Is this the classic of all classics?

So I did mention the other day on one of the comments someone left me - wouldn't it be nice to wear out out a colour that wasn't black?  So many people wear black (bar one of my best friends who wouldn't be seen dead in it, she is a head to toe navy girl.  Her stock line is "oh I love that, do they do in navy?"!)

And I am probably most guilty of having a wardrobe that is predominantly void of colour.  If you held a gun at my head, for me it's black.  It's always black.  When I am asked about what are the most important things in a basic wardrobe, I have to admit the first thing that always comes to mind when you're putting together a capsule collection to wear, is something black. 

Black coated or leather skinnies, black blazer, black fine knit jumper, black oversized jumper, black fitted polo neck, black boots, black bag....and a white shirt. (there is more too...)  I'd hate for anyone to think that all I wore was black.

But the ultimate black item that I truly think is a must have for the majority of us (there are always exceptions to the rules... you know who you are navy lovers) is the LBD. 

Maybe it's so important to me because when I was younger (a lot younger) it always seemed to be the epitome of style.  You were properly grown up, elegant and went out out, if you had an "LBD" in your wardrobe.  Along with red lippie (although I'm not going to lie, it has taken me 42 years to find one that works and I stumbled across that by total accident the other day when the 11yr old and I were having a make up trying on session in M&S.  It's not even supposed to be red - it looks wine coloured, it's called Oxblood, but on me, it's the perfect shade of red.  Clearly that's where I've been going wrong.  Trying on red shades to get a red lipstick - you can sort of see why I would - when all along I should have been trying burgundy ones out.  As they turn red on me.  Hopefully that will help someone else) 

Clearly we won't be wearing our hair scraped back, therefore avoiding all Robert Palmer references and my days of second skin black dresses are long gone (although I do have a ruched Patrizia Pepe one I really should see if I can pour myself back into, after I've surgically attached the Spanx to myself) 

Now is the best time to buy as the offers are in abundance.  Seriously, I can't keep up with the discount codes that are flooding my inbox. 

Starting with a whopping 25% off Atterley Road with the code NEW25.

With a different sort of dress.... this could easily be worn during the day - I like the idea of a thin jersey polo neck under it for a layering look.  Or simply perfect for a night out. 

Atterley Road Black leather V neck dress £175 pre discount 

Another bargain at hush with their dress me up dress me down Sienna Dress.  This is gorgeous - can be worn with opaques or nude tights or with leggings as seen here. 

Sienna Dress was £55 now £45 with their Halloween offer.

Another super versatile number from hush - this isn't included in the offer but you can use PUMPKIN15 for 10% off. 

Winter Newport Dress £49 pre discount

More jersey that would work for all occasions at Jaeger.  Again they have 20% off this week till Sunday, code OCTOBER20.

Jersey Seamed Detail Dress £99 

A more fitted jersey number at Me+Em and a fantastic 20% off everything with the code FNJC1. 

Twist Knot Dress in black £98  Great flattering ruching at the waist.

It's not often that you find boho style dresses in the Winter so if you want something a bit more laid back but still with a dressy edge, then this is perfect from Mint Velvet. 

Black Pintuck Swing Dress in Black £99

Yet another discount offer at Warehouse - 20% off with the code STYLIST20.  All prices pre discount.

And this black dress is perfect for those who prefer something less fitted. 

Black Cornelli Trim Dress £55

But my personal choice from Warehouse would be the fabulous combo of the slightly casual style knit fabric with full on glamour beading.  This one to me is the ideal party dress. 

Black Embellished Neck and Cuff Dress £50

Upping the glam stakes now with a couple of dressier options.  Best thing about most of these is that you could wear them into the Spring as well.  

Starting with one from Warehouse again - now I love this, I really really do but the level of Spanx needed for me (or I would perhaps go so far as to say any mere mortal who has a penchant for wine and crisps and a loathing for exercise) gives me stomach cramps at the thought.

