
Treat yourself

So personally I can't actually hear that phrase (which should more accurately read "treat yo-self") anymore without thinking of Tom and Donna in Parks and Recreation (if you haven't seen it and haven't been introduced to the marvels of the Swanson then you are missing out and I recommend you watch immediately).

The premise of their "treat yo-self" days are genius.  A day where you do nothing but just that. 

Which is a mere pipe dream for most of us (although I'm working on it...), but in the meantime, I have a sneaky idea which will make all the Christmas preparations that little bit more palatable.  I am going great guns with the list writing, the "doing" aspect of which has yet to be started.  Details schmetails. 

For I am languishing in the joy of a new advent calendar.  You can keep your chocolate.  I have way better treats.  And even better, this has been bought for me by my husband.  Completely unprompted.  No word of a lie, he came home last week with this beauty for me.  So someone had come round the office selling them but WHO CARES?! 

This genuinely made my week and even better, it's something to really look forward to as I'm weeping amongst recipes I will never cook (as I end up heading to M&S on the 23rd Dec to minesweep festive food, despite all my best intentions), Christmas cards I never get round to sending (only guilt I feel is when I receive some and put them in a pile on a window sill.  There goes the last card I ever receive I guess.  PLEASE tell me it's not just me who does this?) and a cupboard full of presents that scream WRAP ME NOW YOU LAZY COW every time I throw another one in there.  I genuinely think a gift wrapping instore service in all stores would be a genius idea.  

It's something small but I know it will work.  So.  You have options.  Email your husband or another loved one this page link and get them on the case.  Or treat yo-self.

Even better - why not treat someone else?

These are obviously ridiculously popular as I know the much more expensive Selfridges luxury version, Jo Malone, Libertys etc ones sell out in a heartbeat. 

I am super happy with this though.

You Beauty Box £69.95 plus postage 

Other great options which I know anyone would be infinitely grateful for are at Selfridges:-

Selfridges Beauty Workshop Advent Calendar £65

At John Lewis:-

Arran Aromatics A Sense of Christmas Advent Calendar £45  24 different gifts. 

Then if you are feeling super generous - and the 12yr old begged for this as part of any early Christmas present... - for a younger female member of your family?  Actually this would be an ideal birthday present.  And you can include it in the 3 for 2 at Boots which does make it a lot more palatable.

Jack Wills Advent Calendar £35 

18% off your order using the code RUSH from Look Fantastic

Ciarte London Mini Mani Nail Polish Calendar £50 pre discount

Upping the ante cost wise now (although as I said, most of the REALLY expensive ones have sold out) although the 18% off makes it a more attractive option. 

Molton Brown Scented Luxuries Advent Calendar £150

or there's always the 12 Days of Christmas Box from Molton Brown £39 pre discount 

Another 12 day option from NPW.

Oh K Twelve Day Beauty Advent Calendar £15 

Or the Nuxe Ten Beauty Treasures Set £49 pre discount from Look Fantastic 

A 12 day option from Charlotte Tilbury World of Legendary Parties £150 from Selfridges.

And if beauty isn't your bag the how about a candle option?  (the Diptyque one, at £250 is sold out everywhere and going for silly money on Ebay!)

Yankee Candle £20 from Boots.

But if we're looking for one for all the family, then this would be my choice.  I would love to get one for all the children's rooms (not going to happen...) and then next year could fill it with different things.  This year there are chocolates which they'd have to share.  Can.  You.  Imagine? *all the eye rolling possible*.

AND it's now reduced so buy buy buy!

Lakeland Light Up Advent Calendar was £39.99 now £22.99

The children will be getting a chocolate one each (as in the three for a tenner versions) and were horrified when I casually mentioned that we didn't use to get anything but a teensy tiny picture every day.  I'm sort of quite nostalgic for those days.  Although I'm not going to lie - the thought of a Miller Harris perfume (I may have sneaked a look at the catalogue you get with the You beauty box and this was the first - and only - thing I saw) does trump a small Wise Man.

Today - well the weather is the gift that keeps on giving at the moment isn't it?  We're lucky enough to not be flooded so I am grateful for that but still wasn't too chuffed at being nailed in a hailstorm whilst walking the dog this afternoon. 

Came home, thawed and dried out and got changed into the cosiest, most comfortable and most cheery outfit I could muster. 

Cashmere and merino in grey with a non apologetic sunshine jacket. 

Cashmere jumper in grey - Me+Em
The Milano Cropped Trousers - Me+E
Yellow faux leather jacket - Zara
Superstar sneakers - Golden Goose
Silver Have a Nice Day bag - Anya Hindmarch at Collen & Clare

I hope everyone enjoys their evening - we have a whole host of I'm a Celebrity to catch up on.  And I should probably write some more lists....How's everyone else Christmas coming along?  Anyone taking time out to *treat yo-self*?


27 comentarios:

  1. Of course if you came from Sheffield you'd be saying something like 'treat tha-sen'. I'm the saddo who actually googled the history of Advent Calendars the other day. Happy to say I won a pretty decent beauty one in a raffle so that's me sorted. Although I did for a nano-second wonder if I should gift it to the daughter!!!

    1. Now I've never done that... maybe I should.. ok I will. I didn't realise I needed to know and now I do! Winning one in a raffle is EPIC. I never win anything in raffles. Ever. And errr no way should you gift it to her?!

