
Monday Must Have

Ok so this Monday thing comes around really quickly... 

First up, I will say that the trousers from last week's Monday Must Have are BACK IN STOCK!  In some sizes... but I'm hoping there will be more in again shortly. 

So I could just possibly leave it there but no, I've got a reminder of something that I have mentioned a number of times but it's one of my essential beauty items that I use all year round. 

It's quick and easy to apply, it's not expensive, it lasts a long time and I use it every single week. 

My beauty hero - Vita Liberata Body Blur.  This is genuinely like fake tan for dummies.  Want to look like a (vaguely) bronzed goddess in the middle of winter?  This is your product.  At the very least, it will reduce the chances of you being seen from space.

I have pale skin and I find the Medium is perfect.  The light is too light - that's almost like a foundation colour on me - it does definitely do the job in smoothing away any blemishes and marks on your legs - I do tend to use it mostly on my legs - and gives them a "wearing tights" look - but for a bit of colour, I find the medium perfect.

I discovered the product in a goodie bag at the beginning of last Spring and it honestly changed the way I could flash my (still only lower) legs.  I have repurchased a number of times and much prefer it over the other competitors in the market - even those that are the same price.  It also ONLY comes off with soap.  So a splash of water (or wine - don't ask but I have proven this point) and it won't budge.

Vita Liberata Body Blur from Feel Unique £25.45  This is the cheapest price I've managed to find it for.  

Why do I love this?  It's make up for your legs.  I mentioned foundation before and that's what it is.  A step up from fake tan, this is a gazillion times easier and quicker to apply (seriously, if I can do it and not cock it up - anyone can).  Plus it's instant.  You can apply and get dressed immediately.  Or, you can do what I do - get dressed and then whack it on your legs in less than three minutes.  I do use a mitt to apply so there is no mess - you just apply and go. 

At this time of year, I tend to mostly use it in the evenings when I go out (and am not swanning around outside in the chilly winter air).  On my legs which means dresses and sandals are a go go even on my whitest winter nights.

In the Spring, it really comes into its own.  Perfect for legs, get those ankles out in cropped trousers and shorter skirts and dresses without that pasty, corned blue skin look.  

And here I am - looking beyond excited that it's Monday.  I'm not going to lie - today has been the Mondayest of Mondays ever.  Sunday evenings, I am normally giddy about Monday morning.  Spent a lovely day at a family party yesterday - rugby was only for an hour so it was like Christmas - and was full of the joys of life, looking forward to the start of a new week.  

Then the worst night's sleep, perturbing dreams, woke up at 5am and then couldn't get out of bed, it was beyond cold and my get up and go had got up and gone.  So it was a lot of knitwear.  Speaking of which, I need a post on all things woolly shortly, don't I?

Therefore here I am, looking not the jolliest.. in apt grey.


Jumper - hush (gift aw16)
Coated Mayfair jeans - Boden (3yrs ago)
Boots - Grenson from Collen & Clare (aw17)
Coat - M&S (aw17)
Bag - Loewe (current season)
Hat & Scarf - Black (gift 2yrs ago and 3yrs ago)
Gloves - Johnstons of Elgin (goodie bag aw16)

Tomorrow I will be back with my wardrobe essential.  Yes, it's the perennial favourite, I promise it's only for one day and something completely different after that.  I have colour coming towards the end of the week to cheer us up, I'm looking at flat footwear and I've reminded myself we need more on the beloved winter knit.  

One last thing and nothing related to anything fashion or beauty, but we have just watched THE best thing on Netflix, that I'm sure everyone knows about so apologies if I'm teaching you all to suck eggs.  Manhunt: Unabomber.  Holy Nora - it's fabulous.  Even the husband, who loathes anything crime related/FBI tastic usually was absolutely captivated.  

Film wise - we also watched Dunkirk and Hacksaw Ridge recently - both of whom I was looking forward to about as much as a smear test but absolutely adored both of them.  

All recommendations on Netflix (or Amazon or does anyone else find their Amazon streaming terrible?) gratefully received.  We did The Sinner recently which we also thought amazing.  Didn't love the Ozark as much as most people seem to, couldn't get to grips with Stranger Things at all (although the husband loved) and started Wormwood last night which was utterly pants.   Have a Netflix hole in my life....


19 comentarios:

  1. My legs won't be out for at least another month or so, but I will be trying this one!
    It was -6°C this morning, and hovering just under freezing on the way home, we might even get above zero tomorrow! Woolly things are right up my street at the moment!
    I loved the Dunkirk film, it's an event that seems to be imprinted onto the British psyche as something almost miraculous. And contrary to popular belief many of the soldiers rescued were French. We've just had the second episode of The Bridge IIII (Broen). It's shaping up well, don't know when it'll be aired in the UK, but it wasn't too far behind us last time.

    1. Ooh we don’t have The Bridge (well we do...) but we have The Tunnell! Yes third series our here too. Deffo one for the list, thank you xxx

    2. I've seen a little of The Tunnel, The Bridge is way better! But I do concede, I may be biased (something to do with actually recognising some of the places they film)!

  2. I totally agree on the Manhunt: Unabomber, I watched on a flight recently and was just hooked. Don't think I moved for over 4 hours. Must look at this stuff as my legs are a constant source of embarrassment but at -6 I don't think they will be out any time soon 😁...


    1. Oh I love a bare (brown not blue..!!) ankle!!!

    2. Oh I love a bare (brown not blue..!!) ankle!!!

  3. Oh we loved Godless on Netflix. And The Crown. And I am LOVING The Marvellous Mrs Maisel on Amazon makes me happy, it funny and the clothes are amazing!

    Oh, and Happy New Year!

    1. Loved The Crown, the others are on the list, thank you cxx

  4. Watch narcos! It's freaking brilliant

  5. Loved Manhunt too. Something a bit different and oddly compelling is storyville - death on the staircase but only the series (not the one off documentary which isn't as good) and if you do get sucked in don't be tempted to google the case - it'll ruin it for you!

  6. We loved manhunt unabomber as well. totally hooked and not normally my sort of thing. the episode titled Ted actually had my having empathy for him due to the events in his life. Nice to see you got a mention in the latest copy of Prima as well. Happy New Year.

  7. Ooh will def watch that! I recommend 'Lovesick' there are 3 series and each episode only 30 mins - good fun. We watched 'Bright' last night with Will Smith - also mindless good fun - really enjoyed it - lots of action. Too cold for my legs out, brown or not brown.... looks like good stuff though!

  8. We have just started Spiral on BBC Four after LOVING Witnesses: A Frozen Death. Spiral is apparently series 6 so not sure if that's on Netflix? Anyway it's french with subtitles which is good for me and DH as otherwise we are too distracted on our phones - having to read the subtitles makes us pay attention

  9. Just legs or will it fake tan everywhere??

  10. Yea loving Manhunt- did you see the first season? If you've not seen The Jinx yet on Amazon you MUST check it out- stick with it as last episode incredible. Trust me.

  11. What tan do you use on your use? As Vita Liberata have a face & body tan too and just wondered if it was any good.

  12. Have you watched The OA on Netflix? It's brilliant!

  13. Recently watched Offspring and Black Mirror both completely different and worth a look.

  14. Chantel st claire On the shower your market morning and again in the evenings before you attend bed. This is something you might see each anti Skin Care Anti Aging Solution guide but it is healthy. Water helps your body to be free from of toxins and keeps your body youthful areas to take more also makes your skin firmer and smoother.
