Digging into the depths of the wardrobe


In my determination to find a new style of trousers, I had a good stab last week at finding something that worked for my lifestyle.  Yes, in an another world I would swan around in floaty silk palazzo pants and sky scraping heels.  Unfortunately my children would probably stop speaking to me by day two (actually who am I kidding.  RR1 at age 8 and a devotee of all things Disney Channel, would have witheringly asked what on earth I had on and could I please not get out of the car.  Thank you I Carly)  Silk pyjama pants with stilettos would get a similar reaction on the school run. 

The dilemma rumbled on.  And finally in Whistles last week, I fell upon a pair of somethings that I thought could work.  Handily I had on my Ash Madonna stud wedges and I thought - for a day to day relaxed look that would tie in easily with so much else that I have in my wardrobe, jacket and top wise.  Yes these could definitely work.  The Carly Cashmere Track Pant.   

Can I please point out at this juncture that I don't plan on a) pairing them with a matching hoodie or b) wearing them with shoes as above on the school run.  But in a different guise (which was confirmed on lots of research later - NAP I love you) I thought they may be a winner.   Unfortunately the fact they were £195 (cashmere) was a slight spanner in the works.  For a start, spending ban said no.  And even if I wasn't on a spending ban, it's a lot of money to spend on what was a bit of a winger with regards to working.  A v expensive experiment. 

Another option would have been the Betty Seam Detail Jogger also from Whistles. 

And it was then I got a brainwave.  It doesn't happen very often but clearly the inspiration of plumbing the depths of my wardrobe (ok the dumped in the attic bags) for my leather trench the other day, was fresh in my mind.  I already owned a pair of trews very similar to these. Which I now wear as slobbo wear.  (other people I believe term this loungewear.  If I were to own beautiful cashmere ensembles I would credit them with the label loungewear.  However mine are a combo of old Jack Wills trackies and other various jersey numbers that have been relegated from day wear)  And the Toast trousers I had in mind have fallen into this category. 

But arise from the bowels of my wardrobe, oh Toast trousers.  You shall see the light of day (as in proper daylight) again. 

They don't sell the same ones I have anymore (mine are 4 years old) - but they do do a version of them every year.  I find Toast excellent quality - not cheap but definitely worth keeping an eye out for in the sale. 

Loopback Jersey trousers

On further exploration, of course Topshop didn't fail to come up trumps. 

I love the look of these Wool Jogger by Boutique in navy  

Or the Premium Tailored joggers 

Now there aren't a lot of these on the high street (unless we include JD Sports & Sports Direct - The Husband came up with this.  He thinks he's hilarious.  Let's say he's not a fan.)  There are a number of similar ones in Zara - some with more of a harem feel to them.  I should probably at this point say that I was a huge fan of harem pants.  Despite The Husband chuntering "You can't touch this" and sniggering at every opportune moment, I persisted and kept on wearing them.  The Toast trousers were in fact bought at the very advent of the (shortlived, I appreciate) harem phase.  They are a nod to harem but I still wore them (and got some other jersey ones, sensibly, from Primark, which now function well as yoga pants) and loved them.  Looking at Zara current stock, it would seem that perhaps harems are on their way back.  I am going to assume that most people loathe them??!!  (please share on comments!) 

But I digress.  Back to the jersey drawstring trews.  Whilst the high street doesn't seem to be a big fan, Net-a-Porter has shedloads of them. 

Helmut Lang Slouchy Jersey pants

Stella McCartney Wool and cashmere blend tapered pants 

Michael Michael Kors Tapered jersey pants

And so here's my Sunday version. If nothing else, I was supremely comfy.  Even though my 6 year old did ask me why I was going out with my pyjamas on.  Out of the mouth of babes........

White longsleeved jersey top - Baukjen
Oatmeal knit top - H&M
Charcoal Toast drawstring jersey pants - Toast
Chocolate leather biker jacket - All Saints
Mustard & fuchsia stag scarf - M&S
Chestnut cross body bag - Campomaggy from Plumo
Bea suede wedge trainers - Ash
Charcoal arm warmers - Toast
Sunglasses - Tom Ford

So have I managed to persuade anyone to try a day without the skinnies?!

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62 comentarios:

  1. umm...I feel your pain in looking for something 'different' but I personally couldn't do elasticated bottoms.
    Great on you as you are tall but a no no for me.
    Just bought Boden 'Bistro' trousers as achange,slim but not skinny.
    Well done in your recycling though!

    1. So pleased you found something that you love that's a bit different. I was after something that was very different from skinny and on me, slim does tend to give a very similar silhouette.

      Am over the moon with them and looking forward to lots of new outfits!


