
Monday Must Have

The only surprising thing about this post is that I haven't done it before.  

So I should start off by saying that these aren't going to work for everyone.  I will say though that for me - they are an absolute life saver (not in the literal sense, I should point out...). 

We are talking nails.  I have not been for a manicure for probably six or seven years.  I am a total glue on nail addict.  Yes, you read that right - glue on nails.  Stick on little bits of wonder that work (for me anyway). 

Do they last forever?  No.  Do they ping off every now and again?  Yes (hence I always carry a tiny pot of glue with me - all the classy but all the necessary).  Do they ruin your nails?  Hmm, well I am no expert and they're clearly not good for your nails but do I think they do the same damage to your nails as gels or acrylics?  No, I personally don't but I am not a manicurist who, I'm sure, would have a different answer.  

Why do I use them?  Because my nails are rubbish.  And yes, over the years, I have tried everything and spent a fortune on nail remedies, vitamins, treatments and they're still like a layer of baklava.  I don't think it's any different to varying hair types.  If you have thin hair, there really isn't a product on the market that's going to turn you into Rapunzel.  Ditto nails.  My nails are truly terrible but thanks to my stick ons - I need never have a bad nail day again. 

I should also mention that they take the sum total of five minutes to apply - genuinely no word of a lie - and are cheap as chips. 

I would say mine last ten days to two weeks, although I will point out that this is having glued a couple of the stray ones back on. 

How do you remove them?  So this is where you shouldn't listen to me as I just peel them off.  I KNOW - that's not what you're supposed to do but if you leave them for two weeks, then the glue has loosened and they just ping off with a teensy push at the side.  Which is hugely, hugely satisfactory.  

I then give them a gentle buff - sometimes I will leave them off for a day or two to let the air get to them (I don't know why but I sort of feel I should) and whack another set on. 

So which are my favourites?  For a start - I always use the glue on ones.  Not the ones with the sticky pad already attached - in my experience these are pants.  They just don't work for me at all. 

I also tend to buy a separate glue as I find the nail varnish brush style much easier to apply. 

First up - the ones I wear most often.

Ab Fab by Kiss £6.99

These ones I can also recommend. 

Elegant Touch Polished Nails in Black £7.50

Red from Kiss £7.99

Classic French - this is the style that I go for, currently on 3 for 2 at Superdrug. 

Elegant Touch Small Fake Nails £7.50

And the nail glues that I never leave the house without.  Any of these. 

Elegant Touch Brush on Nail Glue £3.30

Brush on Nail Glue from Superdrug - buy one get one half price £2.99

Or this one from Kiss - again £2.99 from Superdrug.  I have used all of the above and can recommend. 

And that's it.  Easy as that.  Close ups over on Insta stories (it's frankly impossible to photograph a hand without making it look like an incredibly unattractive claw).  Any questions, just yell and I will try and answer them.

Outfit from today.


Grey jumper - Me+Em (3yrs ago)

Coat - Alexa Chung for M&S (aw16)
Leather Leggings - hush (gift 4yrs ago)
Nanette Boots - Grenson from Collen & Clare (aw17)
Soho Disco Bag - Gucci (aw15)

Tonight, we are on treat Monday - off to the cinema.  Educational trip to see the Darkest Hour.  Feels so ridiculously decadent, I can't tell you.  Taking all the children (it's mostly for the two elder ones and the husband - not going to lie, it's not my cup of tea but then I said that about Dunkirk and absolutely loved it.  The smallest at 9 will not stay awake but it's cheaper than a babysitter and he would hate to be left at home and miss a cinema trip!). 

Tomorrow - it's run day... I have so much coming up this week on the blog, have been working like a good 'un, making the most of the current chilly temps whilst looking forward to Spring.


11 comentarios:

  1. Am wondering about the size of the nails, mine (like the rest of me) are on the petite side, my pinky nail being tiny! I take it there are a range of sizes in the pack?
    This maybe because I've never tried stick on nails, why is the brush on nail glue pink?
    I'm thinking stick on nails may be for me as I can't wear them on a daily basis (health care worker/ hygiene - need I say more?), I'm not the best with nail varnish, and my nails have to be kept short (work again!). So five minutes work, no waiting for them to dry, instant length etc appeals, especially as I have two confirmations and a wedding coming up!

    1. Now - they definitely do an extra short size in some of them - I think it's the Elegant touch ones so it may be worthwhile googling... they are definitely smaller. But yes they do come in different sizes in the pack! They are PERFECT for a special occasion. I would say they're worth a try even just one pack as they're so reasonable xx

  2. "like a layer of baklava". You are funny. I always enjoy your posts. My nails aren't too special either. And I'm useless at applying nail varnish to fingernails. Think I might give these glue ons a go. So thank you for the recommendations! Helen

    1. Well I think they're definitely worth a go for that price!

  3. Fab going to them a try for sure, thanks Hun x
    Oh have you looked at turtle doves website, lovely lady who recycles Cashmere, just got some awesome fingerless gloves
    And a neck warmer.. Deffo a worth a look, let me know if you do look.

  4. My nails are shite too and funnily enough bought some stick on ones a while ago but I still haven’t put them on 😳🙄
    How easily do they ping off? I do weightlifting and rig work at CrossFit most week days so wondering if they’ll make it through....I guess it’ll be a good test!
    I’m a runner too, looks like you’re doing fab, keep it up, it’s as good for the mind as the body! X

    1. Hmmm well that would definitely be a good test. I would think they would last a week - so long as you kept them filed short... But don't quote me on that!

    2. Probably depends on how good you are at applying them and what you do... I put some on for the first time at Christmas which was a mistake (no, honestly, I didn't find one in the mulled wine, no, not at all).

  5. Have you tried nail guards? I too wear kiss glue on nails always but never without a nail guard on my natural nail to protect it from the glue, it's a thin skin, elegant touch do them at Superdrug. Then you can ping them off with an orange stick with NO damage at all to your natural nail, and I think they keep them on longer too, win win! Love the blog Kat. x

  6. These look fabulous and I can't wait to try them - am fed up spending time and money on shellac for my nails to be completely buggered (if they're going to be buggered I'd rather they are at a cheaper price!).

    Quick question - you say they last a week or so, does that mean you can wash you hair easily with them on?

