
Challenge Kat

So the initial reason I took this challenge was because I thought I may be allowed to wear a spray on electric blue jumpsuit (clearly that would NOT have been the best idea I've ever had but I was totally obsessed with Challenge Anneka as a youngster - she was my absolute heroine and that would have been my dream job) but alas, that didn't appear to be part of the brief (see above and all breathe a sigh of relief...).

I was though, intrigued and definitely ready for the challenge that Tu clothing set me - could I deck out two boys in all their back to school necessities in one trip.  That sounded like way too good an opportunity to turn down so the challenge was accepted. 

With pictures. 

Hmmm ok - have you ever tried to take photos of your small boys in the supermarket whilst buying clothes (and let's be frank - not even clothes they really want to wear but ones they HAVE to wear) without having a nervous breakdown?  Nope, me neither.  Actually have you ever just taken your boy shopping for clothes - oh and school shoes -  without wanting to weep and consider home schooling (clearly that thought lasts all of about 2 nanoseconds.  Those who do that have ALL my respect).

But... and hats off to you Sainsburys, someone has really thought this through and whoever thought of putting the clothing alongside the far more interesting and still necessary purchases of backpacks, pencil cases and pens - deserves more than a pat on the back.  As well as being available from over 500 stores worldwide and online.  They can have a snog from me. 


Keep them corralled, keep them entertained and keep them focussed - blooming genius.  The "just try them on" goes down so much better when they get to choose their own pencil case.  Although the struggle between Minions or Neon is real...


And the joy of finding your perfect rucksack.  As an aside can I say THANK YOU for making one that is ridiculously stylish - even I would use this backpack.  (bottom khaki one obviously...).


So what did we come away with (apart from every single stationery item needed, along with school bags).

Everything is the answer.  I actually did feel a teensy tiny bit of a fraud accepting the assignment as it's where I buy most of the boys school uniform anyway and always have done. 

Starting with the short sleeve shirts that I have been buying for years and years.  I also buy their polo shirts (100% cotton and a two pack for £4.50) in the Summer.  I have always found their uniform to be amazing quality plus they wash and tumble dry like a dream.

In the Winter though, these are the ones we get (to wear with a tie).  They have to wear it with their proper school jumpers but if you are lucky enough to be able to get generic knitwear, I have it on good authority that it's 100% cotton from Tu.

Shorts I always buy for the 8yr old who only ever wears shorts to school.  Even in the snow - he is in shorts.  These are his favourites (I say favourites.. these are the only ones he's ever worn!).

But trousers I haven't bought before actually and the 10yr old was over the moon when I said he could have cargo style ones.... I personally am loving the reinforced knees with a resin applied to the crease to keep it crisp wash after wash (which is handy as I do not bother ironing school uniform).

Other things which I always buy from Sainsbury's and have done for years:-

Socks £6.  I buy these in bulk.  I buy the same ones for both boys (who are only half a size different in shoes) as they are, in our house, by all accounts disposable.  I have no idea where they go to.  You can never have too many...

Pants! (alas, I did try and get them to have the Trolls or Moana ones but that was a big fat "jog on Mum...").  I will say though, the ones to the left of him have an orange pack with a Sloth on the butt, which they boys think are THE best pants they've ever seen....


These are the more sensible, Sloth free ones, that one of them chose.

And vests £6.50.  The 10yr old (who has Asperger's which makes one trip to get everything done even more of a godsend) doesn't like wearing anything heavy as a coat but he always wears a vest.  Go figure.  These he chose - he always chooses the same ones.  If it ain't broke...

I have always found everything washes and tumble dries like a dream which is handy as kids being kids - these get washed A LOT.

It was then into unchartered territory at Sainsbury's for me with our two last items.  Coats and shoes. 

First up "we do not want the same coats".  Great.

The 10yr old does not like anything weighty or anything too warm and the thinner the better so he was over the moon when we found him a super lightweight mac in the sale.  It's not online anymore but this was what he would have chosen had we not found the sale one).

And the other who likes something slightly warmer, this waterproof coat has a fleece lining.  This is possibly the most superb Autumn coat ever.  And he likes it a lot.  Check out the tongue out with concentration...



Finishing with the most tortuous part of any summer holiday... the shoe shopping.  Ok.  So I know that some people will only buy from people who fit shoes properly.  Well it just so happens that our old babysitter used to work in a children's shoe shop and taught me how to properly feel if shoes fit.  And genuinely, it really isn't that hard.  I can imagine it's more of a challenge when your children are much smaller but having watched shoes being "fitted" for years and years (and years and years), I feel I'm able to make a judgement call on whether or not they fit.  Plus mine are at an age where they can say "these feel too small, these hurt when I walk, these are too big".  

The quality of these leather shoes seems just as good as any that I've previously bought for over double the amount. 

First up a wide fit for the smallest boy who, bless him, has feet like Weetabix.  


And for the older one with a much slimmer foot who wanted laces.  He is over the moon with these.  Even the husband this morning said "he's going to take some going to go through these soles"...


Here they are.  All showered, everything tried on, all ready to go.  And over the moon as I told them they wouldn't have to go to another shop the ENTIRE holiday.


And it would have been rude not to brought myself a congratulatory present for getting it all done no?  

I have been wearing this over the weekend and have had so many comments asking where it's from.  Ta Dah.  No it's not designer, as everyone thought - it's £25 and I think it comes up slightly large.  Well - I wanted a very slim fit so I got the 8 but if you want more of a boxy look, do take your usual size, but definitely don't size up.


Another day on holiday, another floral dress.   And this superb jacket which you can expect to see on repeat.  What you can't see is that it's not a stiff denim - it's that soft lived in, like well worn denim, that you usually only find with much much more expensive brands.

Jacket - Tu at Sainsbury's
Dress - Saloni
Trainers - Golden Goose 
Bag - Hill & Friends

So it was an unusual one from me but an hour spent doing all the back to school shopping that I normally labour over doing bit by bit, frees up hours of my Summer.  I am all over the new season now... you have been warned.  


6 comentarios:

  1. I would have loved to see you in that blue jumpsuit! LOL.
    And those cargo shorts and trousers are great!

  2. And it doesn't stop with back to school shoes either - just bought the black leather Chelsea boots with the rose gold studs on the back and the comfort soles from Sainsbos for my 18 year old daughter. She loves them and they will be great for trudging round campus when she starts uni. A bargain at 35 quid.

    1. OMG they sound amazing - didn't see them. Off to have a look!

  3. I buy loads of school uniform at Sainsbury's too, really good value. I'm rather lamenting the fact that my eldest is about to start secondary and we've had to buy everything from the uniform shop, because even the trousers and skirts have to be embroidered with the school logo and house. Grrrr. Love the jacket too.

  4. Oh Lordy yes, all bets are off when it comes to secondary school... the only thing we can buy for my daughter that isn't from the uniform shop are her tights/socks and the dance leggings. Every piece of her PE kit also has to be embroidered on the outside with her initials!! Thank heavens the school uniform shop offers a service to do it for you...!
