
Monday Must Have - On a Saturday...

...because it's too good to leave till Monday. 

First up - this probably isn't going to everyone's cup of tea but it's the favourite outfit I have worn in a long time.  

You know when you put something on and it just appeals.  This.  This works for me.  It's the perfect outfit.  I've tried to summise why but I can't - I just adore it.  So there.

I wore it last night for a dinner party and I shall be wearing again today. 

So the skirt I have had on the blog before - I picked it as part of my paid partnership with M&S and I knew it would be a good 'un.   Interestingly, I've just read through the reviews and people criticise the fact the fabric is too heavy.  The heavy, amazing quality, means it hangs beautifully, looks a gazillion time more expensive than the price, fabric.  Go figure.

Drop Waist Maxi Skirt £39.50 from M&S

But put it with this absolute bargain of a blouse from Zara and I think you have an outfit that totally belies it's high street price tag. 

Textured Wrap Top £25.99

THIS is what I love about fashion.  Being able to scavenge gems from the high street and put them together to create your very own looks that work for YOU.  Yes, it would be lovely to be able to peruse Net A Porter, Matches and My Theresa and buy whatever takes your fancy.  But you get a much greater thrill from curating looks yourself.

IGNORE the fact that I should have straightened the belt out.  It was all going so well...!  Believe me when I say it's fabulous. 

As you can see - the decoration is all guns blazing in the hallway... not.  A work in progress. 

You can also talkies of the outfit over on Instastories.  I wore it with my tan Zara boots and I absolutely love love LOVED it. 

RIGHT - Eurovision calls.  Have a fabulous Saturday night everyone!


4 comentarios:

  1. Oh LOVE that blouse! You know when you keep seeing things at Zara and ordering them in dribs and drabs (and paying a delivery charge each time because you're buying one item at a time)? That's me at the moment but I may have to order this regardless - it's lush. And while I'm at it, your earrings are pretty fab too (I've been stalking them a wee while, I'll admit)

    1. Oh me and Zara as well. Except I keep chucking extra stuff in to get the free delivery. Then still make another order two days later! They clearly have too much stuff!! Anything that looks like it requires adjusting as I go through a day or night is never going to be for me - but you always look great Kat. xx

  2. But I had a skirt with that yoke waist when I was 13?! A present from my lovely step-grandmother who bought me trendy clothes that fitted (unlike my parents who bought me clothes to grow into). Pale purple, wore it to the school disco. Abi

  3. Hello!
    Love this top -- what size did you purchase? Thanks, Anna
