
Instant gratification

In the form of ... 

..oversized earrings.  

The main reason I'm posting this is hair related.  All will become clear shortly...  

Not only do new earrings give instant gratification in the "something new" sense and not only can they add a whole new dimension to an old outfit (or make a plain old tee suddenly out out worthy), it means you can get another day out of a hair wash. 

I have a confession to make (and this is random).  I hate getting wet.  I hate having a shower.  There.  I've said it.  I didn't know this was actually a *thing* until a tipsy convo with a friend a while back where she admitted that she loathed getting wet as well.  Admittedly everyone else did think we were nuts.

So laying it all on the line - I'm not just talking about swimming, nope, I'm talking about how I cannot be bothered to have a shower (it doesn't mean I don't, I hasten to add - just that the thought of it, is such an ugh).  As for a bath?  Are you freaking kidding me?  Absolutely no way at all.  My idea of hell.  

But please don't confuse me with someone who doesn't wash - I definitely DO have a shower every day but I am surgical when it comes to the procedure and I definitely don't enjoy it.  In, wash, out.  There is no shilly shallying around. 

Which is perhaps a tad too much sharing but it does mean that I like to wash my hair as infrequently as possible.  Partly it is the "washing prolongs the shower agony" aspect (slightly strong on the hysteria there) but it's also because I do have very dry, coarse and now coloured hair which (handily) doesn't lend itself to being washed v often. 

However a blowdry doesn't last as long as the non washing bit and so invariably, I will end up trying it up.  And earrings make this ridiculously easy to do.  As hair up = earrings on.  As if by magic, they go together perfectly.

I have mentioned these much earlier in the year but they show no signs of abating in popularity and seeing as it's Monday and Monday sucks, I have put together some treats for you to salivate over - some of which cost less than a glass of wine.

These are all guaranteed to make you stand out.  Either go plain with the outfit or live by the adage more is more and pile on the print and the colour. 

Starting with one of my favourites.  Pure joy in a pair of earrings.

But I love a tassel and a full on tassel at that.  If you can't decide which accent colour to go with, go with them all. 

Did I mention how much I am loving green this season?

Then red - I have the H&M ones in red which you can't get online anymore (how rubbish is that?  Does anyone happen to know if they have them in yellow?).  These make a great substitute. 

However I have found these in yellow.  I've just taken delivery of a yellow dress ready for a blog next week and these will be perfect perfect perfect with it. 

These in nude have my name all over them. 

Monochrome tassels.  These would be so incredibly useful. 

And slightly plainer but still with a hint of colour. 

Cut Out Drop Hoop Earrings from Topshop £8.50  Green.  I can't get enough of green.

Black with colour again.  These are for the swan necked amongst you. 

Slightly smaller now but still big enough to get you noticed. 

And finishing with the most random, but the most epic.  I shouldn't love these.  But I do. 

Fear not if the hint of any colour has you fleeing for the hills, I have got a plain earrings but still ones with oomph blog coming up shortly. 

In the meantime, here I am in the good old H&M black ones on Saturday night, which I'm sure you can get in store but alas, no longer online. 

White handkerchief hem skirt - M&S
Black Willow Blouse - Goat
Black peep toe sock boots - Rock Owens
Leopard print bag - Tory Burch
Earrings - H&M

I obviously can't go without mentioning the weather.  Like Monday isn't pants enough.  When I say pants - it didn't get off to the best start with the 12yr old throwing up all night, the 10yr old, who is emetophobic, being up all night as well, as he could either hear her or was panicking that she was going to be sick again and he would hear her, followed by a day of washing (with a child at home) and just being informed by the 8r old that "I might have smashed my ipad but it's not "that" bad".  Well, depends on what your definition of "that bad" is, doesn't it. 

But before my head combusts (and yes obviously I yelled at him and then obviously I felt heinously guilty so find myself saying "but I'm super proud of you for telling me straight away" through gritted teeth as I wonder how much it is to replace a smashed screen), back to the weather.... 7 degrees today.  SEVEN.  That's minus the wind chill factor and it was blowing a hoolie here today.  Freezing blooming cold.   That's in the South anyway, I know from others that elsewhere had far more Spring like temperatures.  Well lucky you!  I had planned on writing about sandals but seeing as I was in cashmere and shearling today, I didn't really have a sandal head on.  

Heading towards half term at a rate of knots and I have high hopes for cracking out the Spring wardrobe by the beach.   In the meantime, I shall be hair up, earrings on.  Are you a plain or a statement girl?  I also think they serve really well with hair up on hols with a lovely floaty dress (one can dream).  Talking of dreaming, I can't get past the yearning for a white one.  That doesn't look like a nightie or a First Holy Communion dress.  I'm on it peeps.