  2. I succumbed to the m&s one. Had to stock up on tights and socks as you do ;) and decided I'd give it a go as I loved their summer box.
    Some of the items I already have and use and love so it'll be handy to have some mini versions. Other things I'm excited to try out.

    The kids have a shared lovely old wooden advent calendar that I cram full of sweets for them to fight over every morning.

    1. Ah yes, the M&S one. I would have been completely happy with that! We used to have a wooden one but it kept falling over... and I may have kept forgettign to put things in... It seems like a better idea that it actually was for someone as disorganised as me, I seem to now recall...! (oh and then one year we lost a drawer, so I chucked it and succumbed to the Tesco specials!)

  3. Years ago in the first flush of motherhood I bought a cute advent calendar that was a cloth xmas tree with a pocket for each day - cue thoughts of little chocs, satsumas etc - Noooo 21 years of finding 24 things that crept up in price - ended with nail varnishes, packs of tissues etc! Rod for own back anyone considering them!

    1. That's what the Danes do every year too, although some do four larger presents one for each Sunday in advent. My colleague was genius, if her kids were playing up, instead of a treat they got a potato! The tradition is that it's Father Christmas that comes with the presents, so it's the idea that He knows if you're 'naughty or nice'!
      Although she does think her eldest might throttle her this year, her daughter has just moved into her first house, so her 24 presents are all useful little things that she'll need, like cleaning cloths and wooden spoons!

    2. Oh I LOVE that idea. But perhaps in theory only... for three kids it might send me over the edge!

      My friend always put a potato or two in her children's stocking. During the year she says if they're naughty then Santa takes a present out of their sack and put a tattie in. EVERY YEAR!! I'm not sure I could do it - she says she sits there saying "ooh I wonder that present would have been..". MAkes me wee laughing thinking about it - she has more chutzpa than I do!!

    3. It's so much part of the culture in Denmark, everybody does it. Advent is a big thing here, nearly everyone has an advent crown (no wire coat hangers and tinsel though!), and the amount of decorations tend to increase on a weekly basis from just the advent crown on the first Sunday in advent. Most have there decoration down by new year though, no 12th night deadline here.
      An advent decoration was the cause of my other half having a serious house fire when we first got together, as he lit it, then promptly forget it as he was late coming over to my place (a sofa, television and probably a bit of snoring were involved). It did take until next morning for the fire to take hold and the fire brigade to be called. And guess who got the blame...

    4. OMG I would never be lighting another advent crown!!

  4. It's the eldest daughter's birthday next week and as I was in M&S buying her the fluffy Rosie dressing gown, I seized upon the opportunity to buy her their beauty advent calendar which, I have to say, is excellent for £35. The youngest daughter has a wooden 'calendar' into which I put a chocolate coin for each day (in the old days I used to have to put them in one day at a time or she'd eat them all). She also has a picture calendar, which is her favourite - preferred even to the chocolate. So far, my christmas triumphs are minimal this year, but the M&S/Marie Chantal collection has provided a couple of gorgeous pieces for my niece and nephew. Well chuffed - even if everything else is bound to be done in a panic a few days before christmas.

    1. I STILL had to put one in a day otherwise the buggers would eat them all! I also used to say that he only left chocolates (he came every day to monitor their behaviour during Dec) if they were good which meant I had an excuse for forgetting but that didn't always marry up with their behaviour!!

      Ooh and I'm putting together a gift list from M&S - my wish list BUT I've also got some goodies in there for children... some amazing 3 for 2s at the mo!

  5. We have a cloth snowman, I usually put little chocolates in and some of those tiny wooden decorations that hang on a wooden tree. I have been putting the snowman up higher and higher each year, out of the youngest one's reach! I fancy one for me, though.

  6. I've bought the M&S one, the oldest has the Yankee candle one, and the other kids have Lego ones and we have chocolate and pictures ones at the ready. We also have a knitted one, an online one, an advent candle, a wooden one and one where you shift a star in and out of the pockets. We have to get up about half an hour early for the whole of December. Apart from that I haven't even so much as made a Christmas list and we have just had the kitchen ripped up which seems to mean the whole house is inaccessible. Which you would imagine was an ideal time to go Christmas shopping but well,yeah... :D

    1. Well done for getting the yankee candle one - rare as hens teeth now

    2. Oh yes, I've just seen it's sold out. I'm surprised White Company don't do one?

  7. Love the idea ... now looking for ideas for beauty advent calendars here in Canada... May have to spoil myself!

  8. I still have an old advent calendar from my childhood, it must be almost 40 years old, can you even buy the 'picture a day' calendars anymore!? This year I have made my daughter"s calendar, a present every day, I am almost more excited that she is for December 1st!

    1. Yes, you get them in loads of places - WH SMith, Asda, Paperchase although this year we have posh ones from Liberty's :D My kids and even my now grown nephews and nieces love them. xx

    2. Oh I SO wish mine would love them. They've been indoctrinated with chocolate for too long...

    3. I'm contemplating going the whole hog and getting a crib one...

  9. Already have the ASOS one but sorely tempted to get a second one as there are too many other lovely ones to choose from. If only 1 December would hurry up before I succumb to temptation and the ensuing "lapsed-Catholic" guilt occurs �� Surely one is enough?!

    1. So do you also have full on guilt at not getting a "holy" one...??!!

  10. Not until you mentioned! *hangs head in shame and whispers 3 Hail Marys... ;)
