
One two, buckle my shoe

Except in this instance, it's at least three or four and it's a boot.

In an ankle boot (but maybe that's only because I've not seen a knee high version.  That's definitely something to look out for for A/W).  These have been around for a couple of years and are going nowhere. 

Ankle boots, if you live in the UK especially, are verging on a year round staple.  I would love to say that they're obviously redundant in the Summer months, but alas, we all know that's only guaranteed if you head off somewhere sunnier.

The reason for this post is two fold.  Oh how I love a coincidence.  So yesterday, I dragged out a pair of much loved, good old Toga Pullas.  And then secondly - one of the main reasons I frequently come up with a blog topic - I'd seen something I'd fallen in love with.  Which is a regular reason for me canning what I had in mind and going off piste with regards to post content.  Too much of a coincidence not to drop everything and explore options.

Today it's my absolute favourite - the buckle boot.  Ankle boots with lots of buckles on.  Hi ho Silver, I'm the Dandy Highwayman, Like a Rhinestone Cowboy - yes the husband takes great delight in humming any one of these in a hilarious fashion when I put any of mine on.  Hilarious I tell you.  It's a joke that never gets old (according to him).

I'm vaguely tempted to sell a kidney to buy these, just to see his face.  Regardless of his reaction, these are boot porn for me.  Perfect.  Although I will admit a kitten heel isn't remotely practical.  Tube escalator and titchy tiny heel = recipe for disaster.  Been there, done that, got the knackered boots to prove it. 

However.  Doesn't stop me wanting them though.  I am on the look out for the high street version as I am not spending this much money on such an impractical heel (famous last words). 

Warning - these are going to divide.

Gucci Buckled Printed Leather Ankle Boots £1290

And doesn't stop me falling in love with my pairs all over again.  I have three pairs of multi buckle ankle boots - Toga Pullas, which I had for three years now and the Chloe Susannas which I bought last year.  And the flat Isabel Marant pony skin leopard ones which I got in the sale for 70% off.  The former two have been worn and worn and, only with the newer Marants, will continue to be shod right up to those heady super hot Summer days (so that will be about three days I won't be wearing them all year then).

Toga Pulla Leather Ankle Boots £326

Susanna Leather Ankle boots Chloe £850

Another style that I haven't succumbed to but do look at longingly from afar - the Givenchy buckle boots.

Givenchy Elegant Studded Suede Ankle Boots £930

Of which there are some great inspired versions of on the high street.

Office Lock Down Studded Boots in Burgundy £98

Personally, it's the snake which I love, again £98 from Office

Similar at Topshop in grey suede. 

Amy Suede Stud Boots from Topshop £85

Love the blush - perfect accessory for Spring.£85

Or the classic black, again £85

But there are definitely variations on all themes - bar my newly beloved Gucci numbers (of course).  

Higher heeled and with more than a nod to Toga Pulla at River Island.

Black stud buckle western heeled boots £60

And a lower pair in the leather and suede mix, which is really hard to come by.  Go River Island!

Black leather western buckle boots from River Island £45

For Summer - love the classic Office Jagger £84 in a khaki 

And then there are the pointed versions which are a great Marant tribute.  

Office Lightening Pointed Black Buckle Boots were £88 now £48

And in the leopard cow hair were £88 now £38

Away from the classics now to some that just bang to the beat of their own drum.  Love you, Topshop.

Andrew Buckle Ankle Boots from Topshop were £79 now £40

Or in the black again now £40

And finishing with my favourites.  The black are pretty fabulous.

Magnesium Buckle Boots were £99 now £65

But, these in the red, I simply love for £65 and of course they're OOS in my size.  Wasn't meant to be or will I spend all six hours of the rugby tournament tomorrow trying to track them down?

ALTHOUGH.... I've just read the reviews and these come up big.  Which means they have them in stock in my size.  That's meant to be no?

And here I am in my trusty TPs yesterday. 

Dress - H&M
Onyx jacket - hush
Black buckle leather and suede boots - Toga Pulla
Black Tools Bag - Balenciaga
Navy tassel earrings - H&M (I meant to put the black ones on.  I put the navy ones on by mistake.  Donkey).

Yes the dress.  It's the H&M one.  Sort of.  I bought two and took them to an (amazing) seamstress who added inches to it and put in pockets.  And with the second dress, also managed to make me a neat fitting blouse.  Result.  I am now on a mission to alter all high street clothes to make them work for me.  So long as the ruffle is around that is...

Off to get ready now for a retro cheese and wine evening.  What's not to love?  The fact I'll be hanging tomorrow for rugby at 9am for a rather long tournament in the rain?  Details, schmetails.  Have a fabulous evening everyone and talk me through the buckles.  Am I alone in my obsession with these?

