
Christmas made easy

… except that I didn't make it easy, I thought it would be a good idea to *pop* into M&S at Marble Arch yesterday (clearly the rest of the world also thought it would be a good idea).

On the busiest shopping weekend of the year.  In the freezing rain. 

But we were there and I knew I had to do research for this blog post and sometimes they don't have things online that they have instore.  Plus I was feeling bold....and had promised the teenager a day out with just me. 

For me, it's also not Christmas if you don't struggle home on public transport, laden down with Marks and Spencer bags full of gifts.  I have worked with M&S for the last couple of years on a monthly paid partnership basis.  However, I have been buying my Christmas gifts from M&S for the past 15yrs.  Ever since I got married and had a plethora of sister in laws (4.. .yes, count them...) and then nieces, nephews and yes, I'm going to say it - I LOVED the 3 for 2 offers on most gifts. 

We now only buy for the children and with mine getting older and wanting less plastic tat in their stockings (should rephrase that as "I want less plastic tat in the house full stop"), gifts that they can "DO" are the name of the game.  Which M&S do so so well.  

They're not expensive, they make amazing gifts, they eek out a meal (the card based ones which are a godsend in our house - anything to keep a 12yr old with Asperger's at the table after he's finished his food as "why would I want to sit here and watch you eat?", making a fairly valid point) and may tempt them off something screen related for an hour or so (I also find bribing with chocolate works.  And you can buy then all in one place.  If M&S could next year offer a wrapping service, I promise to literally buy every gift from them!

Now I think there IS a better selection in store (actually I don't think - I know there is as I saw it yesterday but that may just be one M&S... however probably worth a scout).  However they do have a lot of what I bought instore.

I fully expect to score zero in this game as I my knowledge of Star Wars is poor* (*non existent).

Star Wars Trivia Card Game was £5 now £3.50

Or if anyone is a Poldark fan (maybe not for a small boy's stocking but a handy gift for someone else?).  Again - not remotely my area of expertise (this one didn't come home with us).

Poldark Card Game from M&S was £5 now £3.50

True or False Game from M&S was £8 now £5.60

Or board games.... I got a great couple of board games in store but you've hit online gold if you're harbouring a Star Wars fan. 

Star Wars Galactic Conquest Board Game was £19.50 now £13.65

And then a stocking filler for my delicious 12yr old who has Asperger's and would happily spend all break in another room, on his own, in front of his PS4.  Every years, I buy a new puzzle that he and I do together, just a little bit every day.  And yes, I will obviously wrap it up and give it to him.  Also going to throw in that it's a great geography tool as well.  Every day's a school day!

Map of London 500 Piece Puzzle was £8 now £5.60

But then we come onto the really exciting things for boys.  Of all sizes.  They had hardly any of these in store so grab them while you can.  My boys would so much rather have these and some chocolate in their stockings, as opposed to stationary and pants which I usually resort to.  Or books.  Mine have never thanked for me books (not my boys - my daughter on the other hand has half of Waterstones on her wish list!).

Immersive VR Viewer was £25 now £17.50

Selfie Lens Kit was £9.50 now £6.65

These.  Because I refuse to buy Apple Ear Pods for small boys who will loose them within 2 days.

Over Ear Headphones were £29.50 now £20.65

And if anyone is being hassled for a drone from a child but knows that a larger, more expensive one would be a total waste of time and money, then look no further.

Nano Drone was £19.50 now £13.65

And finally one for all the family.  Not for the husband.  As he REALLY wouldn't appreciate this.  But I know that all three children would and I managed to snaffle all their initials instore (hence I did look like a packhorse running down Oxford Street in the freezing rain yesterday...).  Something practical to wrap for under the tree, if only to bulk out their other very small gifts.

Alphabet Cushions £12

And so I've popped my Christmas shopping cherry and at least have something to wrap up.  Along with the other things that I already bought a month or so ago and have NO idea where I've put them.  Please tell me it's not just me.  Every.  Year. 

Here is what I wore yesterday to brave the streets of London.  We had a lovely lovely day - just me and the 14yr old and it wasn't *quite* as bad I had feared.  My advice would be, go early, leave early and book a table for lunch.

Navy roll neck - Zara (sale 4yrs ago)
Coat - Just Female from Middleton Green Agency (gift current)
Jeans - Zara (sale 3yrs ago)
Bag - Gucci (3yrs ago)
Glasses - Alexis Amor (current)
Trainers - hush (current)

So I will be back tomorrow - I may even be back with two blogs.   I KNOW RIGHT?!  Two blogs.  One very speedy Monday Must Have and then I reckon it's time to have a quick look at the sales.  I also have some beauty up my sleeve, not to mention a blog for teenage girls *weeps*… even though they are the easiest to buy for, it's curtailing the quantity and the budget that's the main problem. 

Did I mention some jewellery too?  Fingers crossed I can get it all done!

Hope everyone else is having a great Sunday. 

This blog post was written as part of my monthly paid partnership with Marks and Spencer and are my own views and selections, unedited.


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