
Discounts, discounts everywhere.

It's simply too tempting.  This time, it's Warehouse. 

20% off.  Will this be the last one before Christmas?  Who knows.  Do you want to take the risk?  Code is FIREWORKS20 till Monday night.

I am ensconced in the ridiculously gorgeous Slaughters Manor House on a fabulous night away, working at an event with hush and Sipsmith gin (such a chore) and have an hour to peruse all the new things in at Warehouse this season. 

Starting with a camel coat.  Ok so theoretically it's mustard but I have to say to me, it's definitely camel.  And the boucle aspect I simply love.  I love the oversized aspect of it (I am a giant so this works well for me)

It also makes sense to use the 20% to its full advantage and utilise for big ticket items.

Oversized Boucle Coat £175

An alternative to a dressier jacket for the evening (I will warn you, this isn't going to particularly keep you warm but you could add a huge fur scarf if you're not spending hours outside?) is a velvet bomber.  This is perfect over wide leg trousers, dresses and midi skirts.

Velvet Bomber £65  I think the poppers instead of a more typical zip elevates it to much dressier levels.  And it's just that little bit different.

Then I just feel the need to (yet again) discuss the party season.  But (yet again), I'm going to give my two penneth with regards to buying things that you can both wear for a party, for lunch, for going to the supermarket. 

Those tops and dresses that can serve a double (or triple) purpose. Just change your accessories and you're off. 

I thought I'd have a day off the black and let's talk some colour.  Two dresses which will really be a talking point at any party (for all the right reasons) but will carry you through to the office and into the Spring as well.  Just lose the tights. 

Pleated hem shift dress in bright green £49

And in the bright pink...

And speaking of pink - how about ringing the changes with a pair of bright pink trousers?  These would be fabulous with a (I would obviously wear black...) fitted jumper or blouse for day or night.  Flats, heels or ankle boots - all would work.  And for into the Summer with a white or pale pink top, these would really serve you well.   I've just thought - grey... oh yes, grey, be it pale or a charcoal shade would be divine with these.

Cropped wide leg trousers £45

And then a quick touch on party tops.  I have found two perfect jumpers.  For people who hate black (and love navy) and don't like full on party party outfits.  These are ideal for teaming with wide leg trousers, with print midi skirts, with leather pencil skirts - hell, I'd also wear with jeans.  These jumpers again offer up a super versatile look to get you through A/W.  One top does all.

Embellished Sleeve Jumper £45

Another great navy jumper that looks so versatile is a fluted sleeve version. 

Fluted sleeve jumper in navy £42

And I could go on and on and on but I have gin to drink.  Which will no doubt mean that I end up coming back to my hotel room, having had one too many and ordering a whole lot of goodies that I have zero recollection of in the morning.  I surely cannot be the only one who does this?  If anyone would like to point out anything amazing that I've missed, I'd be super grateful (I've earmarked the "khaki" aka brown aviator jacket for a blog tomorrow..).

Outfit from yesterday.  ADORE all of this and spookily, I'm working at a hush event today whilst being head to toe (almost) in hush yesterday.  Adore this outfit.   And I'm also hoping that my hairdresser can recreate my sun stripes - the ginger seems to have disappeared from my hair.  I clearly need to relocate to a warm climate.

Black cashmere jumper dress - hush
Martina jacket - hush
Leather leggings - hush
Half moon bag - APC
Susanna boots - Chloe

I hope everyone has a good weekend.  Did I mention I'm going to Bicester on the way home tomorrow?  *Christmas shopping*.....


6 comentarios:

  1. Any chance of a hush code? Pretty please...?

  2. I know I said no more clothes shopping this month, but those two navy tops are right up my street, not to mention the discount!

  3. Oooh, thanks for the code. I have my eye on a jumper covered in pom-poms so that might be making its way into my basket today. I feel the need to treat myself after a very trying visit from my parents. Three days and four nights of biting my tongue!

    1. Oh that sounds amazing (the pom pom jumper.. not the parental visit!!!)
