My favourite print

Whilst the floral has crept up in the runnings as a rank outsider, there is only one horse in the print race. 

A horse of the cat variety - that'll be good old leopard.  I say print.  To me it's actually a neutral.  I adore it.  I love it on its own, I think it's sublime with a stripe and I'd even team it with a floral.  Throw it all on - the more the merrier.  

It's a year round favourite and I've been wearing it now for years.  I wear it for casual, I wear it to meetings, I wear it for photo shoots, I wear it for out in the evening - it genuinely is my favourite print bar none. 

The husband?  Yup, he's not *quite* as big a fan.  I can usually hear him mutter "Corrie barmaid" or some such other twaddle, combined with obligatory eye roll.  Stat.

Except... I think the worm may have turned.  

"So how much do you hate this dress?"  (that gives you an idea of the level of "compliment" usually dished out). 

"Actually, I quite like it". 

Shock.  Horror.  And he was serious.  So there you go.  FINALLY a dress in a leopard print that he actually likes.  All the kudos to Lily & Lionel - this is the dress in question.

Kitty Neutral Leopard Print 70s Maxi Dress from Lily & Lionel £200

And here I am in mine...although I wasn't wearing this when he said he liked it - this is from a few weeks ago on a shoot I did with Lily & Lionel.  He liked it when I wore it with a blazer (see below).  The glasses wouldn't have done the outfit any favours in his eyes.  The first time he saw them as I was leaving the house, his parting comment was "So when Elton calls, what time shall I tell him you're bringing his glasses back?".  Yes, he's all the funny.

But it doesn't have to be a full on maxi.  

There are always shirt options.  These are perfect for Spring wear.  Completely perfect to dress down with jeans and sneakers for during the day, wear for work teamed with classic black and for out in the evening, just fling on heels.  And yes, I do always wear heels in the evening.  Don't ask me why - it's my day to night Wonder Woman transformation.  Think of it as a cape.

Animal Print Shirt from Topshop £36

Mink Pink Long Sleeve Leopard Print Top with Tie Back £55

You may want to wear a camisole under it, but it does make it that little bit dressier.

Ruffle Print Blouse from Mango was £29.99 now £19.99

I'm not going to lie to you - the majority of leopard love out there at the moment is in the swimwear department.  And I shall be coming to that one day but definitely not right now (you've guessed it folks - no jetting off for us this Easter).  

But this skirt from my beloved M&S is a definite winner.  And perfect for those shorter amongst us who don't like a full length midi, this is the ideal length - on most it will probably sit mid calf which looks great with either flats or heels on most people, regardless of how tall you are.

Leopard Print A-line Skirt from M&S £35

Then we come on to jackets and this is where I may have overindulged over the years.  But the joy about these is that they never got out of fashion.  They never go out of fashion.  

What I don't have though is a blue toned one.  I know lots of people aren't a fan of the tan leopard colourway so this is a real find.  Perfect with a white teen and jeans for Spring dressing.  Navy or pale blue jumper and jeans or black trousers - ideal to take you into the Autumn.  You could always wear this over an LBD or a LND (that's a little navy dress in case you hadn't guessed) for Occasion wear too.

Biba Leopard Print Jacquard Zip up Coat was £99 now £45

Accessories are always an option - the ultimate in reliability - the leopard scarf. 

Animal Print Scarf from Mango £15.99

And I can't finish without mentioning footwear.  My leopard crack of choice.

Amelia Studded Boots from Topshop £89  Oh how I adore these.  Not even I can justify them though, so can someone please buy them vicariously.

These could tempt me back into heels on a daily basis.  (Ok so I've tried to order them and they're out of stock in my size.  That's just CRUEL).

Gina V Cut Flare Block Heels from Topshop £56

Leopard Print Closed Toe Mules from River Island were £48 now £20

Or the open toe block heel stud mules which are simply amazing, also River Island were £65 now £35

The perfect flats.  Indulge your inner Audrey - black kickflare or plain cropped trews, black fitted tee or shirt and these.  Ta dah!  Your very own Roman Holiday.  Ok so I'm not entirely sure Audrey indulged in a leopard ballet flat but if I bet she would have if she could have...

Leather Leopard from M&S £35

And a sturdier loafer/slipper style.

Leather Leopard Print Pumps from M&S £35

Of course my absolute favourite - the leopard print boot.  The all year round staple.

Dune Oralie pointed toe mid heel ankle boots in pony skin were £120 now £60

And here I am, showcasing a little bit of of my leopard love. 