  2. Nope, sorry. You look like you could be living rough in the park you are pictured in. I'm with your 6yo on this one!

    1. It would be a dull world if we all liked the same thing, wouldn't it?! My 8 yr old & 4 yr old (tbh I take his opinion with a pinch of salt ditto the 6 yr old) think they're fab. And in the eyes of my 8 yr old, I look "cool" which is a reason enough to wear them! I wouldn't go out for a smart lunch in them but for bombing around with the kids, I was happy as larry in them!

  3. I recently bought some "Freddie" pants to see what they were like with my wedges and i actually really like them. They're on sale at Next atm.

    1. Not heard of them - will check them out thank you! xxx

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. We're on the same wavelength - I love my harem pants and have several pairs - judging by the comments on my photo on Avenue57 they definitely aren't eveyone's cup of tea - I wore some Zara ones on Friday which are super comfy. I have a pair from ASOS (bought 2 years ago) which are definitely verging on sweat pant but I LOVE them...and they have less of the low crotch thing going on...These were my first pair which are still my favorites though the Zara camo ones are a close second - http://poppys-style.com/2012/06/18/bon-voyage/

    Looking gorgeous as always - LOVE the new scarf! x

    1. Thank you love!! These don't have a low crotch at all - they're not harem at all really, just loose. They've got lots in Zara which are gorgeous. I think the trick is to wear them with a fitted top and you'r away!

  6. I think they are are great alternative to wear with the wedge trainers , but you have to have slim legs to carry it off well methinks!! On another note I remember a little boy wearing elasticated jogging bottoms when I was teaching. One day he filled his trousers with toys and tried to go home with them until I released the elastic at the bottom and they all fell out at the door in front of the parents! Ha ! Can't wear them without thinking of him now! X

    1. How absolutely delish!!! I am over the moon with them and yes, it probably does help to be tall and slim. I work hard enough at staying slim, there may as well be some advantages to it!!!!!

  7. Ooo, I don't know. I wear tracky bottoms around the house but not sure I'd be able to leave the house in them. You do look fabulous in your photo though. I don't think I'd pull it off as well. Although if I had that scrarf perhaps..... I love it!

    1. You're very kind thank you. I honestly didn't think I'd wear them out until I tried them on - it might be worth a go!

  8. I dunno Kat, I'm not convinced. But maybe that's cos I'm nowhere near 5ft 10 and would look ridiculous in harem pants. I'd be afraid that I looked like I was wearing an incontinence nappy :) I think you need to be very tall to be able to carry off this look ... which it has to be said, you do! Completely agree with the fact tha the jersey is really comfortable. I needed a pair of smart-ish trousers recently and whilst wandering through M&S, my pal came across a dark grey jersey pair of straight-almost-skinny-but-still-respectable-enough trousers in Per Una of all places (I usually ignore that section). Filled with doubt, I tried them on and have to say, they're incredibly comfortable and looked great. (still dislike Per Una intensely though, lol!)

    1. Thank you love. Yes, I think it's all about getting the dimensions right and being tall, it's definitely easier to wear something like this. But balancing it with something fitted on top. I was after something that was very loose rather than a slim fit and these fill a wardrobe hole in my book. Wouldn't it be a dull world if we all liked the same thing!

  9. I'm also unconvinced, sorry. Feeling your pain, though. Someone recommended these the other day - apparently they are a totally fabulous fit and amazing quality http://www.thewhitecompany.com/clothing/trousers-and-jeans/stretch-woven-leggings--black/ Maybe a bit less slouchy than what you're after though.

    Basically, it's all the fault of those women who think it's okay to go to Tesco in their pyjamas, making us look like we are one of them if we step out of the house in comfortable trousers. That's my theory anyway.

    1. ha ha ah!! We don't have many people round here who go to Tesco in their jamas (where I used to live in London - whoa - whole different kettle of fish) - but this is definitely verging on a gym outfit. Which I don't think is an issue - loads of people here spend the day in their gym kit.

      The white company ones look lovely but I was after something that was completely different from slim or skinny fitting. But I can see how they're probably more wearable for most people - I do appreciate that my trousers for day wear are outside most people's comfort zones (well, bar going to the gym!!). I will be wearing again! (chances of me wearing them with stilettos are non existent mind you!!)


  10. According to my husband, harem pants are up there with leggings and should all be burned. Although this is a man who wears a pair of jeans, T and a check shirt EVERY DAY; who prides himself on still wearing the Camper demi boots bought in Barcelona 10 years ago; and who declares every floral shirt I suggest OTT.
    I think you just about get away with this look. On 5ft nothing, funsize me, I would look like a mad old bag lady.
    On another note, you feed my scarf obsession very well.

    1. Are we married to the same man? Mine was in Brussels all weekend although did look suitably confused when I picked him up from the station!!