But it's such a stunning dress, love the variation on a black dress with the texture and the silhouette is stunning. 

Black Bardot Lace Dress £55 - pre discount

Very similar to the Triangle dress they had in the Summer which I LOVED.  Super super versatile.  You probably wouldn't be dressing this one down in the Winter (assuming you live in Blighty, East coast USA or Europe)

hush Anastasia Dress £65 (don't forget PUMPKIN15 for 10% off this price) 

A far dressier number now but stunning for a party. 

Atterley Road Black V Neck Audrey Satin Dress £115  You can see why it's called the Audrey, can't you (don't forget your 25% off)

Lace now which definitely doesn't come under the heading of versatile but it's a classic black dress that will work on every single dressy occasion there is - plus the perfect Christmas day dress. 

This is so super gorgeous - probably better on someone who isn't 5ft10 and 42... But I have to say I think it's simply stunning.  One for my inner Tinkerbell.

And - and and and I've literally just had an email from Matches with 10% off this weekend - EXTRA10.  Go forth and buy those dresses that never make it to the sale ie anything from Self Portait (which wash in the machine like a dream by the way).

A classic from Self Portrait - if ever there was an all year round number then this is it. 

My personal favourite though would be this from Vivienne Westwood.  Perfection in a black dress.  Super flattering through the body with the ruching - my only issue would be the blasted fake tan but even I could get over that teensy issue for this beauty.  You would have this in your wardrobe for years and years. 

Heritage draped crepe dress from Vivienne Westwood Anglomania £260 at Matches.  Can I just interject that the shoes are not my bag.  The bag isn't really my bag for that matter either, but the dress....

And a slight ringer at the end.  This sneaks under the umbrella of LBD as it's black.  Admittedly with some white detailing... An aura of boho about it but a super flattering shape.  Believe me.

So there we have my selection and now I'm trying to work out if I can justify the Vanessa Bruno dress.... Hmmm.  I think it will depend on the propensity for muff flashing in it (can I please point out that this is not a quality I look for in a dress At All.  Conserving ones dignity is the aim of the game).  

Are you an LBD girl or do you prefer a different shade?  Red, navy, green, print?  I will have other ideas coming up shortly if black is not your thing, fear not. 

In other news - huge apologies for having not been around but it's been half term.  Trying to juggle all the balls is not my forte so the blog has suffered, but on the upside I've had a wonderful time with the kids (ok so the truth is that they've had a wonderful time and I've come home and drunk wine through a straw).  In all seriousness though, it's been great spending time with them and we've had a busy start to the week. 

Super exciting on Monday as the whole family and I were invited by Pearson to a lunch for The Maths Factor graduates.  Since I discovered it and mentioned it on here a couple of times, so so many of you have also gone on to sign up, they wanted to say thank you (no I wasn't a graduate and neither were my kids as they haven't been doing it for long enough)

And I got to meet Carol Vorderman.  Oh my lord, she looks so amazing for 54 I cannot tell you and I have complete rear envy.  She is absolutely lovely and a complete inspiration. 

In fact, all the children there who are Maths Factor afficionados and have graduated were completely awe inspiring, so much so that my youngest two have come home and are determined to make it to the award ceremony next year (for the younger Maths fiends they have Progress awards).  I honestly cannot recommend the programme highly enough and again this half term they have a £1 for your first month trial offer.  I can guarantee you won't be disappointed (as so so many of you have emailed me to testify).  The youngest had informed me that the highest number of sums completed was 46 000 which is what he's trying to beat.   Knock yourself out little one.

And here's what I wore


Black leather leggings - hush
White layer shirt - Me+Em
Black blazer - hush
Black Mario bag - Jerome Dreyfuss
Superstar sneakers - Golden Goose

And here I am with Carol herself. 


Spent the rest of the day in London with the children (got to love a trip on a bus.  Clearly not me but they do and it's free... what's not to love?) 

