
if it ain't broke...

... then the obvious decision is to not fix it.  Which is why everyone should own a trench.  The most classic of classics and a year round staple.  What's more - there is actually a style to suit everyone. 

For years, I tried to shoehorn myself into a Burberry classic number.  In fact - confession time - I do own one.  It's not *exactly* a classic.  It sort of (totally does) have the pattern all over the outside.  I KNOW.  Don't judge me.  I bought it pre Daniella Westbrook.  And I used to use it loads for work.  With red or beige Tod's loafers.  I promise you, it did used to work but I'd be lying if I said it's not slightly ruined for me now.  The last time I wore it was to a fancy dress party where the theme was the letter C and I went as a Chav. Again, don't judge me.  I KNOW.  All the shame. 

And in fact, I think it's a pretty good fit (I will show you one day, I promise).  But I have tried on countless (of Burb's ones) and nope.  Can't make them work.  To get the width on the shoulders, I need a bigger size, which is massive on the waist and nope nope nope, just nope. 

Then I found my ideal version.  Oversized.  And in a less trenchy fabric.

I got mine from Zara at the beginning of last season which is admired constantly. 

And you can see why as they are all the rage (says the ancient one in the corner "all the rage"..?  What the??!)

These are the big guns.

Drita Cotton Twill Trench Coat by Preen Line £735

Giano Trench Coat from Weekend Maxmara £445

Rachel Comey Cotton Blend Trench Coat was £582 now £232 (virtually a bargain after the top two)

But fear not, I have found an amazing version on the high street.  In fact, a couple.

Limited Edition Pure Cotton Trench with Stormwear £79

Or Long Trench with Sleeve Tie Detail from Stradivarius £69.99

Relaxed Trench coat from Topshop £59

Oversized at Mac with oversized styling at ASOS £80

And then we move onto different colours. 

Black Oversized at Next £65  LOVE LOVE LOVE. 

Classic Lucie Twill Trench Coat from Acne £700  This I am contemplating selling a kidney for.

And... back in the room...

Belted Trench in khaki from Autograph with stormwear £129

Khaki at the new Studio by Preen line at Debenhams.

Khaki Flute Sleeve Trench Coat at Studio by Preen Line £90

Then there are the short or more fitted versions. 

Belted Trench Coat with Stormwear from Autograph in Stone £129

Some great options at ASOS. 

Classic Trench in Stone £55

In black. 

ASOS Classic Trench Coat in black £55

And here I am in mine. 

Breton - Joseph
Phoebe Jeans - MiH
Suede boots - Quattro Rish
Trench - Zara
Earrings - H&M
Jodie Bag - Chloe

So bonkers day today - the husband left yesterday for a weekend with the boys in Northern Ireland and I have back to back STUFF to do for work (left the house at 7.15 this morning - rushed back for pick up at 3.15) and the children, with swimming, sleepovers, parties, football matches, tutor, Mass, rugby - I need gin just thinking about it.  Funny how they can just pack and go.  When I go away for the weekend, it is with military grade documents left in place with regards to what the kids are doing and when.  Anyone else?!

In the meantime though - quiz night out out tonight.  And I'm not driving.  WHOOP!  I will be back tomorrow with another transitional classic (unless something else catches my eye in the interim...).  Hope you're enjoying this milder weather.  I was actually "hot" yesterday! 

Happy Friday!


20 comentarios:

  1. Love a trench, at some point I'm going to save for a really good one, until then I am not going to try a burberry one, that way I won't be tempted! Otherwise I live in shorter summer versions - we do live in Northern Europe after all.
    As far as fathers go, I'm always amused when they're the ones at home while the mother is away (or at work), as they make it sound as though they're babysitting their own kids! And as you say, the mother has made sure that there is food ready, anything needed for activities (sports kit etc) is ready and easily located by said father, and there may even be a list of things to remember!
    If the men are away, who has made sure they've got clean clothes to take with them? Mine is daft enough, that as I'd got his clothes ready (but not packed), he hadn't realised that I hadn't sorted any socks or underwear (that surely was self evident?). So he went away with no undies other than the pair he had on! Good job there were shops were he was!
    BTW Kilver Court was definitely worth a visit, came away with a statement belt from Elliott Rhodes at half price. Might not be the last of theirs I buy, love the fact that you can swap buckles on them!