      What are his opinions on Uggs ,out of interest........?

    2. Hates uggs. Not sure he gets my Ash wedge trainers either - I think words may actually fail him in relation to those.

  11. I love them on you Kat! Love the scarf too. M&S are doing gorgeous scarfs at the minute. I have been getting lots of wear out of the cosmic print one I bought recently as well as the snake print one I bought on your recommendation.

    1. Thank you! Haven't seen the cosmic print one but yes, I love the snakeskin one too. There are some gorgeous floral print ones as well which would be excellent to see you through to next Spring. x

  12. I recently spied the Baukjen Maja Jogger (loungewear) and had been wondering how to wear them....I now have an idea although I must admit I am a bit of a smarty pants (will admit to being very mixy-matchy too!)and this type of casual is way out of my comfort zone (pardon the pun!!). I do want a break from the skinnies so I shall investigate this look a bit further!! What to put on my feet will be the problem as who the hell would wear them with sandals like in the Whistles pic!! Thanks for the inspiration though, I think you look great and have come up trumps again!

    1. thank you! It's certainly not something i'd wear every day but for a day bombing around with the kids, I'm really happy with it actually. I think this is wear wedge trainers do come into their own. Still casual but slightly dressier than flat hi tops or cons, i'd say. Probably worth a try with other sorts of ankle boots maybe? I think you could keep it quite smart with maybe a jersey blazer - you'd have to try it all on.

      Like most things, I think if you wear with enough confidence, you'll look ok And to be honest, if you're happy with it, then that's the main thing.

      Good luck and let me know how you get on!

    2. Ooh!! You have given me lots of ideas!! I have a striped Leni jersey jacket from Whistles which I thought would be good with some marl grey trews. Coming around to the idea of the wedge trainers with these, would love to know your thoughts on the Nike Dunk Sky Hi's in sand, would have really liked to have got my hands on a pair of Steve Madden Hilights in taupe but have trawled the net and cannot find a UK supplier for love nor money :0( Will continue with the research!! Look forward to your next post!!

    3. love the leni jackets - I think a knitted blazer is a great way to smarten a pair of jersey trews. I'm going to become a convert...! Have to say if I had the choice, I would go Ash over the Nikes every day. I think they're less hmmm sporty? Which is random when we're talking trainers but hopefully you know what I mean. Have just posted a pair of Steve Madden boots and yes, they're v hard to come across in the UK. Have you tried Zalando or Spartoo? Amazon? Good luck!

  13. Can't believe I'm ahead of you on something! Found these http://www.hotsquash.com/products/slouch?mc=1&sc=3 which are super comfy and don't need ironing - managed to hold their own in a week of all nighters and being slept in and still looked good AND they're a bit thermal so nice and warm

  14. No, dreadful looking. You normally look so stylish, they make your outfit look grubby and slovenly.

    1. Handily I was just taking the kids to the park on a Sunday morning, not going on a business meeting or anything that would have merited a smarter outfit!!

  15. I bought the Baukjen joggers back in the summer, not sure I would wear them out though to me they are loungewear but might give it a go!

    1. You go girl. ACtually I definitely got inspiration looking through the catalogue - can't believe I forgot to post them!!!

  16. Note to self - must get that scarf! Not sure about trousers as I remember them from first time around but I will definitely try them on as I also am getting skinny jean fatigue!

  17. wow, am surprised by the negative comments. I love them. I have a whistles pair -not the cashmere ones!! who can afford them?!? i wear them with a fitted tshirt and converse and i think they look fab. they are similar to pjs but somedays i dont want to get dressed and trousers like this fit the bill perfectly!

    1. I agree that they're not something you'd wear every day but for a different look and for pure comfort - I'm over the moon with them!

  18. I love your outfit! No negative comments here. I am sick to death of skinnies and leggings and have been thinking about something else I can wear. You have given me the confidence to give some elastic a go on the outside! I have a great pair of lounge pants by All Saints which I swear are a godsend on flights but hadn't considered them dressed up, now I will give it a go :)

    Lets hear it for some elastic!! Also love your M&S scarf (have just bought one for myself and one for my sis-in-law for Christmas!)


    1. oh yippee! Honestly they were so so comfy. And hope you like the scarf xxx

  19. I'm not too sure about them but I do think you can pretty much carry off anything! Although you do look even more super-confident and stunning in the skinnies, I reckon. I think that's your 'true look'. But that's just my opinion - we're all different, as you say!

    1. You're very kind thank you. I won't be abandoning the skinnies just yet, but for a dressed down slobbo day, I'm loving these!

  20. WTF was the Whistles stylist on the day they styled the first two outfits? I mean really?!
    I admire you for trying something new and it works as a look because you're tall (you are aren't you?!!) and gorgeous looking .... I've a feeling if you were a foot shorter with a grim looking face you'd look awful!