We've also been caning it through the Harry Potter movies and another one is on the agenda tonight.  As I sit and trawl my way through my inbox and magazines finding more discount codes.  Also the coated trousers that I ordered in abundance have all arrived.  I will be reporting back v shortly with some interesting findings.

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24 comentarios:

  1. Love the Dabsi from Matches - but does it come with those legs? I would probably have to wear it with 100 denier tights! Lorraine x

  2. I have two Vivienne Westwood Anglomania party dresses, similar to your picture, both sparkly with elbow length sleeves. They get worn every year and look fabulous on. She knows how to design a dress that flatters. Looking for a red one now.

  3. OH MY WORD !! The leather dress is utterly divine. xx

    1. Oh it's v v you too!! I love the fact you could easily wear it for lunch with some chunkier ankle boots or out for dinner with killer heels.

  4. I would love to meet Carol V - she has done a lot for intelligent women on tv over the years (IMO).
    I snapped up that Warehouse knit dress on House of Fraser's site as I had £12 in points gagging to be spent and I don't need any more beauty supplies. Not sure I need *another* dress but at least I can try it on in the comfort of my home.

    1. Oh and that Mint Velvet lace is TDF, if only I had somewhere dressy to go in the next few months.

    2. She is genuinely a really lovely lovely, funny and down to earth lady. Was a complete privilege. Hope the dress is ok - it looks fantastic. Screams Christmas Day doesn't it? Family Christmas party for sure.

  5. Love the Warehouse embellished neck and cuff dress, but I'm not a fan of black near my face it make me look even more tired and older than I am, but navy is my best friend or red or green x

    1. navy is definitely a favourite but I'll never give up the black!

  6. The leather dress from Atterley is stunning! Not sure I have occasion to wear it, maybe I could just keep it to stroke it/look at it regularly. The ones with ruching are also gorgeous ... Great finds as always

    1. Oh I think it's super versatile! Lunch, dinner, party, Christmas Day.. (school run?!)

    2. Supermarket shopping maybe? It's gorgeous I love it .... Sadly my 3 are too old for me to do school runs but I would have totally rocked it at the school gates!

  7. Great blog. I have the warehouse lace Bardot dress. It's quite structured so you'd be surprised you may not need Spanx at all. I recommend giving it a try. Plus the model is wearing it all wrong here - she is wearing the top like sleeves when it is actually designed to be off shoulder, hence the 'bardot' description. Give it a go!

  8. I got this dress from top shop, cheap as chips, sucks it all in and a great base to glam up for evening or dress down with gilet for day, so pleased with it!

    1. That's a great tip as it does not look as if it would be forgiving at all! Perfect black canvas for the party season x

    2. I wear a slip and very slightly sucky in big pants, not the ridiculous control ones !

  9. It's a really thorny subject if I'm honest. I think there is definitely merit in knowing what colours suit you. I think that the problem is that most colour analysis people pay no attention whatsoever to what's in fashion. Plus, in my experience, lots of them are very keen on getting us all into COLOUR. And not everyone likes COLOUR. I don't mind the odd accent but as a rule, I prefer a much more muted palette. And Black. I adore black. I absolutely love it. And I have to say I don't think I look too bad in black most of the time but I appreciate not everyone is going to agree.

    I think there is one thing about knowing what colours suit you but you have to actually like those colours. And if you don't, there is nothing more depressing than wearing colours you loathe. The one person who does it really really well is Donna from She is the only colour person I've come across who understands the basics but has adapted the concept to include up to date fashion.

  10. I love Atterley, but their sizing is erratic. I bought a size 12 dress and couldn't get it over my head!

    1. And I bought a dress from there in a 10 and it was enormous! So I do see your point!!

    2. Me too, I ordered a 10 from there and it was massive! Didn't look right at all so it went back

  11. How rude, I think you look fabulous in black.