22 comentarios:

  1. Fricken freezing and windy here in flat East Anglia and I seriously considered lighting the fire tonight (but turned the heating up a notch instead - did I mention I put the heating back on last week?) Compounded by Irish family Whatsapping me pictures of deep blue skies and vibrant-coloured gardens over there - this is NOT how it's supposed to be.
    On earring matters, weirdly I took delivery of the Mango ones with the green tassels today. They are awesome (if slightly hurty when first put in) but worth the minor discomfort - gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. I also have the last ones you've featured as I bought them before I'd seen the (quite similar) tassel ones - still nice, but the green of the tassels swings it for me. Also awaiting some found for me by the lovely Joanna on Poppy's Style - long red tassels a la Reese Witherspoon in Big Little Lies (from Etsy). Expecting the Pat Butcher references to be ringing in my ears all summer. My family are nothing if not predictable.

    1. Mine arrived and they are beautiful x

    2. OOOH which ones are they? I have the H&M ones which are epic so I don't need anymore red ones but love a tassel earring and need more colours!

    3. Apologies for the HUGE link, but this is them - they arrived today and are actually hot pink (I always knew they were pink, I just kept saying red, duh). And of course I got the sleep mask too. Excellent quality and so nice.

  2. I can't really do big earrings - I have long curly hair, which I never wear tied back (I think I look weird without a big halo of hair around my face!), so big earrings would just get caught up in it all the time! I'm much more minimalist when it comes to jewellery anyway, but I admire those who can pull these off (like you!).

    1. I completely agree it's hard to wear with curly hair if you don't wear it back. They really are better I think if you can see them rather than having them buried in hair!

  3. Etsy and Amazon are brilliant sources of cheaper handmade earrings too - I just bought some great JCrew dupes off a local Etsy store here in Atlanta

  4. I hate washing too Kat- your not alone!!! I have dry sore skin and bathing makes it worse. I'm sure there are others out there too.
    Sarah x

  5. Weirdly for me what puts me off showering is not the water, it's getting out of the shower afterwards! And we have a wet room, so no shower curtain or door to which means there is no rapid change in temperature (I hate that when we're travelling). I suppose it's the hassle of squeegee-ing the shower, drying my hair, extra moisturiser to combat the drying effect of warm water etc, etc.
    I do like the idea of these earings, and have had big earings in the past, but these days I always seem to wear the white gold and diamond studs my husband bought for my wedding present. The claws that hold the diamonds in place are four tiny hearts (they do get taken out regularly for cleaning/ hygiene reasons). I did actually look at a pair of tassel earings in H&M at the weekend, but they didn't make it home.
    Must thank you Kat, and the people who comment on this blog for finally getting me to buy a jumpsuit, still can't get my head round the fact that I didn't need to turn the legs up, and it's not too long in the waist. And even the dreaded toilet issue wasn't an issue (wrap top, dead easy, as well as being flattering for my boobs). But the best bit, I wore it to our friends son's 1st birthday, which involved masses of cake, hot chocolate etc, it was like wearing pyjamas! I almost forgot to take it off when I was getting ready for bed, as I felt like I'd already got my Pj's on!

    1. I used to wear my diamond earrings every day and to be honest, I think with polo necks in the winter, they definitely work. But I love the bigger earrings in the Summer.

      And how great are the jumpsuits?? I'm going to wear mine today with a blazer and trainers. Perfect dress down without looking like a hobo, look!

  6. I have short hair and I love these earrings but I feel like pat butcher so I steer clear! think they are better with long hair for sure...
    what jumpsuit did you buy Danish pastry? I know you are 5ft 3 like me and im struggling to get one that looks right!

    1. I bought the Liana jumpsuit from Baukjen. It does need a camisole underneath, and being a size 12 with boobs I don't look as slim as the model, it does make my legs look slim though. So comfy, and didn't look baggy despite me having been curled up on the sofa. One of those dress up/ dress down items.

    2. Bloody Pat Butcher has a lot to answer for!! I also think it's hard as, for a lot of us, they're so far out of our comfort zone. I would recommend just going for it one day (there are some super cheap options that still look v expensive!) and seeing how you feel. And the best thing - if after half an hour you think eeewww, you just take them off! However, you might surprise yourself.

      And YAAY on the jumpsuit!

    3. cheers

  7. My sister and used to compete to see how long we could go without washing our hair. All I can say is thank God for dry shampoo.

  8. I wash my hair every.... 4 DAYS!! But I do wet it in between and dry it. I love showering but hate how much time all the post shower ablutions take - face creams, body lotion, dry hair etc. Similar in the evening, I put off going to bed because of all the ablutions that need to be done en route. The big earrings looks great on those with long hair. But having short hair I would definitely look like Pat Butcher. And I apologise for the glorious weather in Ireland at the moment. Trust me it's an aberration.

  9. Hi Kat, great post. Do you know of a good source for clip on earrings? I always had infected lobes as a teenager (sorry, gross) so let the holes close. But I would love some clippy ones. Catherine

    1. I'm not Kat obviously but Pia Jewellery sell converters that you can use to turn pierced earrings into clip-ons, not sure if they would work on long earrings.

  10. I have short curly hair and wear big earrings most days. I also used to wear them with long hair as the occasional glimpse added interest to the mass of fuzz I think.
    Pat Butcher is an icon, happy to be in good company. Think I'll say NO to the appliqued cardigans and frosted pink lipstick though!

  11. Its an lovely images of earring and the colours used is lovely.