This was from Saturday actually - a great afternoon with my three boys (two sons and a husband - I haven't gained a son) at Bluewater for a sushi supper.  The only place we can go where all the family are in foodie heaven.  And no - my small boys do not entertain anything remotely fishy.  Thank the lord for chicken dishes.

70s Kitty Dress - Lily & Lionel
Ashcroft blazer - Me+Em
Superstar sneakers - Golden Goose
Black Tools Bag - Balenciaga

And today in the changeable weather.  It was supposed to be 17 degrees today.  It wasn't. This is the biker I bought from Zara in the sale for a complete steal.  I totally forgot I had it and found it this morning - was like Christmas.  However I soon remembered why I hadn't worn it as, lo and behold, it virtually cuts off the circulation to my lower arms.  To say the sleeves are on the tight side, is somewhat of an understatement.  I have the thinnest of lyocell tees on underneath.  I may as well be naked or wearing a tissue.  Makes no odds - the lack of blood to my hands still turned them a shade of blue. 

Lyocell tee - & Other Stories 
Midi skirt - M&S
Leopard jacket - Zara
Boots - Isabel Marant
Black Tools Bag - Balenciaga

So off to London tomorrow for meetings.  It's allegedly going to be 21 degrees.  Allegedly.  This could spell outfit disaster...  

Now talk to me about leopard - love or loathe it, fave pieces and can you ever have too much?

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15 comentarios:

  1. Love a bit of leopard - in fact about 40% of years wardrobe is leopard print. This is my latest purchase, which I imagine with a denim or leather biker jacket, bare legs and trainers if it ever gets warm enough.¤cyid=1&ppcadref=761030383%7C39786841363%7Cpla-292140612685&gclid=CN3ou968_NICFRBmGwodBQEKxw

  2. God, sorry about that massive link.

  3. LOVE the coat, but sold out in my size 😭 and my husband breathes sigh of relief... What is it with men and leopard print?!

  4. I'm not really a leopard print fan, the reason being most of those tan shades don't do me any justice. I totally get why it's considered a neutral. I do have a blouse in navy with a leopard-ish style print, and a snakeskin print scarf in blues.
    As for husbands and their understanding of style (roll of eyes here), mine told me to tuck my sweater in properly the other day, he did not get the concept of a half tuck! The fact I've been doing it for years seemed to have escaped him (probably a bit like when he asks if something is new, when I've had it and worn it for ages)

  5. I absolutely adore leopard print. I have a coat, boots, bags, scarves, a jumper... and can usually be found in something leopard print. (That really does sound Corrie barmaid. It's not I promise!) The husband tends to hate it all too although I showed him the new Topshop Falcon sandals I leopard print and he said he liked them as they were subtle! I would have thought leopard print and buckles was a step too far but wonders will never cease! Maybe there's something in the water. Or the wine. x

  6. My husband clearly lacks the class and loes a bit of leopard print. I think it harks back to my barmaid days when I really did think I was Bet Lynch :D I've never lost the love for leopard (and also snake) and have a daughter following suit. Said daughter is called Kitty so I feel a sense of obligation to own that dress not sure it'll suit me like it does you and I know I said I hate maxis but, well, it's a women's prerogative to change her mind :D I may also need to order that Mango scarf... xx

  7. I did buy the leoperd print coat biba, but had to take it back, the size 12 was too big, and the ten was to tight across the back. gutted, then i did go into zara and found a lovely black pleather short jacket with small frill round 3/4 sleeves edge, and round the bottom edge, very happy.

  8. I have the Topshop Gina shoes and ADORE the. Kicking myself that I didn't buy the light blue and the pink leopard. (They were a thing of beauty) . I hope they come back into stock.

  9. Kat, just a thought - you could open up the lower arm seams in the leopard jacket and put in a toning zip and leave the zip open.

    1. I seem to remember Trinny slitting the sleeve lining of a jacket with too tight sleeves, but that'll only help if it's the lining that's the problem.

    2. I seem to remember Trinny slitting the sleeve lining of a jacket with too tight sleeves, but that'll only help if it's the lining that's the problem.

  10. I love a leopard accent. I think I have 4 different print scarves, my ultimate favourite being an enormous soft one from Mint Velvet.

    I am wearing new shoes to my son's Confirmation tomorrow.....leopard print court shoes from Dune (similar to the boots above), teamed with a tomato-red batwing-sleeved dress and black coat from Zara with frill sleeves. I am actually breaking in the shoes as I type :) :)

  11. Okay, I need to go shopping for something leopard.....

  12. Love! Love! Love leopard. So much so I do some great rings in my boutique that are all about the leopard.
    I have never done leopard shoes/boots. Maybe it's time to get more adventurous ;-)