    1. Oh I NEED to look into Elliott Rhodes - not sure I've heard of them! My husband is actually really really really good with the children (his children!) but he does say that it's like getting into a hire car - you know you can drive it and you're fine after a day or so but at the beginning it's all a bit odd! The activities etc etc are things that I normally look after and I do now have him trained that shops are open at the weekend or he can just take the children out to eat! And they're old enough to get their own clothes to get dresssed in - I'm not laying them all out for them any more!

  2. I married one of the good 'uns. He fusses over me when I'm travelling for work and goes over his check list of what I should be bringin. It drives me cracked but deep down I know it's lovely. I leave not one instruction for him when I go away. As I always say, they're not my children, they're "our" children! I have two young boys and I have taught them to do their own packing. I print of a list for them. The rest is up to them. If they forget anything, tough!

    1. If it had been the other way round, I know it would have been different but for so many years, he was the only one working. And working 14hour days and at weekends and at holidays. Now that I work full time but at random times, it's taking a bit of juggling for everyone to get used to!! The kids are probably worse! When they were tiny, they were used to me being at their beck and call and now that that's no longer the case, they do struggle. they'll get used to it. It's something that all women I know who go back to work after having been a SAHM say!

  3. I've dipped in and out of trenches over the years, what I've learned is that double breasted does not work for me. I have a red M&S one that I do love. However, I am now off to sell a child for that MaxMara one. It's everything I could ever want {(in a coat). xx

    1. If you do that for the MaxMara one, can I do it for the Acne one?!

  4. I have a Burberry one and I adore it. It cost a fortune but I never regret it.

    1. Fabulous buy if they fit properly. Something you will have forever and ever and can hand down!

  5. I bought a gorgeous (utterly gorgeous, Italian fabric, rain glided off, beautiful sheen) trench from All Saints. I wore it for 3 years in all seasons (collar was very stiff, sitting beautifully.) So, I had it dry cleaned too often (to my idiotic mind) and decided it would "be fine in the machine on a hand-wash setting" - biggest regret of my life. Well that, and the thinking that the guitarist in a band was a keeper as regrets go - late 80s. Shame.

    1. I would never think of going to All Saints for a trench... but OMG what a shame. If it's any consolation (I know it's not), that's the sort of thing that I would do...

  6. I have a Gap classic from a few years ago (a good few years) that I still love. It is the more tan end of the spectrum and will never date.

    But but BUT does that M&S Autograph model have on NAVY SATIN TROUSERS???

    1. Ha ha ha. And yes, she does indeed! They're pretty cool actually, although massive bug bear of mine is that they don't do Autograph in different leg lengths.. ARRGGHH!!

  7. Thank you!!! I adore a trench and have been looking for a khaki one which is more forgiving stain wise when you have two small kids hanging on to you. I love the Autograph one, perfect with Mother's day coming up. Now where is that 20% discount code when I need it :) love Ur blog as always Kat x

    1. Oh I know - it's such a bugger that the 20% code has finished. And they're in sale now so I'm not sure when the next one will be....

  8. I'd love to hear more about your life pre blog and children - you sound like you were a very stylish girl about the office!

    1. Well, that's v kind of you. I have always been ridiculously obsessed with fashion and did used to work in a design related industry!

  9. What's the sizing like on your Burberry? I'm petite, so the shoulders may be too wide and arms too long on me (but as I said I'm avoiding them until I feel I have the funds).

  10. I definitely need a khaki coat in my life....

  11. Love a trench! I have a very old, black trench that I nearly threw out last year, decided to keep and now wear loads that's a french make. I have a blue m&s one, which is more summery and and gets loads of compliments. I can't really do beige, as it washes me out, but there's a reason trench coats are classic!

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