
If you say it enough...

... I promise it doesn't sound SO foolish. 

Pussy bow.

Blouse that is.  Something I couldn't even say without sniggering a couple of years ago, has become my favourite top.  So I do say it a lot and I have become anaesthetised to it.  And I have also become obsessed with them. 

The out out top of perfection.  That also looks perfect with a maxi or midi skirt.  It's the ultimate no brainer outfit for a night out - just throw on a pair of jeans and heels.  Blazer.  Done.  I need more of these in my life.  

Why have I suddenly thought of these again?  We're coming into my favourite season of blouse and blazer territory - no jacket required. 

And I've been watching Scandal (all the seasons DONE!  Am up to date and apparently we're on a break?  What is this?  Friends?  How can we be "on a break"?  Come on US TV - when is it going to be back on?) and Elizabeth North is the best advertisement for these ever.  She wears them ALL the time.  Mostly with wide leg trousers which she rocks - it's a tad too corporate for my personal every day look but for a smart outfit - pussy bow blouse and wide leg trousers is definitely one to earmark.

Here is the evidence.. all pics taken from Pinterest.

Portia de Rossi as Elizabeth North in Scandal.

THIS... THIS THIS THIS THIS.  It's Gucci.  All the eye rolling and moving on.

So let the research begin.  I'm just going for it.

Markus Lupfer Pussy-bow printed silk crepe blouse was £250 now £125

DVF Pussy-bow printed silk crepe blouse was £207 now £104

Ivory floral pussy bow blouse at Simply Be was £28 now £15

Top of the print pops though, has to be this version from Biba.  Biba at its best. 

Biba Deco Print Long Sleeve Ruffle Blouse £60

Navy at Simply Be £28  I LOVE this.  

Blush at The Outnet

Cape-effect pussy-bow blouse from Perseverance was £225 now £135

Blush again at Iro

Pussy-bow ruffle trimmed blouse from Iro at The Outnet was £212 now £106

And my absolute ultimate which I had - both of which got thrown into a wash WAY warmer than they should have been on (NOT BY ME!).  I could absolutely weep as these are simply the most perfect blouses ever.  No they're not cheap but they are absolutely superb.  It now says to dry clean them but I could SWEAR mine used to be washable silk... these are the newer versions (it says recommend to wash - I wash all my other silk on a hand silk wash and they're fine!).

Lauren Silk Bow and Blouse £195 in black 

Also in the white 

So have I talked you into the pussy bow??! 

Today, I was still embracing the knitwear.   Had the most amazing breakfast at the Jo Malone Town House to celebrate an early Mother's Day.  Was completely sublime.  I also got given the most gorgeous bespoke flower box with Orange Blossom perfume which was the one I wore on my wedding day and when I was pregnant with and after the birth of my first baby (who is now 13).  My mum always used to say "ooh it's your wedding perfume", whenever I wore it.  This Sunday will be the 3rd Mother's Day without my mum so this was such a lovely, lovely event - really has made my week. 

Here's what I wore:-


Jumper - Bella Freud (aw15)
Blazer - M&S (current - part of paid partnership from last year - still in stock)
Trousers - M&S (ss18)
Flutter trainers - Air & Grace (gift aw17)
Bag - Hill & Friends (gift aw16)
Earrings - Alice's Wonders (gift current) - these are the sample she sent me and should be online soon.  Cathy is a really old friend of mine and her jewellery ROCKS!  Theses also come in black.. available shortly.  I have not had so many people rave about my earrings in a long time!

And tomorrow - I AM going to go for a run first thing (I did twenty mins non stop the other day... first time EVER!  Tomorrow I need to do three lots of 14 mins with a min walk in between..!) before heading into London for meetings.  There might be a glass of wine waiting for me in the evening... 

Hope everyone else is loving this milder weather.  Have you worked out what holes you have missing in your Spring wardrobe?  I am doing a massive wardrobe clear out on Friday and shall be making a list.


9 comentarios:

  1. How gorgeous are the top and bottom Pinterest ones! The print of the first one is amazing!
    I can do a pussy bow blouse as long as I don't do the pussy bow up, but treat it as though it's a scarf. The top two to three buttons need to be left undone too. It's a boobage issue, but other styles of blouse are right up my street (mainly shorter sleeved versions). I've just invested in a mulberry silk (with stretch) blouse from Dea Kudibal, her silk is amazing, it doesn't crease much, and I rarely have to iron them (I have two already), great for packing and I can dress them up or down. I wash all my silk on a hand wash program, with as low spin as my machine can do. So far so good.
    I'm not quite up for bare ankles, but am loving the milder weather here, too.

    1. I think our mild weather may be milder than yours...!!! I so get what you mean about wearing it lower - that's the joy of them, I do think they can work for everyone if it's a look you like!

  2. Scandal - I’m obsessed! Only on season 3 though.... I tried on a dress with a pussy bow neckline. Not a good look on me. My daughter said it made me look like a ‘funny little woman’. I don’t think that was a compliment...
    Still cold here . I am soooooooooo over it!

    1. Keep going with Scandal. People did say it lost the plot part way through series 5 or further on but I LOVED it!!! Still addicted and so pleased it's back on. WHOOP!

      It was practically WARM here today - I reckon it got to double digits. A sniff away from sandals xxx

  3. I love this blog even though I work from home, have young kids so never get to go 'out out' and live in the countryside so never really have occasion for most items - doesn't stop me ogling though! Would love a post on any more casual Spring items...

    1. ooh what sort of things were you after? I'm going to look at jeans.. I I know it's not everyone's idea of casual but I love a throw on dress. I honestly find that the easiest thing to wear! I'm also going to look at jumpers and tees so hopefully they'll work for you xx

    2. Yes definitely all of those! Especially tees, I had a look recently as I'm going on holiday in Easter and was hugely uninspired!

  4. Not sure the pussy bow is for me, but I do like a good shirt. Cannot say the word BLOUSE. Go figure.
    Glad the event went well, 8th Mother’s Day without my mum this year, where on earth does the time go? Xx

  5. What running programme are you doing? I'm doing Couch to 5K and I ran 20 minutes in one go this week - feels like quite an achievement doesn't it?