    I'm not a fan of them for me but I've seen others (and I think you here, I'm still not 100% sure) in them and they work.


    1. The shoes were an interesting choice - for sure. Actually I think it's the fact they've styled them both as tracksuits... NAP have done it soooo much better! And yes, I'm 5ft 10! (and have a good camera..!!!) Won't be a regular look but for the park? Suits you sir!

  21. Nope - don't like these at all, sorry.

  22. Love this look on you, makes such a nice change from skinnies,, but I think it definately needs the wedge trainers to make it work. You have inspired me to hoke out some old trackie bottoms and give this a go!

    1. ABsolutely agree that the wedge trainers are very handy in making the look work (for me - clearly not everyone agrees!)

  23. I like the shape but not the colour. The colour just looks a bit too worn and old.
    I think if the colour was better, they'd be perfect.

    1. I actually like the colour in real life - they are a murky "Toast" shade, that's for sure - a cross between a charcoal and a dark mink. Sludge is probably a good (if not delicate!) description. And the jersey is the slightly slubby worn jersey but was like that when I bought them as opposed to me having wrecked them. Honest guv!!!

  24. Ooh sorry, not a good look!

    Sticking them on fashion models and calling it style makes even the ugliest and chaviest item of clothing pass muster (kind of), but actual style it isn't. You kinda look like you should either be sleeping rough, or have nipped out from doing the decorating. Wearing the kind of trousers often worn along with a splatter of paint, beer belly and builders bum is never going to look good, sorry!

    1. Luckily I wasn't going to a job interview but just taking the kids to the park!! and (sorry repeating myself here) would be a dull world if we all liked the same things.

  25. If there were no women like you who were prepared to step outside their comfort zone once in a while wouldn't the world be a boring place. Thank you for thinking outside the box, women in their teens and twenties are 'allowed' to be creative and experimental with fashion and so should women of any age.

    1. Thank you so much for such a lovely comment. It's part of my job as it were to explore different looks that we can wear as we're older rather than following the traditional rules of what "older" ladies should wear. Of course not everyone is going to like every look. And as "bag lady" as this may look, I think it was event (if you can call slobbing in the park on a Sunday an "event") appropriate.

  26. I actually saw someone on the tube today in similar trousers - in khaki green - with the stilletto-y type shoes and a brown-y checked fitted jacket (couldn't see her top and decided not to be tube fashion stalker (for once - I have form on this!)) so didn't ask her but suspected silky / floaty cream top / shirt if that makes sense?

    She looked great (she did also have gorgeous Italian colouring and blonde/brown curly hair, so it was a whole 'look' IYSWIM?) and it did make me re-think the whole concept. I think that, for me, though, it would have to be a 'smart' outfit, or I would fall into the 'pyjama-dressing' category!

    PS - Completely irrelevant, but I did love your comment about working hard to stay slim so there must be some benefits! I completely agree (and find it bl**dy hard myself!) but love it when someone admits that it is hard work, I see it as the equivalent of proudly telling everyone a gorgeous top cost £10 instead of pretending it is some massively expensive item.

    Love the blog - makes me laugh and spend money....very much a guilty pleasure!

    1. MWAH!! You sound like my sort of woman to a T!!

      I am SO not one of those people who find it easy to stay slim. I haul my sorry arse to the gym (and a gym bunny I am Not.) and have to watch what I eat. I personally choose the 80/20 way of eating. 80% of the time I am careful about what I eat and 20% of the time, I eat what I fancy. My golden rule is only eat when I'm hungry and (ok so two golden rules) second golden rule, is only ever eat things that you really really love. Which is easy as I LOVE food!! (although am ridiculously fussy...)

      So pleased you like the blog. xxxx

  27. I second all of your p.s comments above and salute you!!

  28. It's your lucky day - rather than chucking the Brora Christmas catalogue (I'm sure they would rather it was called something posher than cataglogue!)straight into the recycling (Why do I get all these mailings that are way out of my price range - some marketeer somewhere thinks I am rich!) I had a quick browse just in case . . . and they are offering "Cashmere harem trousers" for a bargainous £298!http://www.brora.co.uk/Product/Product.aspx?WebShopCodeStr=A2&WebSegmentCodeStr=S2&WebCategoryCodeStr=CJ&StyleCodeStr=WQT01 Sadly the model isn't really selling them as anything other than tracky bottoms. Think I'll stick to the cashmere socks!

  29. Love them. But I am a big fan of the 'cuffed pant' myself.


  30. I think you can pull it off!
    Have you ever done a scarf tying tutorial? I'm not seeing anything obvious in my search of your blog. I'd love to know how you tied the M&S scarf please! :)

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