OOH and can't go without saying.. I LOVED La La Land.  But not because I have fallen in love with the musical cheese genre.  Because I don't think it's really a musical musical.  I honestly thought I was going to have to gauge my own eyes out after the opening sequence, had it continued in that vein but bar another three or four numbers - that's it for the musical musical bit.  It's not remotely as jazz hands as I had anticipated.  And yes, Emma Stone's dresses and shoes are drool worthy.  And yes, the Ryan Gosling thing.  I get it.  I completely get it.  His eyes are still too close together but it doesn't matter.  He is utterly amazing and mesmerising and just oozes "it".  How are they not together by the way?  Can you bet *that* good to act chemistry like that?  Hmmmmmmmmm.....

But why did no one warn me about how sad it was?  Errr hello?  Tissues at the ready.  I wept.  And a part of me died.


27 comentarios:

  1. Oh no! I really like the Chloe ones �� And just when I thought I had all the (many) ankle boots I needed...

    1. Apparently you can never have too many.....

  2. Please do not tempt me with anymore boots! The suede and black RI ones and those black buckle ones are calling my name!
    I was so distraught that they didn't end up together in the end of La La Land.
    Sarah x

    1. I am scarred by the end of LLLand. BUT I love the way it's quite real life.... would it have actually worked out.. probably not.. or would it.. who knows??!

      And you can never have too many boots.

  3. Loved Lion! Also loved La La Land. Don't think it's worthy of so many Oscars but just a really good escapism film. And yes, I cried at the end.
    As for buckle boots, Love, Love, Love. I have great TP copies from Asos. Did try the Office boots last week but seemed very wintery, if that makes sense! Not what I'm looking for into Spring!

    1. You see - I didn't see the escapism bit. I thought it was more realistic than that! But yes, I SOBBED!!

  4. I adore my TP ankle boots in black suede (bought pre- Christmas from Harvey Nicks with a whopping 25%off!!) After trying the leather versions from both Office and ASOS I felt something was not quite right. Someone suggested suede and it was a lightbulb moment.

    I love what you did with the H&M dress(es). Fabulous idea and it looks perfect. I've found a great seamstress (indispensable) and have plans for some alterations.

    1. Genius!! I love love suede boots - slightly lighter, I'd agree x

  5. I love the red boots. Can't way to see Lion. honestly , LLL isn't what I expected!

  6. I have three pairs of heeled boots, they don't get enough use so I can't justify another pair. But flats, are a completely different matter, I live in them for six months of the year, and my only rule when buying is that they have to have some detailing, so these are just the ticket. I love the Andrew ones from TS in the pale colour, they may be just the ticket to carry my boot wearing into warmer weather!
    Love what your seamstress has done with your dress, and that you get a bonus blouse too, so it doesn't even sound expensive. Ours is a drive away, so I don't always want to be bothered (or even forget that we know a good seamstress), which means that some items don't get bought unless it's a simple turn up job that I can do myself.

    1. The Andrews boots are simply gorgeous aren't they? I think they look a lot more expensive too.

      And I could NO WAY just "turn up" something myself. All the respect!

    2. The worst bit is daring to cut!
      My husband always gets trousers that are too long, so I've practiced on his!! Trousers aren't sold in many lengths in Denmark, so we're both challenged on that front even though he's of average height and not vertically challenged as I am! I love being able to get a petite length in the UK, I feel like I'm being spoiled!! Although being tall must be worse!

    3. Yes, it's much easier (although I still couldn't do it!!) to hem something that add something to it! I've always joked that I should do it, but this is the first time I actually have. There will be no stopping me now....

    4. Yes, it's much easier (although I still couldn't do it!!) to hem something that add something to it! I've always joked that I should do it, but this is the first time I actually have. There will be no stopping me now....

  7. Your post is amazingly timely ! I just bought the Office Lucky Charm boots - black and gold - from sale in Hof F . I've had them and returned them before feeling I was probably a bit past it. Obv I'd really like the Chloe pair but as that's not happening, these are the approximation. What do you reckon ?? Great for you but at 55 ( nearly ) - am I deluded ? Although tbh, I'm tempted by the red boots on the blog too !! X

    1. I'm 55 at the end of the year and I've just bought the red ones ��

    2. Oh my lord GO FOR IT!!

      And love you Joanne. They're amazing boots aren't they?

  8. Red boots are in the bag! Fab.

    And, I knew you would is just lovely.

  9. I think I may have to buy the red boots despite my spending ban, I hold you responsible.x

  10. Never been keen on the buckle boots but I think you may have just converted me. I might dip my toe so to speak in the black RI leather and suede ones. I loved La La Land. I sat back and tried to soak it all in and got totally immersed in it. I couldn't believe how much I sobbed at the end. Oh what could have been. X

    1. They look amazing those boots. It's a fabulous film isn't it? So much "more" than I'd been led to believe it would be!

  11. Oh now I really want the Topshop Amy boots in grey or blush. Both mostly sold out of course (!) so I hope they come back in stock, as I don't have any decent-sized store near me.

    1. Oh nooo. Keep watching as I reckon they will come back into stock xx

  12. Well - now I've got both the red ones ( ordered) AND keeping the other black ones ! Result- of sorts !! ��

    1. I may also have had to order the red ones.. just to *see*. I can't work out whether I want to love them or loathe them (love obviously as they're perfect with my faux leather trousers that I've got on the blog today!)
