
Monday Must Have

Blimey this comes around quickly.

And that's the thing with time - the older you get, the faster it goes.  Along with ageing.  *insert all the rolling eyes you can muster*.

It's not so much ageing that bothers me, it's the looking... hmmm.... just knackered.  Human with a whiff of corpse. 

I always thought I'd be concerned with lines - when my skin was young and perky and stayed vaguely attached to my face when I lay down instead of spreading out on the floor around my head like a skin blanket.  Ok so that's a slight exaggeration (I feel confident in using the term *slight*) but this morning at Pilates when I lay down, I could definitely feel my whole face.. well just sag.  

So lying down it's not that much of an issue is it, but when you're standing, the sagging can frankly "do one".  We shouldn't have to put up with this.  So my Monday Must Have this week is a two prong approach to tackling the January mehs.  You can choose to do both, one or the other - or neither. 

For me though, these are my favourite, "go to" weapons for battling the winter death mask.  Yes I have others and I've been trialling lots of new beauty products, some of which I'm really pleased with but there is nothing that has taken the place of prong number one, product wise for the job it does.

This I first bought - must be six or seven years ago, if not more.  I have tried other face tan products (I have tried MANY), I have tried tinted moisturisers but this - this for me, hands down, beats everything else.

There are two shades - the Bronze and the Golden (which is a lighter shade) but I find the darker shade not that dark at all - and you can see me from space - seriously Moomin is my middle name.

Why do I love it so much?  It works.  Not only does it give the loveliest colour - I wouldn't say it was a self tan, I would say it was more of a miracle warmth giver.  It somehow manages to give my tired skin a glow and luminosity which other products can do but this is a one hit wonder with just one product.  The downside is that it's not immediate and does take a couple of hours to develop but there's nothing better than getting your face ready for the day, thinking meh - and looking in the mirror a couple of hours later, thinking - wow.  Now that's an improvement. 

My other product which saves my facial bacon is good old Botox.  I honestly think that all the  miracle creams in the world, won't be as effective in the short term as a stabbing with a needle (for the record, I don't find it hurts - it's uncomfortable for a short period of time but no worse than any other injection.  And the results are worth it).

Does it freeze my face entirely and rid me of all lines?  No but I wouldn't want it to.  I'm 45 at the end of this week and don't want to look 30 again.  But I do want to look the best I can at this age and there is a tightening and smoothing that Botox gives my skin that doesn't make look younger per se - just fresher.  Less knackered.  Which frankly is no bad thing. 

Maybe there are creams and serums that over time would do the same thing - I certainly find the texture of my skin can vary hugely with what I apply (and more of the ones I love coming soon).  But to hold the sagging at bay - right now, Botox is one of the favourite weapons in my arsenal. 

I have it at the top of my forehead, between my eyebrows, round the laughter lines on my eyes (not to remove them, just to lessen them slightly) and around my jaw to help slow down the jowls that are gathering pace.  

I prefer to have it less deep but more often which I find helps with a more natural look - as advised by my Dr who I would happily, happily recommend - Dr Ellie Holman.  You can look her up on Instagram @drellieholman or email her on  She can answer any questions you have (she's heard them all).  

A close up - just to scare you... this is with no foundation - just the Botox that I last had at the beginning of December and the Chanel facial tan.  Obviously, there is other makeup on top - I have lots of gems in that camp coming up for you this year.  Botox and Chanel facial tan do NOT mean that no other make up is needed.  Sorry to break that to you - they're good - they're not "that" good!


Jumper - M&S (3 or 4 yrs ago)
Coat - Jigsaw (gift aw17) 
Earrings - Chambers & Beau (gift current)

And one from today - navy and black.  


Mohair jumper - Banana Republic (4yrs ago)
Leggings - Hush (gift about 4yrs ago)
Boots - Grenson from Collen & Clare (aw17)
Glasses - Tom Ford from Very Exclusive (aw17)
Wrist warmers - Somerville Scarves (gift current)
Navy sheepskin gilet - Helmut Lang from Saks Fifth Avenue (sale aw15)
Bag - Loewe from Matches (current)

Things I've learnt today - it's really hard to get a photo of navy and black... hmmm must try harder.  But there are those days when you just feel like embracing the January dark and dankies with leather, mohair and sheepskin.  It's not looking like Spring any time soon folks, is it?  I say that but tomorrow I think I've got a random Spring like thing to explore. 

And ANY questions about Botox or the Chanel cream - just ask and I will try and answer.


14 comentarios:

  1. Without sounding cheeky, how old were you when you started to have Botox? I’m 33 but there’s definitely some lines starting to appear. Will it stave them off or just hide them? x

    1. I was 42... but to be honest, I do think it's only been in the last couple of years that it's been on my radar. I am absolutely NO expert so I think you need to ask a professional xx

  2. How often do you have your Botox done? I'm in my fifties and tend just have it once/twice a year for very sunny holidays or special occasions. It rarely lasts more than 2 months and I'd be worried to have it done more often ( as would my bank manager). Thanks K. xd.

    1. Every 3 to 4 months. I have heard (I have no idea if this is true or not but I fear it may be...) that the more you exercise the quicker it wears out. I would have a chat with your practitioner as again, I've heard that the more you have it, the less you need it the older you get - as the muscles are used to it... a bit like ironing a REALLY creased sheet is a lot more hard work than one that you hang out to dry.. does that make sense??

  3. It's so true that things come around at break neck speed once you reach a certain age, and yes I did roll my eyes hearing my grandparents and parents tell me this. Apologies to them, as they were right!
    I don't know whether I'd have the guts to do botox, which is okay by me. I'm trying to embrace the signs of ageing and enhance my good points, not that I'm not adverse to creams and potions to slow things down a bit! I'm the same with my hair, which is greying in a way that people think I've had highlights put in. That gives it's own challenges, as I've had to tweak what colours I wear, and after being a nude lipstick wearer for years I'm hankering after brighter colours!

    1. I completely completely understand why people are reticent to have it - I was petrified the first time. But I think if you go to a recommended dr and are implicit in the look that you want, it should be ok (she says not being obviously able to guarantee anything!). It definitely won't be for everyone, that is for SURE. Personally though, I'm happy with the fresher look I feel it gives me - just putting a pause on gravity for a while at least! I do wonder if I stop whether or not I'll be having to tuck my jowls into my bra.....

  4. Have you tried Tan Luxe The Face - I've honestly never had so many compliments about my healthy glow! Now keen to try your healthy glow and wondered if you had tried mine for comparison :D Am I making sense yet?!

  5. Do you have the botox along your jaw line? Does it really work there? I know it works brillliantly on forehead and around eyes but to stop sagging on jaw - can it really work?

    1. YES!! Now again I am absolutely NO specialist at all and should listen more when she's explaining what it does but you use the muscles in your face a LOT (especially when you talk as much sa I do...) and the botox works to tighten those muscles (this is NOT the technical explanation) and as a result, for me anyway - the side of my face (JOWLS) are less saggy...
      I have also heard that you can have it in your neck (??!) so I'm going to ask... watch this space....

  6. Do you have a touch of cheek filler?

    1. So PERSONALLY fillers aren't for me. I'm not going to lie - I'm not a fan of how they look as to me, they change the shape of your face but putting something new as opposed to restoring what you once had?

      I have just finally grown into my cheekbones!

  7. Is that really just Botox or have you had a bit of filler as well? Looks amazing!!

    1. Absolutely no fillers whatsoever! Just the Botox xxx
