's not clingy but is straight. Ditto the Uniqlo jumpers which are slightly gathered at the waist. I will do a blog for you xxxx They are REVOLUTIONARY once you get your head round them. And not to mention they are perfect with a biker jacket!

  8. I don't think any skirts are for me. My legs are disproportionately long so I look stupid in a maxi - not to mention I'm forever tucking it up into my knickers to function :D I'm too old for a bare legged mini. Just above my knee does nothing but highlight my weightlifters knees and I can only do a mini in heels otherwise I look stumpy and frumpy (good name for a band). My biggest problem though is my lack of waist so anything pleated or gathered makes me look huge and straight cut by the time it fits my waist is like a skirt equivalent of jodphurs over my hips :D Wah :-( I've given up :D

    1. Aha now I've got ridiculously long legs too but I think they work well as a midi as the proportions work if it's the right length mid calf. BUT it's what you feel comfortable in! And don't talk to me about knees. I loathe mine sooo much. Although with enough tan, I can sort of live with them....!!

  9. Love the Asos one, i got one off of Ebay for £6.00 but way too small... so i will try and resell, my first Asos item so not so sure on the sizing. Now i know i am not a ten in Asos maybe 12 or even 14!!

  10. Hmm now interestingly I would be careful with an elasticated waist unless it's really wide as I would worry it wouldn't stay where it should and would ride up.. if you see what I mean? Plus I don't think they're as flattering in my experience as a fitted waist band. But yes, I definitely think it's worth sucking and seeing in the sales...

  11. Love these. Was not sure about maxis either but funnily enough bought a grey one last week and yesterday got a gorgeous French Connection embroidered maxi dress that I just loved and I plan on wearing with jumpers as well oh and a biker. Need a new one of them too 😃

  12. I've ordered the cut off boot cuts so I will report back on them too... The culottes are AMAZING! You will love x

  13. Reporting back on the cut off boot cuts. Absolutely blooming dire. I look like Tom Sawyer. Bad on every level.

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